@Moharu @Kiana @FreelancePoliceman @Sah Kel Plaisir @Raven Song
I will say this, though, the S-type that reminds me most of myself is probably the SLI, but mainly the part about being really lazy and liking comfort. Being so bad at Se shoots that thought right out of my head, though.

When I try to think what my role function would be, I think back to my job duty filing paperwork for the special needs children and other disabled people I work to help. While its a simple enough task: classifying and sorting paperwork into the correct part of the correct folder, then putting the correct folder into the correct drawer in the correct filing cabinet, I find this, as well as finishing filling out whatever blanks are left on the paperwork, stressful if I need to do this more than a few minutes. I have a mound that needs filed again, and I seriously may need to enlist one of my coworker's help to get it all done efficiently. I'll reward them with food and drinks if they help me. This problem with filing, though, is role Ti, isn't it?

If I'm EII, though, that makes my mother my dual, which only makes a little sense. She's an Sx-dom 1w2, so of course she's openly critical of everybody (not just me), and of course our ideological differences also causes some conflict, but I'd expect my dual to maybe less outright critical of me.

I'll also say that since I've gotten more politically active, I've come to value the concept of a partner who could play hardball with my enemies and help me bring never-do-wells to heel. They would usually be pretty caretaking, of course, but I also like the idea they could intimidate people if they needed to. I'd also like them to be more the ones to take the lead in a relationship since I'm super-passive in that area of my life, and am often unsure of my own attractions.