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    Default Split: Gulenko's typings of forum members

    seems like you people dont know what confirmtion bias is, which is hilarious after all the time uve spent in typology...

    ye, it all reminds me of the automated/pro astrology readings. ain't a good comparison but that's what this is

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    seems like you people dont know what confirmtion bias is, which is hilarious after all the time uve spent in typology...

    ye, it all reminds me of the automated/pro astrology readings. ain't a good comparison but that's what this is
    astrology is absolute BS tho.. one's observable characteristics define one's type based on categories established to explain patterns.. in astrology e_e the day one is born in establishes one's observable characteristics.. which is absolute lunacy. Its kind of annoying when ppl bring up astrology and compare it to personality theories tbh.

    example, in the chinese zodiac I'm supposed to be a fire tiger, which is supposed to be a lively, enthusiastic risk taking social extrovert full of energy and drive.. e_e I'm a super deliberate, extra careful melancholic who never does anything without overthinking it. my character flaws basically revolve around being bad a social relationships and missing opportunities, because I think 10 times before committing to any course of action. So its not a fit as it describes a type 8w7 SEE.

    I'm also a LIBRA and supposed to be like this: People born under the sign of Libra are peaceful, fair, and they hate being alone. Partnership is very important for them, as their mirror and someone giving them the ability to be the mirror themselves. These individuals are fascinated by balance and symmetry, they are in a constant chase for justice and equality, realizing through life that the only thing that should be truly important to themselves in their own inner core of personality. This is someone ready to do nearly anything to avoid conflict, keeping the peace whenever possible <== describing a 9w1 EII.

    ..e_e but equality imo is bullshit, one is either superior to others or inferior in some way, meritocratic hierarchy. I like being alone tbh and my first reaction in a conflict situation is to physically assault my opponent (if only it wasn't against the law) .. I consciously have to hold back and redirect the urge to smash into words.. which at times is really difficult as words usually fail me when I get angry. Its been something I have had to gradually learn to control since childhood :/.. peace my ass.. even in minor disputes I like devil's advocating and being a contrarian.. its not unusual for other ppl to say I'm "arrogant" for disagreeing.. but this happens as I score disagreeable on the big 5.

    so I don't see it tbh.. for astrology to work the categories would have to fit the given patterns found in the person in question. You define your "star sign" it does not define you. The auto generated descriptions are absolute bs which never fit.

    This is not the case in typology tho, you either fit a pattern or you fit another pattern. Type is determined based on your patterns.
    Last edited by SGF; 01-29-2021 at 04:39 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    astrology is absolute BS tho.. one's observable characteristics define one's type based on categories established to explain patterns.. in astrology e_e the day one is born in establishes one's observable characteristics.. which is absolute lunacy. Its kind of annoying when ppl bring up astrology and compare it to personality theories tbh.

    example, in the chinese zodiac I'm supposed to be a fire tiger, which is supposed to be a lively, enthusiastic risk taking social extrovert full of energy and drive.. e_e I'm a super deliberate, extra careful melancholic who never does anything without overthinking it. my character flaws basically revolve around being bad a social relationships and missing opportunities, because I think 10 times before committing to any course of action. So its not a fit as it describes a type 8w7 SEE.

    I'm also a LIBRA and supposed to be like this: People born under the sign of Libra are peaceful, fair, and they hate being alone. Partnership is very important for them, as their mirror and someone giving them the ability to be the mirror themselves. These individuals are fascinated by balance and symmetry, they are in a constant chase for justice and equality, realizing through life that the only thing that should be truly important to themselves in their own inner core of personality. This is someone ready to do nearly anything to avoid conflict, keeping the peace whenever possible

    ..e_e but equality imo is bullshit, one is either superior to others or inferior in some way, meritocratic hierarchy. I like being alone tbh and my first reaction in a conflict situation is to physically assault my opponent (if only it wasn't against the law) .. I consciously have to hold back and redirect the urge to smash into words.. which at times is really difficult as words usually fail me when I get angry. Its been something I have had to gradually learn to control since childhood :/.. peace my ass.. even in minor disputes I like devil's advocating and being a contrarian.. its not unusual for other ppl to say I'm "arrogant" for disagreeing.

    so I don't see it tbh.. for astrology to work the categories would have to fit the given patterns found in the person in question. You define your "star sign" it does not define you.

    This is not the case in typology tho, you either fit a pattern or you fit another pattern.
    Have you only looked into sun signs or have you ever looked into your entire birth chart as a whole? Rising, moon, etc. The houses that they fall in. I was big into astrology as a teen.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SlytherinPower View Post
    Have you only looked into sun signs or have you ever looked into your entire birth chart as a whole? Rising, moon, etc. The houses that they fall in. I was big into astrology as a teen.
    I don't care about astology, its just bs that never fits.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    example, in the chinese zodiac I'm supposed to be a fire tiger, which is supposed to be a lively, enthusiastic risk taking social extrovert full of energy and drive.. e_e I'm a super deliberate, extra careful melancholic who never does anything without overthinking it. my character flaws basically revolve around being bad a social relationships and missing opportunities, because I think 10 times before committing to any course of action. So its not a fit as it describes a type 8w7 SEE.
    You rang? I saw 8w7 SEE
    Yeah, with astrology it’s general and meant to “foretell” someone’s fortunes, luck, etc. but not about their psychology which is more personalized. I’m a water monkey and the general descriptions is mostly true for me but that’s just luck. It’s not like everyone born my year is like that, as I’ve met some who gave up on life long ago. It just so happens that Monkey sounds Se and I’m Se lead so it works. “Monkey are smart, resourceful, lively and active. At the same time, they like to show off in life and have strong leadership in doing things. They have quick reaction ability and can often act according to the situation.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiana View Post
    You rang? I saw 8w7 SEE
    Yeah, with astrology it’s general and meant to “foretell” someone’s fortunes, luck, etc. but not about their psychology which is more personalized. I’m a water monkey and the general descriptions is mostly true for me but that’s just luck. It’s not like everyone born my year is like that, as I’ve met some who gave up on life long ago. It just so happens that Monkey sounds Se and I’m Se lead so it works. “Monkey are smart, resourceful, lively and active. At the same time, they like to show off in life and have strong leadership in doing things. They have quick reaction ability and can often act according to the situation.”
    in my case as sad as it is the big 5 RLOEI and Enneagram types 6 imo describe my personality the most accurately:

    withdrawn, loner, moody, dislikes crowds, avoidant, not big on fun, socially unskilled, not that interested in others, overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings frequently, depressed, requires lots of time alone to recharge, socially awkward, hard to get to know, feels defective, averse to change, low self confidence, dislikes small talk, dislikes touchy feely types, private, not prone to complimenting others, driven by own personal gain, pessimistic, self absorbed, indifferent to the feelings of others, does not easily forgive, inflexible, skeptical, embarrassed easily, tense, lower energy level, attracted to things associated with sadness, very suspicious of others, does not believe in human goodness, interested in intellectual pursuits, does not put the welfare of others ahead of self, lonely, not known for generosity, unadventurous, doubting, quick to judge others, discontent, hard to understand, wounded at the core, believes in a logical answer for everything, worrying, uncooperative, agnostic/atheist tendencies, has anxiety, not physically affectionate with most people, feels second place is not good enough, frustrated when people don't live up to expectations

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    I'm a wood pig, I think? I forget what that means, since I haven't looked much into Chinese zodiacs. Now I'm gonna look it up out of curiosity.

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    I'd say I'm energetic & fun but I also overthink into oblivion & pretty sarcastic sometimes. To quickly summarize myself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    in my case as sad as it is the big 5 RLOEI and Enneagram types 6 imo describe my personality the most accurately:

    withdrawn, loner, moody, dislikes crowds, avoidant, not big on fun, socially unskilled, not that interested in others, overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings frequently, depressed, requires lots of time alone to recharge, socially awkward, hard to get to know, feels defective, averse to change, low self confidence, dislikes small talk, dislikes touchy feely types, private, not prone to complimenting others, driven by own personal gain, pessimistic, self absorbed, indifferent to the feelings of others, does not easily forgive, inflexible, skeptical, embarrassed easily, tense, lower energy level, attracted to things associated with sadness, very suspicious of others, does not believe in human goodness, interested in intellectual pursuits, does not put the welfare of others ahead of self, lonely, not known for generosity, unadventurous, doubting, quick to judge others, discontent, hard to understand, wounded at the core, believes in a logical answer for everything, worrying, uncooperative, agnostic/atheist tendencies, has anxiety, not physically affectionate with most people, feels second place is not good enough, frustrated when people don't live up to expectations
    Enneagrams really personal/psychological as it tackles core fears and how one operates based upon their fears. It’s a very Fi oriented thing as it pinpoints and exposes the individual’s weaknesses. No one likes their shit exposed, but you can’t grow if you don’t dig deep. I think Naranjo is ESI. Enneagram’s purpose of working on inside of the self (Fi-) and pushing away weaknesses (Se-) really fits him.

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    Yeah enneagram is basically typing your "trauma".

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    I was actually typed by WSS too. I was typed ILE. I could see p over j temperament but I read about cognitive styles and I don't think I am Causal-Determinist, though I might have to ask for more info from Casual-Determinists here. But anyway I do think I exhibit good amount of Fi too. I'm still about to check out DCNH system though. I surely don't care for ego-stroking, but I kinda need some solid reasoning for my type.
    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    I was given a small type description. I’m not sure if it is exactly ‘personalized’. But I haven’t seen that exact description that he gave me for IEI-N in the book or on the website. They may give it to others in their conclusion that receive the same type. But it was accurate for me.

    in my case, when I sent in my video, I hadn’t been doing much research at the time on socionics (and hopefully forgot a lot) or read that much into DarkAngelFireWolf69/his book to where I understood +/- functions. And I didn’t want to do a refresher that way it wouldn’t have as much of an influence on what I said. Of course it could have some, because I do know the basic theory. But imo, you are better to go into it naive that way your answers won’t be as swayed... not that I’m saying you would, but I think if you know something it could be unconscious. And then read more about his theory, the book etc. afterward to see if you think it matches. Of course, it’s up to you, but that would just be my advice

    I saw the SEE guy who thought he was SLI. I thought he seemed clearly base ,IMO. He didn’t look very happy about it

    of course I agree it’s impossible to get everyone right.
    He actually replied to my comment!! I can tell he’s given thought to what I’ve said. I’m not trying to convert him, but I hope he does realize he’s really SEE and not SLI. He’s typical of real Se leads who want to minimize threatening presence. He keeps saying he’s a pushover but he’s very direct as he publicly criticizes and makes fun of MBTI stuff, Jack, etc. That’s like me saying I’m a candyass and I’ll call people out I like him and think he’s funny, but he’s freaked out over descriptions of Se and don’t want to admit to it. I think that’s more sad when an Se lead disowns Se, much more so than those who fake Se lead.

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    Yes, and everyone has trauma, just that the psyche buries the trauma due to self-preservation in the interest of survival. In order to make the self stronger, it has to unravel the cancer to treat it, so to speak.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SlytherinPower View Post
    Yeah enneagram is basically typing your "trauma".
    No it isnt. But sounds cool

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiana View Post
    Yup. So is everyone else here, including the people who already got typed. What sets you apart from others in this respect?

    Ok, but then wouldn’t you be better able to understand the process by going through it yourself? You’ll be able to gather more data on your end rather than collect it through unreliable 3rd parties. If you’re married to your type and afraid he won’t type you as you want, then you’re in no better position to be above hobbyist nor scrutinize his typings.

    Plus, it’s his work. If I spent my life working something I’ve dedicated myself to building up and branching out, I wouldn’t let anyone know my trade secrets either. That’s also called work product, and that’s legally protected.

    Gathering info from 3rd parties here won’t really be much help. The point is he gets no benefit from people revealing his process and even then, what good would it serve you as you’re trying to undermine someone’s hard work.

    Why would it be impossible? You’re relying too heavily on the possibility of something to being the answer but cannot rationally explain why. Cognition isn’t personality. It’s not behavior, either. Although Western take on typology heavily relies on behavioral analysis and that’s wrong. Behavior is learned. Cognition is hard-wired. It’s not getting to know someone through the span of their lifetime. It’s testing a person to see how they think. That’s all. DarkAngelFireWolf69 researched enough to determine that’s what it takes. The possibility that he’s not always right is there. But who’s got his level of expertise that’s gonna challenge him? Tantalov maybe? It’s not going to be hobbyists. The Ti policing really needs to be taken down 3 notches. Not just you. But every other person who believe themselves experts and are so gun ho to correct G just because they take a passing interest in a subject that someone else dedicated their entire life to.

    You say it’s not arbitrary but don’t explain why specifically 2 videos isn’t enough. So yes, what you say is arbitrary since it’s based upon the limited information you have on G’s process and can’t adequately challenge it.

    I never claimed he’s perfect or can’t make mistakes. You come off wanting to police someone who’s knowledgeable on a subject that infinitely surpasses yours and you’re still unable to drum up the tangible arguments to challenge. I love a good challenge if there’s any merit to it but you’re gonna have to do a lot of investigating to even make a dent.

    Nope. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. Sure, people make mistakes. Again, you’re looking to catch G being “wrong” but you don’t have the ammo to take a shot. Whether people are typed right or wrong by G, they’ll either embrace it or reject it. How would you know who’s actually typed wrong if they’ve embraced it or they reject the right typing? You don’t know the process, so you haven’t an idea of where to start.
    Bottom line is I immensely respect G because of his hard work and brilliant continuation and refinement of the energy model, +/- system, and DCNH. Until you’re able to level the same amount of forceful contribution to challenge him, you’ve got nothing to stand on.
    Still into hyper defensive mode?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiana View Post
    Ok, this is what I have a problem with. Why do you want to piggyback people who got typed by G? Why don’t you spend the money and get yourself typed by him? And plus, he teaches classes so you can spend your money and learn from him directly. You’re trying to rip off his research and methods through random people.

    And no, he doesn’t ask for additional videos for anyone who’s been typed. People can be bitchass angry that they didn’t get the type that they wanted and complain to him but that’s not his problem if you psychologically built yourself up around a false identity. You assume that 2 videos isn’t enough but that’s arbitrary on your part since you don’t have the research knowledge he has so you can’t determine what his method is or why it is. And no one is almighty but so what? We’re not talking about God and so I don’t know why you brought that in, as that’s another thing altogether. We’re talking about socionics and who has in-depth expertise and knowledge, DarkAngelFireWolf69 with Ph.D and his entire life’s work for 30+ years vs hobbyists on a forum.
    Why are you so adamant on defending this guy? Youre insecure af

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Why are you so adamant on defending this guy? Youre insecure af
    Ah. Another fake SLE who literally has nothing of any importance to say but still thirsty for attention by popping in to make sure their forgettable existence is registered somewhere on the interweb.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiana View Post
    Ah. Another fake SLE who literally has nothing of any importance to say but still thirsty for attention by popping in to make sure their forgettable existence is registered somewhere on the interweb.
    better nothing important than never shutting the fuck up about gulenkos greatness. its getting really fucking annoying and you try to shut people down who critically think about this. please shut the fuck up and open your mind.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    better nothing important than never shutting the fuck up about DarkAngelFireWolf69s greatness. its getting really fucking annoying and you try to shut people down who critically think about this. please shut the fuck up and open your mind.
    You literally sound like a fucking psycho. You should take your own advice. You’re just bitchass angry because you’re insecure about your typing and jealous of people who have confidence because they got clarity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiana View Post
    You literally sound like a fucking psycho. You should take your own advice. You’re just bitchass angry because you’re insecure about your typing and jealous of people who have confidence because they got clarity.
    yeah nice projection. if im so insecure why am i not crying on here? you are insecure about your typing from gulenko and his methods and you view criticism on here on gulenko as the same criticism and doubt you have in your own mind, which is why your are trying to squash it so hard. tell me, honestly, if gulenko is so right and perfect, why are you defending him? his status would speak for itself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiana View Post
    who have confidence because they got clarity
    More important than to have an assurance in own type is why you have it. As this points on the correctness more than some incompetent noob was convinced in something on some time. There should be an objectivity to be sure in something. The objective problems with Gulenko and other typers approaches and doubtful accuracy were described before. He criticied the lack of this objectivity.
    The lack of reasonable basis for your opinion leaded to express emotional criticism not approapriate for logical theme as what is a type. Such lack of reasonable basis predisposes to mistakes. The enemy is not the one who points on objective problems in typing, but are mistakes in types which can be done due to those problems.
    To be "psycho" is to behave not reasonably, to reject thinking and to follow emotions where you should to think. An example of abnormal approach is that you do personal insult as a reaction to criticism of actions related to logical process as a typing. The emotional approach to usage of logical theory as Socionis may lead you to problems, a part of which will be wrong types.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    More important than to have an assurance in own type is why you have it. As this points on the correctness more than some incompetent noob was convinced in something on some time. There should be an objectivity to be sure in something. The objective problems with DarkAngelFireWolf69 and other typers approaches and doubtful accuracy were described before. He criticied the lack of this objectivity.
    The lack of reasonable basis for your opinion leaded to express emotional criticism not approapriate for logical theme as what is a type. Such lack of reasonable basis predisposes to mistakes. The enemy is not the one who points on objective problems in typing, but are mistakes in types which can be done due to those problems.
    To be "psycho" is to behave not reasonably, to reject thinking and to follow emotions where you should to think. An example of abnormal approach is that you do personal insult as a reaction to criticism of actions related to logical process as a typing. The emotional approach to usage of logical theory as Socionis may lead you to problems, a part of which will be wrong types.
    Finally you say something to me and you just spout the most pedantic nonsense ever. Lots of words that say NOTHING. You frame yourself as if you’re the one to judge what’s right according to your rules. Ridiculous. This forum has too many LSIs masquerading as other types. What you need to do is go back to looking for your real dual, EIE so you can impose your rules on them and then play cops and robbers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    astrology is absolute BS tho.. one's observable characteristics define one's type based on categories established to explain patterns.. in astrology e_e the day one is born in establishes one's observable characteristics.. which is absolute lunacy. Its kind of annoying when ppl bring up astrology and compare it to personality theories tbh.

    example, in the chinese zodiac I'm supposed to be a fire tiger, which is supposed to be a lively, enthusiastic risk taking social extrovert full of energy and drive.. e_e I'm a super deliberate, extra careful melancholic who never does anything without overthinking it. my character flaws basically revolve around being bad a social relationships and missing opportunities, because I think 10 times before committing to any course of action. So its not a fit as it describes a type 8w7 SEE.

    I'm also a LIBRA and supposed to be like this: People born under the sign of Libra are peaceful, fair, and they hate being alone. Partnership is very important for them, as their mirror and someone giving them the ability to be the mirror themselves. These individuals are fascinated by balance and symmetry, they are in a constant chase for justice and equality, realizing through life that the only thing that should be truly important to themselves in their own inner core of personality. This is someone ready to do nearly anything to avoid conflict, keeping the peace whenever possible <== describing a 9w1 EII.

    ..e_e but equality imo is bullshit, one is either superior to others or inferior in some way, meritocratic hierarchy. I like being alone tbh and my first reaction in a conflict situation is to physically assault my opponent (if only it wasn't against the law) .. I consciously have to hold back and redirect the urge to smash into words.. which at times is really difficult as words usually fail me when I get angry. Its been something I have had to gradually learn to control since childhood :/.. peace my ass.. even in minor disputes I like devil's advocating and being a contrarian.. its not unusual for other ppl to say I'm "arrogant" for disagreeing.. but this happens as I score disagreeable on the big 5.

    so I don't see it tbh.. for astrology to work the categories would have to fit the given patterns found in the person in question. You define your "star sign" it does not define you. The auto generated descriptions are absolute bs which never fit.

    This is not the case in typology tho, you either fit a pattern or you fit another pattern. Type is determined based on your patterns.
    you're hallucinating. do you realize you've spent the first 6 months or so since u got in actually more than that, switching types from this to that and they all fitted somehow, until a certain point smt else fitted more? 'cause i remember it as i remember how many others do the very same, and still do after many years. so it's not "you either fit a pattern or you fit another one", because we really fit more and more patterns, because that's how psychology, the psyche itself works.

    also cognitive bias, confirmation bias, call it as you wish, plays the role of letting you stick to some thing over another, which could even be supported by evidence and veridity, but often times it's not a rational and well thought out behavior, but you rely to it unconsciously, like say calling for arguments ad hominem= "if Gulenko says something it's the truth because he only knows", or it could strike some chords in your self- ego that then you pay more attention to those details..

    about astrology, obviously i didnt mean the chinese one, nor the "whats your sign?!" kind of thing, it's surely more complex even for a shallow start, and the fact you bash it without even knowing 2 things about it says tons... but yes, holy typology with its super distinct, standardized 16 types of personalities is sure better. it fits everyone, so how do you think cognitive bias doesn't work here?? uhh.

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    The only good way to be sure in your type is by IR effects with people with who you communicate much IRL. You type them yourself (>10 people) and should get good fiting to IR theory. In other case you may mistake in own type with significant chance. Also you are geting initial typing skills during this checking.

    To trust highly just to a typer, anyone of who match in typing between themselves in <50% - is not reasonably. More doubts to who uses intensively doubtful hypotheses as Reinin traits, uses own nonsense hypotheses, trusts highly to words of people which know types theory and generally are prejusticed to types said to them. Emotions will not change these issues for the objectivity, the chance of mistakes and problems from those mistakes.

    Gulenko and other typers may to type by Internet with an accuracy ~20-40%. There is nothing to suppose high accuracy at him or others, at now. To convince an incompetent noobs in something means nothing. It's just emotions. That noobs needs knowledge, skills and a data to understand own type with a reasonable basis. The good way for this I've said above.

    If Gulenko used better approach for the typing without mentioned objectivity problems, he'd typed some better than a free dichotomy test. In now situation I doubt he types with better accuracy. It's useful to get his or other typers opinion even in such situation, as this can be taken an independent source additional to tests, as all test of own kind (dichotomy, 8 functional tests) are similar. When different sources match - those traits have higher chance to be correct. But to trust highly to one typer, to what whole type he said - is not good.

    I see mistakes he did among listed in this thread. At least 2 of those noobs has doubted highly in the said types. Others may understand the mistake later, as at least a half of them were mistyped. Even if in your case he was correct this does not mean his good general accuracy and that very most of others were typed correctly.

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    If Gulenko was so powerful, how comes he not rulez the world?
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiana View Post
    Finally you say something to me and you just spout the most pedantic nonsense ever. Lots of words that say NOTHING. You frame yourself as if you’re the one to judge what’s right according to your rules. Ridiculous. This forum has too many LSIs masquerading as other types. What you need to do is go back to looking for your real dual, EIE so you can impose your rules on them and then play cops and robbers.
    Speaking for EIEs, we don’t want him.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I don't care about astology, its just bs that never fits.
    Your results may vary - personally, my sun sign and my birth chart as a whole fit me well. I don’t take it seriously as a personality theory but it can be fun to play around with when you get into the birth chart. And I’ve noticed a real life, regular magnetism between me and certain signs (Gemini, Taurus, Libra).
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Quote Originally Posted by flames View Post
    Your results may vary - personally, my sun sign and my birth chart as a whole fit me well. I don’t take it seriously as a personality theory but it can be fun to play around with when you get into the birth chart. And I’ve noticed a real life, regular magnetism between me and certain signs (Gemini, Taurus, Libra).
    I'm a Leo-Virgo cusp myself. Seriously speaking, this whole G thing has gotten out of hand, and now I understand why scientists, psychologists, and doctors I've talked to consider this a dangerous pseudoscience.
    Last edited by Sayonara; 03-23-2021 at 06:13 AM. Reason: **

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    Quote Originally Posted by flames View Post
    Speaking for EIEs, we don’t want him.

    And yet you want me as your dual LSI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by flames View Post
    Speaking for EIEs, we don’t want him.
    well my supervisees don’t want him neither. Even if I don’t like EIIs, I’m not that cruel to them to wish my supervisor on their heels.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    The only good way to be sure in your type is by IR effects with people with who you communicate much IRL. You type them yourself (>10 people) and should get good fiting to IR theory. In other case you may mistake in own type with significant chance. Also you are geting initial typing skills during this checking.

    To trust highly just to a typer, anyone of who match in typing between themselves in <50% - is not reasonably. More doubts to who uses intensively doubtful hypotheses as Reinin traits, uses own nonsense hypotheses, trusts highly to words of people which know types theory and generally are prejusticed to types said to them. Emotions will not change these issues for the objectivity, the chance of mistakes and problems from those mistakes.

    DarkAngelFireWolf69 and other typers may to type by Internet with an accuracy ~20-40%. There is nothing to suppose high accuracy at him or others, at now. To convince an incompetent noobs in something means nothing. It's just emotions. That noobs needs knowledge, skills and a data to understand own type with a reasonable basis. The good way for this I've said above.

    If DarkAngelFireWolf69 used better approach for the typing without mentioned objectivity problems, he'd typed some better than a free dichotomy test. In now situation I doubt he types with better accuracy. It's useful to get his or other typers opinion even in such situation, as this can be taken an independent source additional to tests, as all test of own kind (dichotomy, 8 functional tests) are similar. When different sources match - those traits have higher chance to be correct. But to trust highly to one typer, to what whole type he said - is not good.

    I see mistakes he did among listed in this thread. At least 2 of those noobs has doubted highly in the said types. Others may understand the mistake later, as at least a half of them were mistyped. Even if in your case he was correct this does not mean his good general accuracy and that very most of others were typed correctly.
    More of YOUR ridiculous Ti rules that you want to impose on others because you determine that your method is the right one. Uh huh. Not interested. Don’t care.

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    Not everybody needs to be professionally typed. He's not god. He's gonna have some misses sometimes. Ultimately, typing is a somewhat personal journey and experience. If somebody misunderstands something or is mistyped, but still finds value in learning the overall theory, is that really the worst thing in the world? For people to just be wrong sometimes? For people to find meaning in something that broadens their worldview, and expands their understanding of their relationships with those that they might not have previously understood? Is it really such a personal offense to see someone identify with a label that you wouldn't personally ascribe to them?

    Not one theory, not one area of study, will every completely, concisely, and neatly tuck every individual human being into no less than 7 billion "types". But some people find seeking out an expert to help them understand themselves better to be worthwhile. & if you disagree with that, why is it so hard to just say "well, I disagree, but you're entitled to think that way" and just move on to something else?
    Last edited by megedy; 01-30-2021 at 04:09 AM.
    ~we're just out here havin a good time~

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    Quote Originally Posted by megedy View Post
    Not everybody needs to be professionally typed. He's not god. He's gonna have some misses sometimes. Ultimately, typing is a somewhat personal journey and experience. If somebody misunderstands something or is mistyped, but still finds value in learning the overall theory, is that really the worst thing in the world? For people to just be wrong sometimes? For people to find meaning in something that broadens their worldview, and expands their understanding of their relationships with those that they might not have previously understood? Is it really such a personal offense to see someone identify with a label that you wouldn't personally ascribe to them?

    Not one theory, not one area of study, will every completely, concisely, and neatly tuck every individual human being into no less than 7 billion "types". But some people find seeking out an expert to help them understand themselves better to be worthwhile. & if you disagree with that, why is it so hard to just say "well, I disagree, but you're entitled to think that way" and just move on to something else?
    A lot of it has to do with jealousy and wanting to be “right” above G. Those who got typed have something definite to refer to which they have more clarity than those who didn’t seek out G. They want to catch G to be wrong on a few typings so they can use that to say his few wrong typings would somehow invalidate all the right ones.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chakram View Post
    And yet you want me as your dual LSI.
    You may be right with the notion that I would not mind that idea.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiana View Post
    A lot of it has to do with jealousy and wanting to be “right” above G. Those who got typed have something definite to refer to which they have more clarity than those who didn’t seek out G. They want to catch G to be wrong on a few typings so they can use that to say his few wrong typings would somehow invalidate all the right ones.
    well that's how a scientific approach works, on the other hand u can approach typology like a religion and pray to everything God Gulenko says without any idea of what he's saying.

    I was and am still curious to be typed by him anyway, and the more people got typed during this time the more my prejudices on his lack of worth increased. a typologyst who doesn't recognize deltas is not gonna give a faithful blueprint for any type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    If Gulenko was so powerful, how comes he not rulez the world?
    He does. We are just too stupid to notice it. Why do you think there exists hunger and wars? Because he likes to do social experiments.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    you're hallucinating. do you realize you've spent the first 6 months or so since u got in actually more than that, switching types from this to that and they all fitted somehow, until a certain point smt else fitted more? 'cause i remember it as i remember how many others do the very same, and still do after many years. so it's not "you either fit a pattern or you fit another one", because we really fit more and more patterns, because that's how psychology, the psyche itself works.
    I put that down to fluctuating self image. Ppl are a certain way, their self perception however fluctuates. There is also relativity. You don't know to what degree you are one thing or another until you have someone else to compare it to. I often find I perceive myself differently from how other ppl see me from the outside even ppl who know me well.

    also cognitive bias, confirmation bias, call it as you wish, plays the role of letting you stick to some thing over another, which could even be supported by evidence and veridity, but often times it's not a rational and well thought out behavior, but you rely to it unconsciously, like say calling for arguments ad hominem= "if Gulenko says something it's the truth because he only knows", or it could strike some chords in your self- ego that then you pay more attention to those details..
    I'll admit Guleko could be wrong, which is why I prefer the Enneagram, over there at least I know with certainty and painful experience why I'm a social type 6.

    about astrology, obviously i didnt mean the chinese one, nor the "whats your sign?!" kind of thing, it's surely more complex even for a shallow start, and the fact you bash it without even knowing 2 things about it says tons... but yes, holy typology with its super distinct, standardized 16 types of personalities is sure better. it fits everyone, so how do you think cognitive bias doesn't work here?? uhh.
    Regardless how flawed typology may be, astrology is still just superstitious garbage even tho it has some elegant logic behind it and I explained why above. Descriptions don't matter. Relying on type descriptions is wrong imo
    as ppl are too varied even if they are the same type. I do not relate to LSI descriptions, I haven't found one relatable description thus far.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Regardless how flawed typology may be, astrology is still just superstitious garbage even tho it has some elegant logic behind it and I explained why above.
    as someone who spent the last 4 years researching astrological data using the scientific method, I can say that astrology sure has truth to it. but unfortunately we won't ever be able to test typology as scientifically, because there's no consensus on anything.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Descriptions don't matter. Relying on type descriptions is wrong imo
    as ppl are too varied even if they are the same type. I do not relate to LSI descriptions, I haven't found one relatable description thus far.
    Do you relate to beta quadra descriptions?
    Join my Enneagram Discord:

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    Enneagram is not always typing a specific trauma. It's much more of a spiritual psychological system, abandoning the original self to cope with not having what was needed to develop the original coping mechanisms during the pivotal developmental years of childhood and adolescence. In very extreme cases, where the self is diluted or bastardized due to trauma, the points of the Enneagram will become linked to trauma which is why many psychologists are pretty fond of the system, but it does not type trauma in itself or specifically.

    This is what I've personally read about.
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

    Model G: IEI-CNHD
    Model A: Most likely ISFx
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    I mainly relate to the cognitive aspects of the type. Other stuff can be quite circumstantial.
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