Quote Originally Posted by Akira View Post
Mb you are deviating from the original questions:

Do you know Fe types who have never recurred to emotional abuse when expressing negative emotions?Is this most common in Fe types?

I know other types that can do this, but most Fe I know do it in the way described in the quotes I pasted. And yeah, Mb LxE do it too, after all they have Fe role.
When me and my ESE ex-bestie parted ways, he said "I can't stand this anymore, we're always fighting. I'll stop being your friend, and maybe you'll call me a pussy for this(I didn't lol). I won't make a big drama out of this." the next step was making a big drama out of it and getting people involved in his part. I am not a saint, I was slightly abusive as fuck, while he was a cunt, but after we parted ways he kept making drama about it and getting people involved while playing victim like a little bitch. I didn't even say anything, I forgot anything happened and moved on with my life. But it's true Fe egos will cry out and play victim, do theatrics about it and expect others to take their side and tell them whoever hurt them is a bad, bad guy.