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Thread: A reintroduction to my self

  1. #1
    Revelations's Avatar
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    Default A reintroduction to my self

    Hi~ My name is Silas and I've been browsing this forum for many years now. As you can see I drop in to chat from time to time (when I need some questions answered or if I'm just plain bored). I'm 33 and transgender (FTM, but more MTF-like, it's a long story). I think socionics cuts through all gender identity and sexualities, it's something primal in these relationships that you can't deny. Anyway I'm here for the time being, so nice to meet any newcomers or oldbies (who likely don't know me ^^) oh and btw Director Abbie hates me because I sent her d*ck pics. Thanks all!

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Revelations View Post
    I think socionics cuts through all gender identity and sexualities
    Socionics is about one of factors for friendship abbility.

    In the degree people perceive sexes as different for a friendship - there will be the influence of this on friendship too and hence may change types perception. For example, people of own sex can be perceived more for surface cooperations than for friendship relations; while people of opposite sex - more for a friendship. This may influence on how differently people perceive types, - as for surface cooperations is more useful to have similar type with similar skills, hence duals of own sex may inspire lesser of _personal_ sympathy than duals of opposite sex.
    If a human has anomalies related to sex - how this influences on types perception is not known still. Even the degree of influence on 2 sexes as men and women was not researched in classical theory. It was mostly said to find a pair, hence was supposed for opposite sex, while what is with own sex was secondary for theory development.

    There can be yet other reasons to prefer some types, besides functions complementation on what classical IR theory is based. For example, in case of high egocentrism and narcissims people of similar types should get additional sympathy, while duals much lesser of it.

    I saw strange results in IR test which were opposite to expected - when most sympathy was given to own and similar types, while the dual and other similar to him were placed to bottom. I may only suspect why that happen, and I'm sure in the type of the ones who sorted. In the IRL behavior of those people can be IR anomalies, as for example they may break a pair with a dual with more chance than with an identity.

    Socionics stays hypothetical. It can be partly wrong in something, or just wrong in some places. IR is also a hypothesis, which never was correctly experimentally tested to be an abbility to notice where it's correct and where works differently. There can be suprises, alike I've got in IR test.
    We may hope IR theory works as should for very most of people in most situations where they'll use it. As to find marriage pairs for men and women.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Revelations View Post
    Hi~ My name is Silas and I've been browsing this forum for many years now. As you can see I drop in to chat from time to time (when I need some questions answered or if I'm just plain bored). I'm 33 and transgender (FTM, but more MTF-like, it's a long story). I think socionics cuts through all gender identity and sexualities, it's something primal in these relationships that you can't deny. Anyway I'm here for the time being, so nice to meet any newcomers or oldbies (who likely don't know me ^^) oh and btw Director Abbie hates me because I sent her d*ck pics. Thanks all!
    I like your honesty.

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