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Thread: Question about ESEs

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    Default Question about ESEs

    Could it be that...they don't like being touched?

    It's not just whether they like to control under what circumstances they are touched or they touch someone else, but the impression they leave on other people that they can't stand their hand being held for more than a few seconds or that they rarely give spontaneous physical signs of affection?

    It runs counterwise to what it's atually written about the type but I have the vage memory of someone commenting on it a while back...

  2. #2
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    I've known only one who didn't and that person was sexually assaulted at a young age. It can be rather difficult to determine actual type characteristics, which are usually under a pile of baggage that an individual accumulates.

    a.k.a. I/O
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    Could it be that...they don't like being touched?
    in average, what you say is rather more expected from N type

    by nontypes reasons can be almost anything for concrete people
    S types have more resistance to inadequate behavior in S region. it's higher than average but not absolute

  4. #4
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    That would not be typical, no. ESEs are usually very comfortable and engaged with their physical environment in general.

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    My ESE friend hugs me a lot and we're not even best buddies or anything. And her and IEE (this one is also a very physical person) are always platonically touching each other lol
    It's probably an individual thing

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    My ESE mom is very jovial and enjoys hugging and shaking hands with people. She thinks people who don't like it are somewhat annoying.

    She's the only ESE I really know, though.
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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    So I think that I might be ESE, but it's not easy to come to this conclusion due to stereotypes/IEs getting mixed together...

    I could be completely wrong about this though, so let me know pls.....

    Strong FE and VS cognition are the two things that I relate to the most, which leaves IEI and ESE, and I don't care about the future that much, which leaves ESE.... so I'll go through how I relate to the IEs... Also I have been typed over live video by 4 ppl, and got 2x ESFP (MBTI) and 2x SEI, so ESE is not a bad guess from that alone...

    FE - I'm always very aware of peoples mood in person, and how this is not so much of course.... so I'm not a big fan of written communication.... in person I'm focused on keeping the vibes good/it not turning bad...helping ppl enjoy themselves.... but in written comms it doesn't always work...I can easily remember how ppl have reacted to stuff, so its easy to remember what kind of thing ppl do and don't like in terms of keeping vibes/moods good... I can usually pick this up very quickly with new ppl....On my own (which is most of the time now we are locked down) I'm always doing stuff to keep my own mood good without even thinking about it... music/fun videos/films... making sure I eat if I'm getting irritable...making sure I sleep enough....I'm a very expressive person, when exited about something, and the type of person that you can hear laughing at stuff from afar (can't help it....)....but other than that, i try not to piss off ppls sensory....I don't have to be the person in charge of the FE in a group... I'm more then happy if other ppl are doing it... I will enjoy/appreciate that, and let them do their thing/maybe join in....Also I don't think that life has to be one big party.... often its useful to be get stuff done, or figured out in the short term... especially if this can help you enjoy life better in the long term....

    SI - creative with sensations makes sense.... I've done plenty of music stuff, playing around with sounds.... I've played around with visuals a little bit, but not too much... I do mix food tastes that other ppl might not (interestingly Gulenko mentions this in an EIE profile...maybe he mistyped some ppl...) I'm kind of on and off with SI... Sometimes I pay attention, sometimes I'm late.... but i make sure I stay healthy as much as possible....

    NE - I think that this one gets mixed up with NI a bit, which is why some ppl think that NE is useless... I often imagine potential scenarios, to see where/how something could go... I select things in life based on their potential and then go with that...if things no longer have potential, then I will switch to something else, I also use it for fun, but it comes in really useful in life also.....

    TI - Why do ppl call this logic?? From what i understand, this is strictly static organisation/logistics (am I wrong?).... sure you can use a ton of logic with it, and create the most complex system ever...but its still just organisation......I'm very lazy when it comes to statically organising stuff, and will avoid it where I can, and yes if someone wants to do it for me, then thanks v much

    SE - I can use force to physically deal with things in my environment... I very confident in this area, but I don't want to force anyone to do anything, nor do I want to use force on ppl... strictly only for defense, if I have no choice... from experience though, if someone is using threats, I'm expecting for that person to use physical force....

    FI - I'm not the best at keeping up with relations.... I want to hang out with ppl for the fun times, and I hang out with anyone that want's too, and wants the same kind of vibes as me... as far as creating friendships though, I'm a bit slack, and they can fall off over time... As far as likes and dislikes, I like or dislike things that ppl do, and this would want me to move psychologically closer or further away from ppl... but I don't think about disliking the ppl, I just dislike some stuff that ppl do, which can or can not resolve itself over time.... as far as the GF situation, I did have a GF for a few years, and as for getting into a new relationship, I prefer not to force it... I'd rather let it happen as it happens

    TE - (dynamic organisation/logistics) I do what needs to be done... I see ppl doing a lot of maintenance type stuff at home that I cannot be bothered to do... If something breaks I'll fix it if I can, but I'm not gonna be maintaining everything that's working fine...higher TE ppls technical stuff will last better than mine, since they will put more effort into maintenance, so I have to make sure I buy stuff that will last well on its work I do my job, and put the effort in, which gets appreciated...but I don't work overtime, because I don't want to..... I've never have a problem with this, because I always put the effort/thought in when I'm working, so that I get my free time to do what I want to do.... I'm not lazy, i did a degree, and put plenty of effort into that, and have put plenty of effort into researching things outside of that/related to that...and still am....but I like to enjoy my spare time also....

    NI - I don't think or care about where I I'll be at in 1, 2, 5, 10 years....I know it must sound reckless to most ppl, but that's what it is.... to compensate I have NE though... I involve/invest myself in things with potential, as I said before, and I can play out possibilities in my head, and think about potential consequences of things; the thing I realise now must be NE, and not NI....I'm looking at potential/possibilities, not that those long term actualities...

    I don't care what type I am though, I just want to know where I fit in the system.... so feel free to tell me why I'm wrong.....

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    I’ve known a number of ESE and I can’t think of any that seemed uncomfortable with being touched. It’s difficult to make them very uncomfortable at all, I think. ESE women at least don’t seem uncomfortable with physical affection either. I’ve known one or two ESE men who seemed slightly awkward with that sort of thing, but it wasn’t for them a matter of not wanting to do it.

    IME, FWIW, SxI are more sensitive to S stuff in a way, and may have more definite feelings about how they like or don’t like being touched.

  9. #9


    @rtht forget about cognitive styles, they're too easily misinterpreted. it's better to learn about them once you're sure of your type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fairygodfather View Post
    @rtht forget about cognitive styles, they're too easily misinterpreted. it's better to learn about them once you're sure of your type.
    That's fair enough....thanks for the you see anything in my post that seems off in terms of IE's?

  11. #11
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    Someone who has a strong control of their sensory environment i.e. high Se as well as a refined Si will not really appreciate being touched by anyone and everyone.

    Being ok with being touched or moved around is more a sign of low sensing. Since they are more vulnerable to it.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by rtht View Post
    That's fair enough....thanks for the you see anything in my post that seems off in terms of IE's?
    i prefer typing off VI/demeanor but you use a lot of ellipses which makes me think IP. judging from your typing style you're definitely an introvert

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    Quote Originally Posted by fairygodfather View Post
    i prefer typing off VI/demeanor but you use a lot of ellipses which makes me think IP. judging from your typing style you're definitely an introvert
    ok cool thanks.... I just googled to see that they are supposed to be used to omit words, but tbh I just do it without thinking, and to break up my sentences, to make it easier to read my stuff, and then often put it at the end of what I say, for who knows what reason.... lol

  14. #14
    May look like an LxI, but -Te Metaphor's Avatar
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    By the Dual Nature of Man, I could see ESE as the "opposed" but similar version of LII.

    Could it be that...they don't like being touched?
    Mayhaps, although, I wouldn't say it's necessarily the case.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rtht View Post
    TI - Why do ppl call this logic?? From what i understand, this is strictly static organisation/logistics (am I wrong?).... sure you can use a ton of logic with it, and create the most complex system ever...but its still just
    Not a strictly static organization/logistics, hahaha
    it's rather uh, a categorized and systematic logic of relation that depends on information metabolism which digested from the environment (Pe ego).
    Also, as someone has said about it before, I wouldn't recommend use cognition style for typing yourself.
    Last edited by Metaphor; 08-19-2021 at 12:42 AM. Reason: OCD, grammar, and additional sentences.

  16. #16
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    Seems like the least likely type to have this, tbh.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CTzu View Post
    Not a strictly static organization/logistics, hahaha
    it's rather uh, a categorized and systematic logic of relation that depends on information metabolism which digested from the environment (Pe ego).
    Also, as someone has said about it before, I wouldn't recommend use cognition style for typing yourself.
    I'm just wondering why the word logic is used, because it implies that logic isn't used for the other functions.... the dictionary says that logic basically = reasoning..... So socionics would be suggesting for example that if someone is doing actions for FE reasons (to regulate the mood) that they are not using reasoning (logic) for their actions... is that what they think?

  18. #18
    May look like an LxI, but -Te Metaphor's Avatar
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    And then it depends on what you mean by reasoning. We all use logics but on Ti, it's rather different, since it's rather structured by its reasoning.
    Ethical reasoning would rather be based on emotional understanding (Fe) or ethical relating (Fi) according to perceived objects which are people.
    This reminds me of something, one of my friends brought up the definition of Ti valuing according to his observation:

    Ti valuing:
    Expectation or desire of an existent systematization and orderliness/structure between things. Wants a procedure of how things are made. Tends to use axioms solely, a priori argumentation, relies on understanding things corresponding to certain frameworks. Believes that objects have an inherently logical structure. Makes a categorization/classification of truths. Perceives subjects as distinct and topics are treated related to their context and interconnections. Seeks to consider comparisons between concepts.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CTzu View Post
    And then it depends on what you mean by reasoning. We all use logics but on Ti, it's rather different, since it's rather structured by its reasoning.
    Ethical reasoning would rather be based on emotional understanding (Fe) or ethical relating (Fi) according to perceived objects which are people.
    This reminds me of something, one of my friends brought up the definition of Ti valuing according to his observation:

    Ti valuing:
    Expectation or desire of an existent systematization and orderliness/structure between things. Wants a procedure of how things are made. Tends to use axioms solely, a priori argumentation, relies on understanding things corresponding to certain frameworks. Believes that objects have an inherently logical structure. Makes a categorization/classification of truths. Perceives subjects as distinct and topics are treated related to their context and interconnections. Seeks to consider comparisons between concepts.

    That sounds good.... I know it's more wordy than what they use in the definitions, but as far as trying to type myself, it's just easier for me/other ppl to say that I'm not spending much time/effort doing this, when I read something like this.....

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    Quote Originally Posted by rtht View Post
    That sounds good.... I know it's more wordy than what they use in the definitions, but as far as trying to type myself, it's just easier for me/other ppl to say that I'm not spending much time/effort doing this, when I read something like this.....

    Have you posted anything in the "type me" section?
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by D E M O N View Post
    Have you posted anything in the "type me" section?
    I haven't put anything in there yet.... I have kind of been trying to work it myself/ randomly ask for opinions...but I'm aware of my own possible bias in my view of myself, and also the bias of stereotypes/type descriptions, and even function descriptions...... The tricky thing with asking other ppl on here, is that either they type me based on how I'm coming across on here; which is not a complete picture of how I will come across IRL..... or type me based on a bunch of possibly biased stuff that I say about myself.... I'm still interested in opinions from you or anyone else though

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    Quote Originally Posted by rtht View Post
    I haven't put anything in there yet.... I have kind of been trying to work it myself/ randomly ask for opinions...but I'm aware of my own possible bias in my view of myself, and also the bias of stereotypes/type descriptions, and even function descriptions...... The tricky thing with asking other ppl on here, is that either they type me based on how I'm coming across on here; which is not a complete picture of how I will come across IRL..... or type me based on a bunch of possibly biased stuff that I say about myself.... I'm still interested in opinions from you or anyone else though

    LOL I know exactly how you feel. Just try to be as honest as you can and answer the questions and see what people say. I doubt my type all the time, and then I have to convince myself that I'm EIE over and over.

    If you get the sense that people are misunderstanding you just correct them. That's my advice. Typing myself was the whole reason I joined this forum lol.

    People can say whatever they like but ultimately you are going to know what feels right according to who you are.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by D E M O N View Post
    LOL I know exactly how you feel. Just try to be as honest as you can and answer the questions and see what people say. I doubt my type all the time, and then I have to convince myself that I'm EIE over and over.

    If you get the sense that people are misunderstanding you just correct them. That's my advice. Typing myself was the whole reason I joined this forum lol.

    People can say whatever they like but ultimately you are going to know what feels right according to who you are.
    Maybe we both have our types correct, and we are just waiting for TI doms to put the seal of approval on it

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    Yeah all the ESEs I know are the exact opposite of this and love being touched. My ESE mom says she wants to come back as a dog in her next life so people will pet her all the time etc. For ESE males... it's a bit different cuz gender roles and being touchy around males is more universally considered 'weird' and inappropriate ((I mean in American culture esp. I know in other cultures it's a lot more common for male friends to hold hands and stuff I think)), but I think it comes out more where they enjoy wrestling matches with others and things like that etc.

    to me this is saying 'IEIs I know actually love filling out job applications and answering Te questions in society.' lol

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    the ESEs i know are super touchy, to me it comes naturally to them. my ese cousin likes putting her arm around me and playing with my hand. i am not comfortable with physical touch all that much so it takes me off guard. my ese friend is also very touchy , she likes putting her leg on mine while we're talking and gets upset if i don't hug her. my ese mom is also very touchy and huggy, i never liked it growing up and my sli sister doesnt like it either lol. my ese sister doesnt seem to mind it though and SHES also huggy. all the eses i know are pretty much cuddly.

  27. #27
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    EIEs are the ones who don’t like being touched

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