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Thread: Video clips of interactions:

  1. #1

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    Default Video clips of interactions:

    Actors in Mogambo

    ENTJ - 7w8 - 739 - LIE and ESFJ - 9w1 - sx/sp - 962

    O.B. Slinko "The key to heart - socionics"

    Relations of superego are between partners whose Ego blocks correspond to Superego blocks of each other. What does this mean? Strong

    functions of your partner's Ego block coincide with your weakest functions, which constitute your Superego. Your role function is your partner's leading

    function, which he realizes through your vulnerable function that correspond to his creative. In this manner, the partner is constantly demonstrating his

    superiority in the aspects where you are weak. This unfortunate and unpleasant situation is mutual: your are doing the same with respect to him. It should

    not be thought that these relations only have a negative outcome. Partners involuntarily feel respect for one another, since your superego partner is very

    strong in areas that are problematic for you. Often both partners feel attraction and even sympathy for each other, since they can clearly see their partner's

    weak aspects. Exercising some effort to ensure that you don't hurt one another, you can establish a decent level of comfort in this pair.

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    Dick Cavett 6w5 - so/sp - 649 - EII and Dick Van Dyke ESTJ - 7w6 Sometimes Dyke gets type as Fe, but even though he is outgoing and play oriented ....I could see him as a Te-type. Any thoughts? Well, provided he is ESTJ, we have duals, here.

    (PLEASE don't take this old take on addiction and mental health as updated. We have better supports now, like naltrexone and disulfiram and probably others. AND we have reason to believe people do self-medicate with alcohol, so there maybe be cases where psychiatry or psychology can help people with addiction, though, Dyke is correct that shaming about 'willpower' is deeply ineffective.

    "The Administrator is very hard working; he rationally spends his time and does not like getting distracted by extraneous talk. He is very practical and economical. He strives to be competent in business issues, accumulating necessary information on problems interesting to him. He tends to take on too many responsibilities. So he needs The Humanist, which can suggest, which actions are most promising. The Humanist willingly helps in this work, doing it diligently and qualitatively. The Administrator does not tolerate inferior quality. He likes integrity and uprightness in relations.

    The Humanist is a very sincere and conscientious person. He readily processes large amounts of information; from this information he draws general conclusions. He knows how to distribute and schedule events in time. The Administrator usually has problems with distributing his efforts in time - sometimes he is too impatient, at other time he may become distracted by extraneous matters, postpone important issues and failing to complete them on time. He experiences this fact very painfully. He is in need of a farsighted and judicious person who could fill the role of an unimposing regulator.

    The second distinguished trait of The Administrator is his ability to take care of his family's welfare. He strives for a high standard of living. He demands quality and possesses well-developed aesthetic taste. He is a kind of gourmand, likes tasty and healthy meals; parties for his close friends or family members organized by him are distinguished by very high taste. The Humanist is very reserved in communication. He is devoted to his narrow but stable circle of friends. He possesses 'clever hands' and interest in various technologies, culinary and medical recipes. While The Administrator creates comfort on a whole, his dual perfects all the details.

    The Humanist is very attentive towards people, which is not applicable to his dual who is interested more in results of work and communication rather than in the very process. For this reason The Administrator, who is usually reserved and polite, may give way to irritation and wrath, especially when people take his precious time. At such moments he loses the feeling of tactfulness, may become blunt. He needs an ever-reserved, diplomatic and peaceful partner by his side. The Humanist softens ethical mistakes of his dual, performs peacemaking activities. By his persuasions he softens harsh behavior of the Administrator, appeals to his inborn nobility, magnanimity and conscience. By doing this, he facilitates communication with others. This helps The Administrator to keep stable the circle of his business partners.

    The Humanist also foresees well the outcome of undertakings and relations. By his advice he helps his improvident dual to avoid many mistakes, the main of which is wishful thinking, especially about health and relations with people. He recognizes well the perspectives of new theories or technologies and he is among the first to struggle for their implementation.

    The Administrator is conservative enough in his views, and without such support he tends to fall into routine, may even stop in his development, stagnate in everyday chores, or lose his spirituality, romantic feelings and interest towards intellectual novelties.

    On the other hand, The Administrator is capable of thinking clearly and logically, of noticing what’s most important, of modernizing inefficient, outdated structures or technologies. He strives for higher quality and better outcome. The Humanist needs such a partner, who switches his attention from trivialities to more global undertakings. In addition, his dual attracts him as a protector and leader.

    The Humanist is a very softhearted and sensitive person. His kindness if often misused by the others. By contrast, The Administrator is full of initiative, but does not like when others impose their own initiatives on him. He may show aggression, but hardly perceives aggression of the others. The Humanist, in spite of his indecisiveness, defends his own interests silently but impertinently, if he is sure of his being right. In practical affairs he is not very capable of protecting his interests, letting his more penetrative dual do it. He tolerates The Administrator's inability to praise, make compliments, which is caused by his insufficient understanding of individual traits and human potential capabilities. The Humanist understands this aspect and considers it to be so obvious that he does not require words of approval. He likes the integrity and hard work of his short-spoken dual.

    This dual pair is characterized by certain reticence, isolation from other people, hard work, and attention to detail, and integrity in everything."

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    Ava ENTJ - 7w8 - 739 - LIE and Burt ENTJ, supposedly

    "Valentina Meged, Anatoly Ovcharov

    These are relations between people who are very similar. They are characterized by good understanding and ease of communication. If built on trust and mutual empathy, these relations are good for friendship. In marriage, there may be difficulties due to partners' inability to help each other, since they have the same weak and strong aspects and have difficulty objectively evaluating each other's activities, goals and accomplishments. These relations are active when partners have a common interest, task, or project, where there is something to learn from a more experienced partner. Without new information these relations quickly exhaust themselves. Partners generally view each other's weaknesses with sympathy. Identical relations enable the partners to take a critical look not only at each other but also at themselves from outside."

    and a scene

    In real life these two are friends. The actors play lovers. The clip is kinda pg-13.


    Fi Se

    Last edited by nanashi; 11-29-2020 at 04:25 AM.

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    ENTJ - 7w8 - 739 - LIE and Gregory is LII 5w6



    Valentina Meged, Anatoly Ovcharov

    In these relations, it is difficult to achieve full understanding. Despite many mutual interests and common ground, partners often argue about petty details, to which they tend to pay too much attention. These relations are called "extinguishment" because partners extinguish each other's initiatives - sometimes by highlighting their shortcomings, other times by their inability to further and support such initiatives. With such a partner, it is difficult to find considerable support for one's projects, but it is always interesting to exchange opinions, suggestions and requests. Contrary partners get along better when they work separately, since together they pay too much attention to minor mistakes of each other. Such criticism are received especially painfully in the presence of strangers. Third partner upsets this delicate balance even more. If someone's personal interests have been infringed upon, these relations can fall apart. They are more tolerant at a certain distance. With close and prolonged contact, fatigue and irritation set in due to protracted disputes.

    I.D. Vaisband, publications on Socionics

    Partners communicate well when they are interacting one-on-one, occasionally feeling amazed by originality of each other's insights and approaches. However, a third participant often upsets this balance. Partners look at the same problems from completely different view points. Where one observes external properties of an object, the other observes its internal properties, because for the other partner the functions are oriented in completely different direction. It is as if they talk in different languages. Communication thus becomes rather superficial. It is very difficult to do something together and coordinate actions because attention is lacking even in details. Partners often feel attracted to one another, mainly due to sense of mystery which fuels their mutual curiosity. In families formed between contrary types partners often find it difficult to reach an agreement, which strains these relations.

    O.B. Slinko, "The key to heart - Socionics"

    Extinguishment partners are very much alike. Their interests often intersect over a very wide area. However, those functions that are in the creative block of one partner, form the Id block of another. Thus, your extinguishment partner talks about those things that you implement subconsciously and find too commonsense to talk about. This can be re-phrased as follows: extinguishment partners have opposing views on same topics. Often such a partner seems attractive; he has much in common with you, and at the same time is able to offer a fresh and very different approach. Thus, friendships and romances between extinguishment partners are quite common. In marriage, extinguishment partners start to experience difficulties when a child appears in the family. This triggers relentless competition between their opposing views, which previously seemed to be innocent and only brought some spice to relations. Presence not only of children but also of any third party tends to upset the balance in this pair.

    and a scene:

    and the same pairing in another film:

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    Activity Partners if typed right (ILI woman and ESI man)

    Activity Partners with same enneagram

    6w5 - so/sp - 649 - EII and SLI 6w5

    he references ILI 5w6 (?) Dennis Hopper as disagreeing on the director beint the end all be all

    SLI Heston also talks about work of ENFx - 4w3 - sp/sx - 478 Orson Welles
    Last edited by nanashi; 11-29-2020 at 03:51 AM.

  6. #6

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    ESI Newman SEE Taylor


    "Valentina Meged, Anatoly Ovcharov

    Partners positively evaluate each other's creative work, accomplishments, as well as concerns and doubts. In these relations it is good to check correctness of each other's statements. Desire to learn from each other manifest. But warmth in these relations is lacking. Partners may try to teach each other, to impose their own views. They are so similar yet so different from each other that they may try to resolve and remove all differences, but this is not possible. Usually discussions are peaceful and do not worsen relations. Closing distance, irritation may arise from inability to fully convince your mirror partner in your point of view. In addition, both people usually understand each other well enough to be constantly of interest to one another. They are capable of providing each other with sympathy and help, however, this help is not always effective because they are not able to fully complement each other's weaker points. Mirror relations are favorable for discussions of common topics of interest and problems that are solvable, however, expect that each partner will keep his own opinion." wikisocion

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    Conflictors Gollum LIE (with life destroying addiction) and Sam worried SEI

    Semi-Duals Gollum LIE and Frodo exhausted EII

    Benefit Sam Beneficiary and Frodo Benefactor

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post

    Conflictors Gollum LIE (with life destroying addiction) and Sam worried SEI

    Semi-Duals Gollum LIE and Frodo exhausted EII

    Benefit Sam Beneficiary and Frodo Benefactor

    This explains so much!

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    movies are about characters. types are about real people

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    movies are about characters. types are about real people
    Yes, Sol. And some authors and screenwriters create characters that are based on real psychotypes.

    People have been typing more well-written characters for a very long time.

    HOWEVER, you seem to be missing the point. Aside from one clip above, I shared types of ACTORS who are often typed based on sometimes decades of out of character interviews and their approach to different characters, etc.

    Most, if not all, of these were sourced from personality database. I include wikisocion descriptions of the type interactions and short clips with pairings so that we could see them in action.

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