Actors in Mogambo
ENTJ - 7w8 - 739 - LIE and ESFJ - 9w1 - sx/sp - 962
O.B. Slinko "The key to heart - socionics"
Relations of superego are between partners whose Ego blocks correspond to Superego blocks of each other. What does this mean? Strong
functions of your partner's Ego block coincide with your weakest functions, which constitute your Superego. Your role function is your partner's leading
function, which he realizes through your vulnerable function that correspond to his creative. In this manner, the partner is constantly demonstrating his
superiority in the aspects where you are weak. This unfortunate and unpleasant situation is mutual: your are doing the same with respect to him. It should
not be thought that these relations only have a negative outcome. Partners involuntarily feel respect for one another, since your superego partner is very
strong in areas that are problematic for you. Often both partners feel attraction and even sympathy for each other, since they can clearly see their partner's
weak aspects. Exercising some effort to ensure that you don't hurt one another, you can establish a decent level of comfort in this pair.