Last edited by necrosebud; 12-02-2020 at 05:43 PM.
I think the band is playing a variation on this song when she walks on to the set: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uMGH3kHhzM
Kamala Harris - INFP Yesenin (Same personality type as Jennifer Lopez)
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Same type as Tina Turner
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Sounds more like a piano version of guitar intro from this (with some modifications): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TngViNw2pOo
Kamala Harris - INFP Yesenin
Tulsi Gabbart - ENFJ Hamlet
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Se base. leaning towards SLE at the moment but SEE is possible.
I've changed my mind to SEE-N
she is very involved in communication, especially with children. she knows how to engage them, often gives compliments and inspires them. she even wrote a children's book. loves to dance with them too
knows how to entertain. very expressive and always seems focused.
She remains INFP Yesenin
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SLE-Ti. Both of her parents were involved in the sciences. She seems more Ti valuing than Fi valuing. Has a greater focus on achievement than many SLE-Ti.
I read some things that indicated she was pro-crime control and had prosecuted people, disproportionately, for drug crimes, but then the wikipedia article makes her sound like more of a civil libertarian.
She is VERY smart, creative, and beautiful and has a good work ethic. But the thing I read that she did about drug crimes were bad. And the death penalty shouldn't be ruled out completely, it's what I'd want for myself and the state can do things a lot worse than death; it seems like a reward to me. And she's just barely black.
I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.
I like to say "Kabbalah Harris" just cause it's hilarious.
Ahem someone suggested ESE to me and I agree. One glaring sign of Ti valuing is how she didn't like Biden but was later like, do you not understand how debate works? It's not about personal feelings. It's about the Ti.
That's true, it's about logically defeating your opponent, even if you hate them, even if you find them dispicible, it's their arguments that matter and if those arguments can be defeated. It's not personal.
She's a lawyer, she was trained as such, she gets it.
I don't know, Tulsi seemed only concerned here with how Kamala's decisions effected certain people and the ethics behind them. Kamala ignored that and instead talked about her "decisions" and how she's reformed the "system" and that she's proud of her choices, while denouncing Tulsi intentions as theatrics. She doesn't actually care about those people Tulsi is talking about and she doesn't believe Tulsi is serious. Doesn't sound Fi valuing at all, probably SLE like everyone else says; it jives with experience too. They can a bit too callous with their logic.
Tulsi is like the girl you want to help and make sweet love too. Kamala is like the Dominatrix that's going to tear your ass up, whether you like it or not.
Yeah, Tulsi and Kamala are pretty different, where did silke see a similarity?
I know that they're both Beta ST creative function subtypes [EDIT: only Tulsi is, I made a new post below elaborating on this], but Tulsi is awesome, fair, honest and calm and pretty principled and very rational and independent (based upon her own experiences and not trying to jive with or manipulate public opinion), while Kamala is thin-skinned like me and would change her mind about things in a heartbeat and really just wants power unlike me. She wants everyone to think she's the best. While she's way smarter than me, she's not as unique or as emotionally and logically independent as a Tulsi or a Ron Paul.
Tulsi's Ti mimics or leads to excellent use of her role function, she's better with Fi matters, morality than I am with them as my base function.
I don't think Kamala would be as pro-war as Biden is going to be though. But both scare me.
Last edited by Disturbed; 07-20-2021 at 03:32 PM.
I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.
Kamala Harris IEE
Tulsi Gabbard EII
I like IEE for her- I hadn't considered that one but her eyes do look IEE.
Time to write a 16types Adventures story where I battle her.
she wanted to jail parents for lazy children.
her own father is ashamed of her
she gets along very well with children and emotional interactions
seems unlikely that she has Fi as vulnerable function. an IEE threatening parents seems also unlikely
I don't think so. a type with Ne as base function would think more about all the reasons why kids skip school, all the possibilities that would lead to such a behaviour, especially with Fi as creative function. for example, they might think about the possibility that these kids live a life with constant struggles, with little money, a lot of stress and interpersonal problems within the famliy etc. kamala harris on the other hand wanted to take direct actions that force kids into school by threatening parents with jail time, which seems like a clear Se approach to me.
it's not only force, it's that fact that she took direct, concrete actions without thinking about possible reasons for such a behaviour. Se is the concrete, factual perception of reality. you live in the moment, and notice all the things that are in your surroundings, including power dynamics. you see a person and judge how much power he or she has over others, and how you could use that information for your advantage. you notice whether or not you are strong enough to pressure another person, or how much pressure you can apply in a situation to get what you want.
wait, hold up, she really said this?
I guess I could see it either being warped Fi where she sees parents taking poor action (Te) with their children and blaming the parents (Fi); or it could be some kind of reasoning that it's a parent's job to motivate their kids, so they are at fault (a less warped, but perhaps flawed Ti). Does she ever explain this? I'm really curious.
Take us through this perp walk. What happened?
She was in her house one morning, and the police showed up and handcuffed her. She had time to put on a jacket over her pajamas. And when she was walked by the police out of her apartment where she lived with her daughter, there were news cameras waiting, and she was booked by the police. What she said to me was that she was shocked. She was really floored. And she said to me, "You'd swear I'd killed somebody." It felt to her like a really excessive show of force for what was essentially a misunderstanding between her and her child's school.
Wow, that's really fucking stupid. And I guess I found her reasoning
https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-...417-story.html"I believe that a child going without an education is tantamount to a crime," Harris said in a speech to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. "So I decided I was going to start prosecuting parents for truancy. Well, this was a little controversial in San Francisco.
Let's see if I got this right
Problem: Child misses school and "that's a crime".
Her Solution: So just blame the parents? Seems like she didn't consider the Te circumstances that complicate who is at fault and it also shows with her history as prosecutor in blocking evidence against those that were innocent.
I mean does anybody really like Kamala? I knew I didn't like here before, but I didn't quite know why she rubbed me wrong, she just seemed like she is too sure of herself or something. It's nice to have some flesh to the intuition. Thank Anubis for this thread.
Kamala Harris's socionics type is probably SLE-Se. There are clear differences between her and Donald Trump who is the logical subtype; Kamala Harris is more collectivistic, less playful, and less creative, and she is less personable than the logical subtype is (Donald Trump can hold conversations better). The logical subtype has better social skills and tends to troll more and is more hedonistic. Also, she doesn't have as good of organizing skills as Donald Trump did, she doesn't do things on the fly like he does. She's aware of and prefers to keep or strengthen the status quo more than the logical subtype does.
She doesn't have visions and creative-analytical abilities like, say, Theodore Roosevelt and Otto Von Bismarck did.
I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.
I don't want her as my dual she's disgusting.
Beta NF seems IEI to me eh I can see EIE too but that’s about it!!
Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?
I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE
Best description of functions:
Kamala Harris INFP Gorky
Absolutely sure she will replace the national athem with a Jennifer Lopez (INFP) song.
Cancel Culture Forever
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not entirely sure, possibly ESTx
In her empirical ratings, Harris scored highly on the traits of “dominant,” “narcissistic/confident,” and “outgoing.”As a more nondeliberative leader, Harris would be inclined “to force decisions to be made prematurely,” lose sight of her limitations, and place “political success over effective policy”Despite his findings, Immelman acknowledges some uncertainty. “The area that gives me the most pause,” said Immelman, is that Harris “is somewhat lacking in ‘gravitas’ – a shortcoming not evident in Pence. Harris sometimes has a slightly unserious tone, even when addressing serious matters.” For Immelman, this makes for incongruence between the content of what Harris says and the facial expression and body language she employs when she says it.
IEE-Ne 9w1 SO/SX
9w1 so/sp SLE-Ti David Duke: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd69pe_cL08
9w1 so/sp SLE-Se Joseph Kony: https://youtu.be/scMHLWzGOd0?t=550
9w1 so/sp LSI-Ti Bashar Assad: Syria conflict: BBC exclusive interview with President Bashar al-Assad (FULL) - YouTube
9w1 so/sp LSI-Se Ayatollah Khomeini: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArW8BGv1RyM
9w1 so/sp LSI-Se Osama Bin Laden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OewSYhsQ0VU
9w1 so/sp SLI-Si Che Guevara: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5X0L_SPgoE
9w1 so/sp SLI-Te Jesse Lee Peterson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igZsHjhpZc8
9w1 so/sp LII-Ne Keith Raniere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_c...&v=vsxHKDgvhYY
9w1 so/sp LII-Ti Russ Hudson: https://youtu.be/-Sdfvbx46_g?t=52
9w1 so/sp LSE-Si Pierre Trudeau: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62rSCSOsGxc
9w1 so/sp LSE-Te Jack Oliver Aaron: Jack Oliver Aaron - Sensory-Logical Extravert / Socionics SLE / Archetype Center (youtube.com)
9w1 so/sx ILE-Ti Otto Warmbier: American Student Held in North Korea Delivers Apology (youtube.com)
9w1 so/sp EIE-Ni Lynette Fromme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-fJGxTfeqI
9w1 so/sp EIE-Fe Jan Helfeld: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObebwaznpLE
9w1 so/sx SLE-Ti Brad Renfro: https://youtu.be/vV5pxCUlTSU?t=6
9w1 so/sx SLE-Se Abby Martin: https://youtu.be/JgGq-N8Q7d0?t=10
9w1 so/sx ILE-Ti Cristina Rad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF7J1ya7Kb0
9w1 so/sx ILE-Ne Destiny: https://youtu.be/30IsMqmHhLw?t=95
9w1 so/sx SLI-Si Alexei Navalny: Interview Excerpt: Russian Blogger Alexei Navalny (youtube.com)
9w1 so/sx SLI-Te Malcolm Shabazz: https://youtu.be/F_K3kECuaDc?t=62
9w1 so/sx ILI-Te Alexander Litvinenko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj9YzwPAA_M
9w1 so/sx IEE-Fi Leslie Feist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PLAj1akTwQ
9w1 so/sx IEE-Ne Kamala Harris: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqyDgeKcO04
9w1 so/sx SEE-Fi Stormy Daniels: https://youtu.be/ZVJyTx70yf8?t=92
9w1 so/sx SEE-Se Mark Almond: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwp8k...eature=related
9w1 so/sx SEI-Si Mary Roach: Most craziest American Idol contestant ever, Mary Roach (youtube.com)
9w1 so/sx LSE-Te Jessica: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRZNeXg9n6c
9w1 so/sx SEI-Fe Keith Beukelaer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRiYtW1KRdo
Last edited by Kill4Me; 08-01-2024 at 12:26 AM.