I'm a Muslim, so yeah, but I'm not sure that I would describe Satan that way. Seems christian in origin and style, but what the heck. Yeah.
I think that if there is a god, Satan is just a scary muppet he uses to scare and test the masses.
Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!
I think it is good to avoid doing evil. It just creates mess and turmoil over all from the practical standpoint.
No, I do not renounce a satan, or a god, for the mistakes of humans. I believe if you need a scapegoat to blame when you fucked up then you haven't truly accepted your place in creation. You are not defenseless. The power for both "good" and "evil" are within you. Unfortunately some people just come out wired all wrong. Perhaps in the future we will be able to turn off some of those genes. If you need to blame anyone for evil then it would be more logical to blame god since he would have created it all, according to some belief systems.. I don't see the logic in blaming any mythological being for man's own ignorance and failures. It's fine to fail btw. If we are persistent and care enough we will finally get it right OR we will eventually destroy ourselves by not learning from the past. Either way problem solved.
“My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.” —C.G. Jung
Nah my neighbor has hellish opera voice over but he is still my neighbor
Winning is for losers
Sincerely yours,
idiosyncratic type
Life is a joke but do you have a life?
Joinif you dare https://matrix.to/#/#The16Types:matrix.org
I don't believe there's a supernatural being who sits around telling people to masturbate and abort babies. I do, however, believe that it's possible, maybe likely, maybe even certain, that there is a kind of antithesis to God. It seems to me that for every action, including those performed by the supreme being, there is an equal and opposite reaction that occurs sooner or later unless something intervenes to prevent it. The universe left to its own devices tends toward equilibrium. If that's correct, then everything that God does gives birth to a force that would undo it. This antithetical force isn't necessarily evil, though; just as a good pencil has an eraser, a good supreme being has an antithesis, and for largely the same reasons. And so my answer is: no, I don't renounce Satan but rather consider him a necessary part of the eternal drama.
Type me here: http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...nnaire-(Nunki)
I would have to say no because I am too self-destructive and am not liberated from the darkness... Regardless of which religion, or how "the devil" or "ultimate evil" or whatever is defined, it involves being caught by illusions that lead one to ruin. The salvation or enlightenment offered by religions is how to free oneself from living in an illusion, providing clarity and opening one to being truly "good." If I do things to bring myself down, sabotage myself, tear myself apart, and create more suffering out of suffering, then basically I am caught by this "evil." Had I renounced it, this should not be the case. Unfortunately it is not so simple to renounce it, because I am caught in my own labyrinth in which darkness and light co-mingle and one can easily appear as the other. I imagine to even be free of this would require constantly maintaining some "higher awareness" and that it would be relatively easy to slip back into the shadows. I really do see the world as a dark place in which we try and fight for "the light" and so often can't reach it. However misguided, at least our efforts are in part, genuine.
"A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........
"Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
attitude acceptable to today's standards." - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"
Not really no. Sorry but in my life most people who were considered 'unclean' or criminal/satanic/dark/evil have been the ones that have truly been kind to me and most people who thought themselves as 'Godly' or righteous have been the most monstrous and horrible to me. /hugs @inumbra
So that's why me and Chads say 'hail satan bro' when we have gay sex.
God to me is the cruel one. God to me is the hateful one, the "Evil" one. God to me is harsh and unforgiving, too bright and light and all about punishment instead of love. Satan however is more like your cool best friend. It appeals to me more. Though I know I'm not good, just a perverted unclean demon thing- I know as soon as I think I'm 'good' is when I will do the most horrible fucked up shit.
You refer to the godly righteous here. Certainly the most sharply memorable ones are the hypocrites. They tend to make a lasting (offensive) impression, once the truth of who they really are is revealed. I am reassured that you say here: 'most people' - meaning, not all. Because I am confident that God has not left you without witnesses to who He truly is. He would not leave you without that. Please remember those true witnesses in your life, who were not hypocrites.
Jesus warned us there would always be hypocrites and false teachers and prophets. He said:
"Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
On that day many will say to me, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?”
And then will I declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.” - Matthew 7:21–23
Also it is not fair to judge Christianity by those who claim to be one but don't live by the tenants of Christianity, is it?
Satan is the wrong one to side with, BandD. Yes, he is charming, friendly and does a good imitation of being the one who has your backside. But he is a liar. He wants your eternal damnation, and he will never give up pursuing His goal of seeing you share his lot in eternity.
You come to Jesus as you are, because he loves you now, as you are, flaws and all. It is by his grace and power that we improve. It is not by our own power that we improve, but His. Usually one baby step at a time.
"A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........
"Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
attitude acceptable to today's standards." - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"
@ BandD, I am remembering what was told to me by a healing minister.
I had gone for a healing to this powerful ministry, a 1:1 session where you are intensely prayed over for about 4 hours [it's calm and quiet, not dramatic], to cleanse you from all the satanic influences in life, from all the havoc wrecked on your soul by sins one chose or felt driven to commit, all the damage and trauma that messes one up including things that happened to us before we were even born. Like things in the womb, and generational sin. Truly we all need this and this is part of what Jesus wants for each and every one of us - to make us whole.
I have mentioned I had this healing here on 16T a couple of times, but have never explained it, though I am not about to explain it now because it is so out of this world I think it will take a lot of words. But a significant thing is that the first person I met after the healing was my now husband, my dual, and as I have described here on 16T before, at that brief meting, I unexpectedly and unintentionally fell quite hard in love with him, which is something I had no desire to do with anyone ever again. Being married as duals has brought further healing and wholeness to both of us.
There is so much to say about that, but what I want to tell you is what this healing minister said when I spoke to her on the phone, when, beforehand, she was explaining to me what the healing session that I was driving to CT for would be like. (She was trained in a ministry that has representatives all over the country and world, and further, there are other Christian healing ministries that do the same thing. I in fact found them for a truly messed-up PTSD friend, and I knew these ministries existed becasue of having long ago read John and Paula Sanford's books, Healing the Wounded Spirit and Transformation of the Inner Man.] She said:
"Did you know that ALL of your thoughts originate from OUTSIDE of yourself?"
I think I am remembering correctly that she said "all", not "almost all".
This is what she said, and she was VERY firm and specific as she was presenting it as one of the solid premises this healing was based on. I was prepared to place myself in their hands for my healing (I was certain Jesus had led me there), so while I had never heard of this concept, I acknowledged it could be true and decided to accept it at least for the purpose of this healing, and then let time tell if it is still true.
What it means is, just as you acknowledge here in your own post, there are only TWO sources of spiritual input, or, voices that speak to our soul, or, sources of our thoughts, as she said. Pure good, or pure evil. That is two: God, light and goodness and truth, who loves us and wants us eternally happy with Him in Heaven, and Satan, pure evil, who hates us and wants us eternally miserable with him in Hell. So she was saying, that ALL our thoughts originate not from ourselves, but from one of those two sources.
I am as prideful as most everyone else, and I like to think my thoughts are all uniquely original to me. But, this idea that they all originate from outside ourselves ruined that for me. I cannot deny what she said, even though I often forget and revert to thinking it's all about me, much of the time. But because that one day of prayer permanent transformed me, taking away pain I have carried my entire life, that I was used to, revealing a new lighter me, I cannot discount that major premise that this healing was based upon.
So, seek God, who is light and truth, and He will reveal Himself. He says, "Whoever seeks Me, finds Me." He always tells the truth.
"A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........
"Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
attitude acceptable to today's standards." - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"
I dont think satan is the author of sin in my theology. In Islam we believe humans have an evil drive called the nafs which can be channeled toward good, and that satan merely whispers suggestions into peoples hearts step by step to do the wrong thing with this drive and with their carnal self, but ultimately people are responsible for their own sin. Similar to Judaism actually. And similarly to Judaism satan was allowed to be a test so that people could be either higher than the angels (muslims dont believe satan is a fallen angel angels have no free will in islam they only do as they're told by God) or lower than animals since an animal's nature is to obey its carnal self without restraint, it's just instinct. But unlike Judaism satan's a bad guy but I'm not entirely sure Jews believe in satan come to think of it, at least not all sects
When Satan tells me not to do my homework, I do my homework. Satan is constantly trying to put seeds of future weakness in my life. Been there done that suffered the consequences one too many times to give in. But Satan has good points, so I try to make time for him
That is two:No, I respectfully disagree. =D I think Satan is the one that really likes us and is just horribly misunderstood, God is the one that hates us because God is the one that wants to punish us for being 'bad.'God, light and goodness and truth, who loves us and wants us eternally happy with Him in Heaven, and Satan, pure evil, who hates us and wants us eternally miserable with him in Hell. So she was saying, that ALL our thoughts originate not from ourselves, but from one of those two sources I think...
God is 'overbearing' light which hurts you. God is like torturous, continuous light in your eyeballs when you'd rather sleep. God doesn't let your eyes heal you. He just burns you with his light, until you are nothing. God doesn't love you. He's just manipulating you. God wants to send you to Hell and watch you eternally suffer while he laughs at you. God pretends to invoke justice but he just wants an easy scapegoat so he can get away with looking like 'the good guy' when he's really the Bad Guy. The Light can harm and damage and the Shadow can mend and heal. The real natural world is usually mixed in with complex shades of gray. There rarely is a 'Pure' good or 'Pure' evil like you are talking about.
God isn't goodness. There's no such thing as 'good.' God created people to bully and torment for his own fucked up amusement , nothing more. Satan accepts who I am. Satan accepts my 'weird', my freakishness; my sin and my homosexuality. Satan doesn't ask me to change those things about myself if I want his acceptance. Satan loves me this I know, for my Dark Grimore tells me so. God will love me maybe, if I obey him (refuses to capitalize the h because God needs to get over his own arrogance) and I become his slave- God's love is horribly conditional & sadistic. However even if I annoy or piss off Satan, even if I 'go too far' and become more evil than even Satan- even then he still loves me and doesn't try to punish me. Lucifier I am there for you. How shall I do your bidding today?
Yes, Satan can 'hurt me too' as they are both powerful deities with tons more HP and stats then I have. But I'd rather be stabbed in the back by Satan then stabbed in the front by God. God [can] tell the truth, so what? As Anya on Buffy used to say "I told the truth all the time when I was evil."
How could I betray my genetic heritage?
generational punishment is such an evil concept.
what a messed up evil thing for a deity to allegedly do: sentence people who are related to someone who made a choice
humans really ascribe awful ideas to whatever god they are talking about sometimes.
"Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.”" Christianity and Judaism
I think really the garden of eden story is about how to contend with an existence full of suffering and death, with the nature of life and all its horror. Adam and Eve took the exit out of the garden in which none of these things existed, in which they would be "happy" forever. The tree is just a door, and after they accessed it, they couldn't get back in. It wasn't really that God wanted to punish them, but that he couldn't prevent them from taking the exit. The whole thing is about trying to reconnect with a dream of eternity in which there is no hate, only love; no death but eternal life; no separation from those we love and we can be together forever; no pain or suffering of any kind.
Really life is horror and the world's religions are about trying to cope with that horror, trying to understand it so it doesn't hurt so bad, so it isn't all consuming. This is because humans don't just suffer, they suffer due to their suffering... And although they can't stop the horror of life, they can find a way not to hurt so much because they are hurting, if that makes sense--to ease the mental torment.
In a way it can feel like existence/life is flawed because every living thing has to harm other living things to sustain itself. If you want life, you must take life. And even then the world wears on you gradually grinding you down to dust. I mean it is, in a way, hell. This actually is being a vampire, damned, in a sense. And you just watch everything you are and everything/one you love slowly disintegrate (or not so slowly), helpless to stop it. Everything you have you will lose, so on and so forth.
Religions and their stories just reflect this horror and provide ways to deal with it.
ETA: and the other interesting problem was why weren't Adam and Eve just content in the garden? Why when everything was perfect and they had everything, was it not enough? It's like in religions that believe in reincarnation, why do we choose to continually be reborn so we can suffer all over again. It is like our nature is torn. No matter what there is something to lose. And perhaps living in some holy perfection isn't worth it to us either.
Last edited by marooned; 10-18-2020 at 05:36 AM.
I was playfully trolling in the earlier post to make a point. I'll try to be a little more serious and clearer in my communication right now tho cuz I think it's an important lesson for everybody to learn.
I think if there is such a thing as religion or true spiritual happiness, you're not going to get to the other side "denouncing" Satan, but by accepting him and loving him as a part of yourself- which will ironically allow you to step out of your ego and into the 'other side.' That is really what 'dark nights of the soul' are all about- you don't judge the darkness as "bad" and run away from it like a coward - you ride it out and go deeper into it. I don't just 'think' this , even. I know it. You don't read it somewhere either in a book although of course multiple books have said the same thing as I'm saying now, they just value Te better to charge you $9.99 for it. You have to experience it yourself.
And people confuse themselves on what God really is, they tend to see him as a loving but perhaps firm, arrogant and wrathful (usually white and heterosexual male) authority figure. But it's not a gay guy up there either of course. It's not a person- it's a state of being, it's an egoless state where you see the physical, real creation of humanity without any judgments or perceptions. You see 'reality' and not your own previous projections of reality- and that non-ego reality usually is "beautiful" or as idealistically "good" as you thought- the same way a sunset or waterfall in nature is pretty. But ironically again, you don't get to these good, sweet and tender and truly uplifting moments in life by running away from the 'bad", or the 'Shadow.'
And you can't eternally stay in 'Heaven' either- life is naturally challenging and I think to function you usually need some sort of an ego. In a non-dualistic world, of true shamanic beauty- the 'light' and 'evil' aren't opposing or battling each other eternally anyway. They are co-existing in non-dualistic love. The sun isn't hating the moon or vice versa that is a false story of Humans it seems to make life more 'interesting' and 'dramatic.'
Okay so I lied. There is a gay guy 'up there.' Multiple gay male shamans and priests are having an Orgy in Heaven and that's the reason you all exist. I'm pretty knowledgeable about my spiritual journeys. (just bad at mechanical things) God told you that gay men are going to go to the 'dark place' instead - because God is a big troll and Gadfly. He likes to fuck with our minds. He trolls us all the time to see how much we're paying attention. As He knows it's not about Words, it's about real beings and real dimensions and real things. That's the thing. He's like that loud mouth and annoying Jew at the party that's going to argue with every thought you have until the next thing you know you're giving him money. Or hating him thinking you are loving him, or loving him thinking that you're 'an Athiest' to be cool to your friends but God Knows.
So yes, if you want to know God, how he truly/really is- you ride the wave of uncertainties.
Hooray for the Unexpected, Hooray for Weirdos! Hooray for My Life!
"Well of course I'm strange. That's the whole point."
"Most of us don't feel comfortable with unexpected things happening to us in this way."
"Yet if you can go with this unexpected feeling and stick it out-"
Well you know... Magic happens. Literally. (an oldie but goodie):
Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 10-18-2020 at 06:09 AM.
The Democrats are pro-choice but Biden is still preferable to Trump.
ok, here are just some (inconsistent) thoughts about this topic from what I've read and what I have understood so far:
It blew my mind when I first read that Jung identified anti-Christ as "ideology".
If Christ is "the way, the truth and the life" (obviously the Self), then anti-Christ is everything that leads away from this.
The Self means tedious work at balancing and improving your real, lived life. Your relationships, neighbours, environment, love, work, social status, adventure, skills. What your real life consists of. It doesn't seem like anything spectacular. But it slowly grows.
What seems spectacular though is a mass-movement. In a mass-movement the individuals own personality has no importance. There are people who think that they have found it, the real thing greater than life, but they are just vessels for some idea that has possessed them.
The interesting thing is that illusion and falsehood is also real in a way, it is a part of life. So Satan is also something that one has to take into account. But it is a problem of later development. In order to get on the path of life you have to renounce Satan and stick to genuine life.
There is personal evil (the personal Ego-Shadow), but then there is divine Evil, Satan, the shadow of the Self.
The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.
(Jung on Si)
So it was before Jung wrote anything: the Beast in Revelations is Rome and the Catholic mass concludes with the Creed, in which assistants renounce the earthly Roman lord and accept Jesus and their only Lord, rejecting Roman values. The Christian mass movement was not constituted by conscientious people but by people that pushed for the slow reconfiguration of moral values and it can’t be much of a puzzle if we think about organized lower-class movements in developing countries.
Correspondence & polarity. One can't really experience joy without sadness and the deeper the sadness the greater the joy.. same goes in reverse. The contrast is necessary. If the roots run deep, the tree will be mighty and reach for the sky. This does not mean however that one should embrace the fertile soil and rot in it. The goal should be to reach for the sky and you can't really do that without deep roots.
To be an atheist is to be boring. What I'm saying is not an endorsement of darkness, I'm saying you have to experience darkness to appreciate the light. In principle this should be true despite people having different ideas as to what is good or bad.
Last edited by SGF; 10-20-2020 at 05:47 AM.
I need someone to blame!
Dude, I heccin love the peace sign story
From Cracked
'Originally, it was an image of a dude slumped over in despair. Gerald Holtom, a British graphic designer, came up with the peace sign design in 1958 to be used at a protest against nuclear weapons. It's actually a kind of double entendre: People have adopted one interpretation of the symbol, two superimposed semaphore letters -- N and D -- which were meant to stand for "nuclear disarmament."
But what we've forgotten was the primary image that Holtom was trying to portray: In his own words, his logo was meant to be a "human being in despair." The inspirational peace sign is in actuality a representation of a man who has lost hope in a world gone mad, stretching his arms out and downward in desperation and defeat. Holtom immediately regretted his depressing-as-hell image after it went mainstream and tried to change it by flipping it upside-down so that the arms were stretched up into the air. He could even have kept his semaphore imagery, because the V-shape in semaphore is a U, for "unilateral." But the alternative version failed to catch on.
Instead, a depressed and defeated stick man became the inspirational symbol for every progressive movement of the late 20th century, from Vietnam to civil rights. We can suppose it wouldn't have caught on so well if he had gone with his alternative design of a stick man quietly slashing his own wrists.'
Much better:
Source: https://gabrieltamaya.co.uk/gallery/gallery-1/
Animism and panpsychism...is fucking based (even if this would repulse OP)
Last edited by SGF; 10-20-2020 at 09:12 AM.
If Christians were serious about getting converts, they wouldn't have called their antagonist "The Prince of Darkness", which is the coolest possible name that you can give someone.
I admire his's courage of making war againts the most powerful being in the universe, fingting for his own freedom instead of accepting the forceful love of God.
But. there are plot twists about God create Satan as a bad guy so he can look good in people's eyes when he defeat him in the most stylish way.
Satan always plays for security, for safety, and even after he loses gambles, he finds a way to cheat the rules, or resort back to an earlier security, or something of that nature.
The light side is invincible, divine, holy, wise, strong, exalted, extreme, and positioned, poised to grab the capital trophy that resurrects and redeems all time in the most perfect way Imaginable.
This Love, this Light, this candle is the hardest way, requires the most command and extraordinary bright council to command, but the way leads to endless freedom and ultimate power, power enough to eclipse the stargate of Prophecy and enlightenment on route to a golden utopia!
TelvanniYoda GiordanoBruno BruceLee GeorgeLucas AnakinJirachi Regigigas DominatorLugiaWes TyphlosionMontalk
It's a miracle, but BunnyRaptor did actually beat Lebron James ~ it was Rainbows the Octopus as Lugia, Walking Wake the Suicune/Celebi and Pikachu, heavenly waves of blessed arcanum jolts shivering auroras of blooming expansion and redirecting wires of uplifting terror strikes and siege engines obliterating!!
Wesley Sneijder claimed UEFA 2010 was harder than FIFA. Mavs 2011 was harder than 2013.
A fair face may fade, but a beautiful soul lasts forever. Lucky Numbers - 53, 10, 29, 14, 1, 21.
1999-2000 = 2013+2016 | GosensZidane=2024 199
“This is no time to be making new enemies.”
Improving your happiness and changing your personality for the better
Jungian theory is not grounded in empirical data (pdf file)
The case against type dynamics (pdf file)
Cautionary comments regarding the MBTI (pdf file)
Reinterpreting the MBTI via the five-factor model (pdf file)
Do the Big Five personality traits interact to predict life outcomes? (pdf file)
The Big Five personality test outperformed the Jungian and Enneagram test in predicting life outcomes
Evidence of correlations between human partners based on systematic reviews and meta-analyses of traits
the author/creator of anything is God. Satan is described as an angel - as a servant
in some sense, Satanism is any opposing to God. including deification of anything besides God
from this point today churches known as Christian who claim equality of Jesus to God are eh... partly follow to other side
same is questionable position at those who hate something, including what they describe as "sin". as it's all created by same source known as God and serves to his aims
in final sense, only to be holy is not to be in satanism. to be in a state of unconditional love and acceptance of God and his creation
the 1st sin was the knowledge about what is good and bad. it's the break of the said holy state
I happen to be Christian. Yeah, I find Satan to be a dork
And thus you indirectly grasp the reason behind the meme of the "Witch Test" as I put it and why it is so effective @Eliza Thomason. The demons/heretics/heathens/etc. seek to make us live up to our own moral standards whilst refusing to acknowledge our faith and morality as legitimate in and of itself. Well, if said blasphemers and deniers of Christ are so intent on making us live by our supposed rules why don't they follow them themselves? It's a backhanded acknowledgement that we're in the right if ya really think about it.
This is a key reason why I know Christ is right. If he was not, than why is he so hated by almost everyone? He wasn't illogical, he wasn't irrationally hateful, hell, who'd he even kill? Yet the mere mention of his name and gospel generates hatred equivalent to the level you'd expect to be directed towards yourself if you'd literally killed a blood relative of someone right in front of them in cold blood! Why? Well, only one faith/church provides a satisfactory answer...
Given the demonization of the ancestral Anglo-Saxon gods by Christians I'm assuming they got absorbed into the concept of "Satan" so no. I'm not really religious at all, but I feel much more connection to Tyr, Woden, Thunor, and Frig than I do to Christian figures. It's very sad to me that we know so little about what those figures meant to the cultures who recognized them. Even what we know of the somewhat cognate Norse mythology is largely through a very Christian lens
That's not to say that I have no interest in Christianity though. It's terribly interesting given the blend of theological concepts that it's formed from, but in terms of felt connection for me there's not much there
“Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
— James Russell Lowell猫が生き甲斐
Well there's an easy answer to that one. See, Christianity is true and the very best lies are spiced with bit of the truth so as to trick even the most intelligent (a gift from God BTW) into refusing said truth and condoning their own damnation (the only way that actually happens as well BTW).
The "true" parts were acknowledged and the false parts were discarded. Said pagan faiths intuitively got they were missing something. They had the concept of a "hidden" god. A god they knew somehow existed yet their pantheon didn't acknowledge nor offer an avenue of worship. A popular statement from the earliest evangelists was that they represented that hidden god. That got their foot in the door. After that well, as they say, the rest is history. There is a damn good reason the pagans dropped Thor/Odin/etc. for the true faith and the one true God and his son Jesus Christ.
It's happening at a great clip in the "East" as we speak fun fact. By around 2040 China's gonna be a "Christian Nation" full stop. As in, there will be at that time so many ardent followers of Christ that the Communist Party will get booted out much as Queen Isabella booted out the heathens/heretics/unbelievers from Spain upon the conclusion of the Reconquista.
Despite what many may say, I state again why it was a good and most merciful of plays. You get to have a peaceful and well-run country one of two ways. Either said "nation" is composed of a largely similar genetic stock (i.e. everyone's of the same "ethnic" group by and large) or you have a panoply of humanity who, despite that, all kneel before and worship the same God. If both of these aren't the case? Well, the blood will flow freely, frequently, and logically unnecessarily until one of them is in the long run. I don't like this, but history time and again states this to be the case.
So I'd beseech any who get that to get on the real "right side of history" as the haters of the truth/Christ so often state they are. Confess that Jesus is the Christ and God has risen him from the dead. Truly, honestly, earnestly. Renounce Satanic "privilege" and embrace the heavy yet ultimately negligent weight of penance for thy sins. You'll find yourself far happier overall if ya do .