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    Default Thread Split: Time for me to derail

    Last edited by Vex; 02-03-2021 at 01:38 AM.
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

    Model G: IEI-CNHD
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post

    Except for within socionics, the typology community as a whole looks down on sensing and fetishizes intuition.
    I wonder why socionics is different in that regard? Regardless, I have a couple IEE friends so if someone here wants to type me as that I'll take it as a compliment, because all the IEEs that I know are fun & chill. People on the forum really entertaining themselves talking about me. Hilarious that that's really what people spend their day doing when I wasn't even originally in this convo.

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    @Vex @SnatchYourWeave why y'all have such an interest in me?

    Also, @FreelancePoliceman thought I seemed Se valuing in private conversation, so it's not just @sbbds opinion.

    Are SLE/SEE's supposed to like drama? I'm not that type of girl regardless of type. It's why I mostly steer clear of women, or at least the type that like to be clique-ish.

    But if y'all need something to do, carry on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SadParty View Post
    @Vex @SnatchYourWeave why y'all have such an interest in me?
    FWIW, sbbds conversation with me could be summed up as "If I write up a post, someone liked it, and then I deleted it, did that post ever truly exist?"
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

    Model G: IEI-CNHD
    Model A: Most likely ISFx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    I never said any of this here or anywhere else and I'm surprised anyone would take it like this. Of course I'm going to focus on my interactions most of the time, but I'm not going to expect other people to focus on my interactions. I never said or implied that anywhere. I was literally just talking about my interactions with her, since this is what I usually base my typings on.

    Your argument doesn't make sense either, because you've made typing recommendations for people without "proof". Which is hypocritical, especially considering how I haven't seen you ask for proof regarding anyone else's type either.
    What about it is nonsensical? I’ve provided proof when asked for it. I’m certain I’ve asked for proof from others at points before too. Even if I hadn’t, you’re free to explain how that would confer being hypocritical.

    Odd that you're obsessed enough to look for these posts (which I've mentioned multiple times, but you keep passively aggressively ignoring, that she's meticulously deleted to project a certain image), but I can't be bothered to search for any
    Um.. I didn’t go out of my way to look or search, actually. It’s just common sense that they’re going to be there out of 200 posts on this forum.

    It’s odd that you’d assume I’d have done that or to describe someone as “meticulously deleting something to project a certain image”. I literally don’t understand where these impressions about her are coming from (hence the 4D Ne typing), which is my motivation for asking you for examples.

    You asked for reasoning and I gave it in 2 or so posts. It must have been good, because after that you've been hung up on "evidence" ever since because you know it isn't there, and you've since dragged it out by asking all these nonsensical questions that border on surreal. And now you're trying to pin the mess you made on me. You started the discussion, I responded since I was trying to get clarification. But you bastardized it with all these nonsensical questions.

    In any case, I don't think people are "supposed to be convinced" by what I say. I mean, I did put effort into what I wrote, but I'm not treating it like law. It's just my line of thinking regarding Valued 4D Ne and Demo Ne, as someone who is usually typed as EIE. If people don't agree with my typing of her, all is well, but I hope the information I typed up can at least provide some insight into the differences between 4D Ne.
    You seem to think being asked for concrete proof on a discussion forum is “surreal” and “nonsensical”...

    I did think your reasoning was potentially sound, which is exactly why I asked for something concrete to reference it with. Otherwise all I have to go off of is your own (or our own) impressions and memories, which are of course going to be biased.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    FWIW, sbbds conversation with me could be summed up as "If I write up a post, someone liked it, and then I deleted it, did that post ever truly exist?"
    No. I’m showing you that you need to be able to back up arguments about people with evidence in general. Obviously I didn’t question that those posts at one point existed. What I’m questioning is your memory of specific interactions, which are bound to be biased, which you’re basing your opinions on.

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    Stop, I can only get so aroused from the sheer tension in this thread
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
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    I didn't meticulously erase certain posts. I did want my type me threads gone, because I was done with them & not looking to be typed. I just deleted as many posts as I could, before I stopped to do other things irl. I wanted to mainly be done with the forum & was trying to erase my entire existence on here, for the most part.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SadParty View Post
    I wonder why socionics is different in that regard?
    I think the consensus is that it’s because it was created by alpha NTs and they perceive beta to be the next rung up in quadral progression from them. Also ideas on politics in the USSR and political leaders from there.

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    imo my ENFP guy friend is way more "metaphorical" than me.. but ok..

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    Quote Originally Posted by SadParty View Post
    Actually, on every other forum BUT this one I've had my type(s) that I consider for myself for months without ever changing them. I use this forum mainly for something to do because I'm bored, so I figure why not have some fun with a type me thread(s)? Also, I've been mainly into mbti/enneagram, & even though I've been typed in socionics on another forum, I figured people here should know their shit more on socionics & it doesn't always directly line up with someone's mbti from what I've heard, so I wanted to see if people here had the same or different impression. People take this as wishy washy or that I need opinions, but really it's just a hobby pastime for something to do. Also, I like to pick people's brains for fun. People saw that as Ti seeking, but I'm very good at logic when it comes to being analytical on anything I have an interest in & research & think a lot about. Regardless, it honestly don't matter what people type me here or what they think of me. I'm done with the typing threads, too. Plus, anyone on here that i care to have more convos with, I'm doing so in a more private setting & not for the whole forum to see.
    Funny how this didn't get responded to. Guess I typed this for nothing. People just talking about me instead of to me I see. Passive aggressiveness at it's finest.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    It's not that, it's how you asked for it. You asked me to provide proof of posts that were deleted. How was I going to do that? Then you ask me to fish for other posts which my analysis wasn't about. What's the point of that? Then you just circle around different topics on "proof" to pointlessly argue, which is completely frivolous and detracts from the point.

    How does a person get through life without making their own conclusions? Without referencing their own memory? With always needing "answers" to be shown to them all the time? Proof can be interpreted many many ways, and it's why I never cared to show it for years.

    Really though, just comes off as a slap in the face to continuously ask for "proof" and get hung up on it when there is none available that's relevant to the context, or some sort of passive aggressive move. That's all I have to say on that.
    Okay, so you are upset about making highly specific negative assessments of people based on your memory, and being asked for *some* kind of objective evidence about them. Any at all. You can’t provide it, and yet stay on your high horse and continue to call others passive aggressive and meticulously image-curating, among other things, framing others as being in the wrong.

    Not sure what the bolded is getting at but sounds personal and d33p. Interesting IMO to not care about concrete proof/evidence while being Se valuing, although I guess it’s probably as much if not more about Te.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    Thank you for finally cutting the bull and getting to the point. Maybe we will actually get somewhere instead of "evidence is needed even if it's deleted".

    I wouldn't say I made any negative assessments of anyone. At least, I didn't feel that way.
    It’s not bull. What’s bull is making specific negative evaluations of people without evidence and trying to pass off as not talking out of your ass, and being uppity about being called out for this in general. This is what I’m talking about, re LMFAO:

    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    I see this a lot in her trying to get typed, as how she would try to bend people's argument's against each other without really using structure or logic, more to deflect things and keep herself entertained.
    ^ From the Unofficial Members Pictures thread

    Even now, you're still going on about the damn "evidence" when I've told you there is none on the site that applies to what I said.
    I’m glad you could finally directly admit this and cut through the bull.

    You could have found posts of hers currently existing that would have hinted at this behavior though, or at least provided a better argument on why you think she would have “meticulously deleted her posts to create an image”.... these are highly specific assessments which you aren’t backing up at all here. What you are doing is being toxic and passive-aggressive. It doesn’t register to you as something wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    Dude. You really see that as a negative assessment? I've heard much worse hurled at others, even me on this site, and it was hilarious.

    I thought I made it explicit multiple times if I mentioned that threads were deleted, so was the evidence, etc. Sorry if people can't put 2+2 together.

    Yeah, I get what you've been saying and repeating. But those posts that she's made where I haven't interacted with her are NOT what my assessment was about. It would just be hypocritical of me since it would be bending my argument to fit behaviors of hers that I didn't even know about, literal witch hunts, which isn't even fair on her behalf. And that was what I "criticized" her about. I don't really see me as being toxic or passive aggressive, just getting to the root of things here instead of "is the evidence up? if it's not then this never happened" and parroting that over and over after I reply "Yeah. What about it?". Yeah, I understand what you mean in any case, memory alters things, but dude, circling on and on and on about evidence just because of a perception, what a fucking mess.

    Anyways, glad we could get to the bottom of this dumbassery.
    I was just trying to figure out where exactly your shitty, toxic attitude towards her originates from, but apparently you are just shitty, egotistical and defensive overall.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stance View Post
    I can see why SadParty deleted her threads and why she reached out to the mods... Yikes. If I was a newcomer, I would wanna shut down this shit irregardless of my type. Goodness gracious.
    No, it was to meticulously curate an image! Don’t you understand??

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    No, it was to meticulously curate an image! Don’t you understand??
    Vex puts more thought into my online "persona" than I do. Somehow I attract semi hating stalker like people on & offline. Which I don't understand cuz I won't even be talking to them, & they just pop up out of nowhere. I'm almost getting used to it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SadParty View Post
    Vex puts more thought into my online "persona" than I do. Somehow I attract semi hating stalker like people on & offline. Which I don't understand cuz I won't even be talking to them, & they just pop up out of nowhere. I'm almost getting used to it.
    It’s usually related to past personal issues/triggers and to boredom lol. I know, I hate stalkers.

    You should change your name from @SadParty to StalkerParty. LOL

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    It’s usually related to past personal issues/triggers and to boredom lol. I know, I hate stalkers.

    You should change your name from @SadParty to StalkerParty. LOL
    Lol I should

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    I think what people are missing at this point is that I legit don't have any beef with LMFAO/SadParty. It's a part of the reason why I didn't want to go through her posts, which weren't even related to what I wrote up. I just got beyond aggravated with how sbbds got chaotic with the circular and nonsensical "evidence" reasoning. I think people are missing that.

    I'll believe SadParty if she says she deleted the posts since she said she didn't want to be on the site. I didn't see the post on the previous page when I was arguing with sb.
    Thank you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    I think what people are missing at this point is that I legit don't have any beef with LMFAO/SadParty.
    I wonder why.

    I just got beyond aggravated with how sbbds got chaotic with the circular and nonsensical "evidence" reasoning. I think people are missing that.
    I’m glad I could make you angry after I made you laugh.

    I wonder why you think “people are missing” that but it might be like why you think people are “missing” other things you think exist.

    I'll believe SadParty if she says she deleted the posts since she said she didn't want to be on the site. I didn't see the post on the previous page when I was arguing with sb.
    Just like I’ll believe you’re referencing real things about SadParty deflecting others’ logic (and somehow doing this without logic herself??), even though the evidence got deleted. And just like you could see other things like the above so well too.

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    This thread got hella derailed. Guess this thread has become my new type me thread, without me making it so. Regardless (however it was intentioned) I don't see being an Ne dom as an insult.

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    @Vex If by “typo” you are going to be as petty to point out how I wrote “like like” instead of “be like”, you must not mind sharing that it would have been incredibly retarded of you to be unable to figure the meaning out for yourself.

    I’m typing from my phone on a 56kbps connection.

    Anyway, you have consistently been making posts containing negative comments towards or about SadParty / LMFAO, saying things like “she would try to bend people's argument's against each other without really using structure or logic, more to deflect things and keep herself entertained” and “she's meticulously deleted [posts] to project a certain image”. That you deny them as being negative or critical doesn’t change the fact that they are being seen as such by others. You don’t seem to have any proof to back up your opinions. You’re free to your own opinions, but to constantly keep bringing them up with negative comments in unrelated threads could be construed as bullying.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    Yeah it's not an insult. People will talk shit on all the types but that's only due to the fact that they're bored. SLI is a cool dual, and IEE and SLI is one of the most harmonious dualities afaik. I was just trying to bring structure to all the wild typings that were out there fwiw, and maybe learn some things myself. I really got thrown into a frenzy with that repetitive "Does evidence exist if it has been deleted" posts so oh well lol.
    Tbh my interest in socionics doesn't come from a romantic interest standpoint. I also wouldn't be purposely seeking out my dual, like it seems like many people on this forum do. It is an interesting way to analyze the people around me & have a better understanding of someone's thought processes, but I'm not using it as a way to spot & seek out a certain type. It does let me better understand the people I do come into contact with, though. I actually prefer people a lot more similar to myself. I do enjoy watching YouTube videos of dual couples though, just to see what the interaction is like.

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    So someone who wants to play with everyone with their own rules is Fi creative. This seems like fractured viewpoint already. So I fail to see why they would like lead masses in first place as their own goal.
    The role of diplomat or politician (SEE)/psychologist or advicer (IEE).
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    @Vex If by “typo” you are going to be as petty to point out how I wrote “like like” instead of “be like”, you must not mind sharing that it would have been incredibly retarded of you to be unable to figure the meaning out for yourself.

    I’m typing from my phone on a 56kbps connection.

    Anyway, you have consistently been making posts containing negative comments towards or about SadParty / LMFAO, saying things like “she would try to bend people's argument's against each other without really using structure or logic, more to deflect things and keep herself entertained” and “she's meticulously deleted [posts] to project a certain image”. That you deny them as being negative or critical doesn’t change the fact that they are being seen as such by others. You don’t seem to have any proof to back up your opinions. You’re free to your own opinions, but to constantly keep bringing them up with negative comments in unrelated threads could be construed as bullying.
    I also always type from my phone, so I go back & edit posts too. Especially when typing fast to keep up with certain convos.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    I'm confused by most of what you say. I can admit that.

    You do realize that "bringing up proof" of "negative opinions" would just be "bullying"? And you literally wanted me to do this many times! Which I'm very uncomfortable doing...

    You say "I keep bringing up opinions" about her. But you literally asked me for them iirc. What is negative anyways? Do I have to sugarcoat everything? "She tries to make herself more likeable". Ok, well don't most people? I think you're getting paranoid because of things that happened in the past. My blow up was at you, not her.
    You can’t even give any reference as to why you think negatively about someone, and on top of that, it was your *only* reason for typing her Ne leading that you gave. So of course providing evidence for that if asked is relevant in a type argument. If you are unable to provide it, that’s your bad, not mine.

    You were the first one to offer criticisms. I obviously didn’t ask for them, so I’m not sure why you’d try framing me for those, and yourself, the criticizer, as having clean hands here. Oh wait, because you’re toxic and gross, I remember.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    That does sound like a pretty healthy way to use socionics. I think when people get too caught up in chasing after a dual, they can miss out on other people who may just as well be compatible. In socionics, there's a huge idealization towards duality, but TBH there's nothing wrong with liking people who are similar to you. A lot of people do see socionics as a cheat code to look into people and understand them better, haha, which is cool.

    I will admit, even though I can be pretty critical of how duality is handled (even though I still think it's fine), videos and pictures of duals are pretty cute. And their interactions are interesting to analyze.
    And if you idealize anything too much, I don't think it's healthy. Seems like it could lead to disappointment too. I find it more useful to understand why misunderstandings happen between people irl &/or improve upon different functions yourself. Along with other things too, of course. Some dual couples are definitely adorable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    Yeah yeah, parrot the same shit, because look how well that ended on the other page.

    You clearly asked for my thoughts here which lead to all of this (and it's what I was referencing to). I'm not trying to frame anyone, I'm literally just clearing myself.

    No u.

    I asked for your thoughts. I was genuinely curious. That’s not asking for negative opinions though.

    If you give negative opinions related to type, you should be able to back them up, period. Not be dismissive and show no remorse for it.

    Otherwise, it’s easy to use type as an excuse to make shitty judgments of others.

    I’m glad you’re trying harder to make friends now though. Hopefully it’s genuine this time.

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    God - Master Troll. Which type is that?
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    Default Your typing of forum members

    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Do you not realize how ironic it is to call me illogical and not a sensing type, yet not be able to back up any of your statements with concrete evidence from my posts?

    I think your tattoos are nice btw. I just thought it was ironic also to claim others think they are a “badass type” condemning them for it, yet in the meantime you also type yourself a badass type and superficially match the image of a “badass” so well.
    Dude, you can’t fake cognition. I’ve seen plenty of your posts and you don’t make any attempts at theory analysis which is a big part of Ti but frame your arguments based your personal impressions and relationship to others which is Fi. SLE have PoLR Fi and don’t use Fi to frame nor justify their reasoning. You typed LMFAO based off of relating to her, which is an Fi thing. That’s called card stacking. You vaguely said you’ve been on this forum for 10 years and no one has typed you an NF, implying that the silence of laypersons not contesting your SLE typing is “proof” of your claim. That’s a logical fallacy, argumentum ex silentio. I know I cornered you when I brought up your weird over-investment in defending LMFAO’s Se typing as a telltale you’re defending your typing. I know you were trying to cover your tracks because you made strong claims you relate to her and she must be your type. Then you attempt to shift the burden of proof to anyone who challenges LMAFO as an Se type. You shifted the burden of proof to me that somehow it’s my job to disprove you’re SLE when there’s no evidence that you are SLE to begin with. That’s two more annoying logical fallacy you’ve made, including argument from ignorance.

    I know I’ve frustrated you when you started your appeal to hypocrisy by making the snide comment about my tattoos in relation to my typing. I know you were implying that I’m doing the same thing as you and that I’ve self-type myself as SLE and catered my image to fit the “badass” stereotype. That made me laugh at your desperate attempt at grasping straws by deflecting. Unlike most people on this forum, I’ve already been professionally typed. I was typed at the start of this year by WSS. Sol asked me to post a typing video and I posted the link to it. So no, SLE isn’t my self-typing, it’s really my type from an objective, reputable socionist. You can look for it and see if my upper body tattoos were there or not. Since you deal better with speculative info rather than direct, HINT: the last time I was tattooed was 4 years ago and it wasn’t on anywhere visible. I first got exposed to Socionics 10 months ago. Do the math.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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    sbbds - SEE Donald Trump Gulenko SnatchYourWeave subtype
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    Dude, you can’t fake cognition. I’ve seen plenty of your posts and you don’t make any attempts at theory analysis which is a big part of Ti but frame your arguments based your personal impressions and relationship to others which is Fi. SLE have PoLR Fi and don’t use Fi to frame nor justify their reasoning. You typed LMFAO based off of relating to her, which is an Fi thing. That’s called card stacking. You vaguely said you’ve been on this forum for 10 years and no one has typed you an NF, implying that the silence of laypersons not contesting your SLE typing is “proof” of your claim. That’s a logical fallacy, argumentum ex silentio. I know I cornered you when I brought up your weird over-investment in defending LMFAO’s Se typing as a telltale you’re defending your typing. I know you were trying to cover your tracks because you made strong claims you relate to her and she must be your type. Then you attempt to shift the burden of proof to anyone who challenges LMAFO as an Se type. You shifted the burden of proof to me that somehow it’s my job to disprove you’re SLE when there’s no evidence that you are SLE to begin with. That’s two more annoying logical fallacy you’ve made, including argument from ignorance.

    I know I’ve frustrated you when you started your appeal to hypocrisy by making the snide comment about my tattoos in relation to my typing. I know you were implying that I’m doing the same thing as you and that I’ve self-type myself as SLE and catered my image to fit the “badass” stereotype. That made me laugh at your desperate attempt at grasping straws by deflecting. Unlike most people on this forum, I’ve already been professionally typed. I was typed at the start of this year by WSS. Sol asked me to post a typing video and I posted the link to it. So no, SLE isn’t my self-typing, it’s really my type from an objective, reputable socionist. You can look for it and see if my upper body tattoos were there or not. Since you deal better with speculative info rather than direct, HINT: the last time I was tattooed was 4 years ago and it wasn’t on anywhere visible. I first got exposed to Socionics 10 months ago. Do the math.

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    I’m aware about your WSS thing and know SLE isn’t your self-typing alone, nor did I ever say it was. I am not even gonna read the rest of this tbh with you. I have had zero problem with you until you started to explode at me in the Member’s Photos thread.

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    Look, I don’t care what type you are or what LMFAO is or what anyone’s type is. I didn’t want to say anything from the beginning because I could tell you both would deflect, obfuscate, and play victim if direct honesty and structure is demanded. And sure enough this is the mess. I get it, this forum consists almost wholly of hobbyists so there’s a lot of stereotypical info being passed around. Attacking Vex wasn’t cool either, especially since she sincerely took a lot of time to explain her reasoning based in cognitive theory which you both purposely buck and dismiss.

    Online typology forums is rifled with mistypes. My main source of frustration stems from the fact that most people don’t understand the purpose behind typology, let alone how to honestly self-type. The general reasoning for cognitive typology is actually simple- to explore your mind and understand yourself. This is merely a tool for self-improvement but the reality of typology is extremely brutal. It’s meant to strip away your defenses and expose your weaknesses, because problems arise for the individual due to their weaknesses, not from strengths. The layperson almost always uses typology (of any sort) to coddle and validate their fixations of delusions rather than work on throwing away their delusions. The utility of typology ends up being abused and mishandled as a security blanket. So then I ask, what’s the point? Why bother learning bits and pieces of theory just to morph it to bolster your ego if you want to be any type of your choosing? That’s dishonest and illogical. You can lie to yourself but don’t pass off your lies to others.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    sbbds - SEE Donald Trump Gulenko SnatchYourWeave subtype

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    I'll apologize in any case if it ceases this argument.
    Thanks. I’ll take that as a sign you apparently understand where I’m coming from. I don’t have any problems if it’s actually genuine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I’m aware about your WSS thing and know SLE isn’t your self-typing alone, nor did I ever say it was. I am not even gonna read the rest of this tbh with you. I have had zero problem with you until you started to explode at me in the Member’s Photos thread.
    Ok, if you’re aware of my typing is from a reputable outside source, why act like my typing was self-typed like yours? More blame shifting and avoidance of the issue. You threw off the photo topic by making wrong inferences and twisting my words about what I said about duality and kept pressing me to explain myself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    Ok, if you’re aware of my typing is from a reputable outside source, why act like my typing was self-typed like yours? More blame shifting and avoidance of the issue. You threw off the photo topic by making wrong inferences and twisting my words about what I said about duality and kept pressing me to explain myself.

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    I didn’t ever say it was only a self-typing? Why do you think I acted like it was?

    Notice that some other people liked my posts in there where I was trying to ask you to explain yourself. I don’t think my inferences were unreasonable at all. I didn’t even disagree with you, I just said I had different experiences at the end.

    In fact I liked some of your posts in there, and was one of the first if not the first to like your photo post in there, while I noted that you didn’t even like mine. I’ve liked some of your posts elsewhere on the forum too. Even though you’ve exploded at me multiple times with textwalls like this and typed me EII (lol), I’ve been cordial to you. My comment about tattoos wasn’t personal, it was to highlight possible contradictoriness with regard to what you said about others’ values. I’m not sure where you’re imagining ill will from me, but if you’re going to continue being like this and replying to me to get my attention, I’m just going to block you.

    Also, I don’t think Jack Oliver Aaron is infallible either, though I do agree with most of his typings and like him as a person.

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    Inb4 another explosion which I don’t care to respond to, but I think SnatchYourWeave may be LSE.

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