Firstly i wrote one text, but i had to change it. I'm very emotional and act like ESFj sometimes, which i'm not cause i am good at coming into new ideas and inventions ( i usually invent two free things per day), so i couldn't use the idea that you are actually ESFj who scored as ESFjs dual, time to time it happendes. So now i'm quessing that you are ENTp actually. I think that you are E cause in Extraverts stroy the stroy teller is usualy in center of attention.You are logical, but not falling into deep analize or complexity like metaiwan does, who is INTj, so your logic seems to be strong, but not showing much attention. You seem to be good at noticing strong sides of something or giving evaluations how good something is so this is much like Ne. I think that you are ENTp.

Is this similar to you: i meat a person and i know in what he or she might be good at; i easily know if i can make a task, like automatically i can tell if i will have time to get on the bus; i have sudden idea flashes which motivate me into actions like new approach for the topic in socionics forum; your one of the favourite past time activities is coming with out getting tired into new ideas, f.e a new way how to use msn messenger for communications. If this is similar to you, then your strongest function is Ne.

Our strongest function is what we do automatically. That's why it's hard to say what it might be. Also our programm function is what makes us to feel as a personality, for ENTp it's a knowing that i am what are the possibilities around me ( i am a writer cause i know that i can write and i know that even with out needing to think about it- it's so obious)

Also if we ask questions we activate the function what we were using at that time. Also it activates it's dual seeking function, if the ESFj asks a question by using the Fe, then she or he will want an answer either made by Fe (emotion with emotion) or Ti (emotion with explanation). That's my theory, i don't know if the socionists have the same idea.But i do believe that a lot of nagging in our relations might come cause we want an answer to our question made by same function, f.e ESTp father sais to INTj son:''Are you gone destroy your enemies in football field?'' which was made by Se and because Se is painfull function in INTj the INTJ might say something like:''Stop bullieng me!'' and from that starts an argue, the father steped on a delicate theme on sons soul, the INTj couldn't answer with agression to agression.

All ideas on my writing are wellcomed. And excuse my bad English, i would be thankfull if somebody would explain others what i meant. My posting is quite messy and i'm bad at talking clearly in English.