I've heard that a lot of IEIs are enneagram 4s. I've heard that IEI correlates the best with MBTI INFJ, but the description reads more like INFP, IMO. I know that Socionics and MBTI are different systems though.
I've heard that a lot of IEIs are enneagram 4s. I've heard that IEI correlates the best with MBTI INFJ, but the description reads more like INFP, IMO. I know that Socionics and MBTI are different systems though.
Enneagram 9, with some minor influence from 4, 5, and 6.
The difference though is that I'm not indulgent physically or negligent of my emotional self really... I am so unstable that it would make zero sense for my life to just consist of eating potato chips and playing with puppies and not thinking about anything else. I think I'm more "indolent" with uh... adapting to processes that everyone else has accepted to be useful I guess?
i'm a mess but bc some type me iei, i relate to 9, 4, 5, 6... i think many iei are type 4. it's possible i am as well. my sister thinks i'm a 4. i just doubt everything like an annoying turd. 9 seems like a safe place. i could accept 8 even. make me stronger than the world, MAKE ME!
<.<...>.> tritype 4-6-9 mo, people who relate to all these types and doubt a lot tend to be type 6 and deal with anxiety and fears in the form of automatic negative thoughts for example. This has been my experience as well. A lot of 6-es read the description and think it can't possibly be describing them, disagree, move on... only to years later come back realizing they were a 6 all along.
I'm not saying you are one, but by what you post.. I'd say its probable: 6-4-9
.If you are 469, you are intuitive, inquisitive and accepting. You want to be original, certain and peaceful. You are a very sensitive and can experience intense feelings of self-doubt and uncertainty. As a result you need multiple sources of confirmation. You want to be individualistic but can fear being separate from others.
Your life mission is to raise the questions pertaining to the mysteries of life and share your findings with others. A true seeker, you are happiest when you feel you can answer the question of who you are.
You can be so focused on your feelings, insecurities and doubts that you can feel paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong decision and of being misled or duped.
The 469 is a seeker with a lot of self doubt. There is always more to learn when you are this tritype but the desire is to develop a philosophy. the 6 and 4 have the most self doubt along with the 9. The 4 doubts their feelings, the 6 their thoughts. 6s want reassurance, 4s want praise to offset their natural tendency to be shame sensitive. The 4 leading is more concerned with the Who am I question and hopes to 'someday' have that answered through constant introspection and referencing their own feelings. I can only speak from my own lens and say that the 6 leading is less identity focused. Who Am I doesn't enter the picture like the 4, and less reliance on needing to set themselves apart to resolve the philosophical dilemma
E9. I know two other 9s too.
4w5 with a lot of 1 and 7 influence
The types i least relate to are 8 and 2.
I feel like most are 4s, 9s, or 6s based on what i see here?
When i was younger i consistently typed as INFJ, but I haven't verified lately and idk the mbti/socionics difference
E5, and I believe this to be one of the reasons it took me a long time to realize I am an ethical type. I always seemed to myself to be an ILI and I wore that shoe until I realized it just didn't fit.
It was pretty bad sometimes...
I thought I had Fe polr and inadvertently acted like it only to astutely feel the harsh consequences of bad Fe in a group. And an IEI who thinks he/she has superb Te has got to be hilariously awful.
Oh well, that phase of my life is over! phew haha
As for mbti...
I don't look into mbti anymore, but when I did I would be a judging type when looking at the "cognitive functions" and a perceiving type when going off of the dichotomies. That inconsistency is one reason why I looked into socionics to begin with.
Do you think that IEI enneagram 1s are possible? In the stereotypical sense, IEI (specifically Te PoLR) doesn't really fit with the stereotypical E1 description. I wonder how IEI fits with E1.
Actual e1 IEI would more likely be mistyped EII. To me it strongly implies rationality and Te/Fi axis.
I feel most like a 9w8 internally. I have a few superficial 4 qualities but they feel mostly superficial than anything.
I think IEIs can be 1s, but "Unhealthy 1s" are the most annoying (and even realistically dangerous at times?) type to me personally- as to me they are the type of people that treats any minor aggression/scuffle as if the offender is Ted Bundy. Like we shouldn't minimize problems but 'maximizing them' is just as bad and retarded. And often times it's the type of people/organization who wants to create an easy Scapegoat while pretending it's all for justice or 'Good.' Or the "Law for thee, not for me" people.
interesting because I used to think the bolded would be EII but in retrospect I can see how I did run into IEIs who had that attitude too Lol
like being realllly sensitive to anger and then getting all passive aggro and doing subtle drama in return to get back at the person ....
those IEIs could REALLY do with learning how to be assertive.
also just the other day I had enough of someone doing passive aggro crap and I really got not just angry at them but also kinda mean (not totally, I reserve actual meanness only for really crap people) and just aggressive overall and issued a hard ultimatum with threats. They were a Ni ego person. The end result - well, yeah, have a guess. They managed to mirror my attitude eventually and tried to be even more mean and aggressive back at me LOL frankly I enjoyed it. I'm serious, I enjoy that more than passive aggressive distant silent treatment running away etc crap. Then we had a discussion and got to some agreement OK.
IEI 8w7-3w4-7w8 sx/sp
I go back and forth between 4 and 9 a lot. I relate to a lot of the nine traits like being easy-going, agreeable, etc, but at a certain point I really desire intensity and often times fit the melancholic description to a T.
IEI 2w3-5w6-9w1. Two integrate to four but I do not relate to them. When I take the test, read the descriptions or forum discussion I do not see myself thinking or behaving like them. I never score four high enough to even guess that I might be a four.
Relate the most to 4, 9, and 6. I can be pretty depressing ‘melancholic’ and like swimming in sadness and negative emotion. It comes easy to me and I really like to indulge to the point where I’m afraid of making everyone around me miserable so I feel like I have to say something positive once in a while to balance it out. And also I already have MDD so I’ve found it’s not the healthiest thing for my emotional state. So anymore when I’m being pretty negative I start to worry, and take it as a sign I’m getting worse. Many think I’m a 9 because I’m pretty ‘peaceful’ I guess and I have a hard time showing my anger at others and don’t really like conflict. I will avoid things by reading or distracting myself with hobbies. But I don’t understand how a 9 would be prone to so much negative emotions....