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Thread: "The risk to the American people remains very low!"

  1. #1
    Kill4Me's Avatar
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    Default "The risk to the American people remains very low!"

    The following retrospective study was published on February 09, 2020 after "data on 1,099 patients with laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV ARD" had been extracted "from 552 hospitals in 31 provinces/provincial municipalities through January 29th, 2020."

    Clinical characteristics of 2019 novel coronavirus infection in China | medRxiv

    The study published on February 09, 2020 found clearly, as follows:

    "Conclusions: The 2019-nCoV epidemic spreads rapidly by human-to-human transmission. Normal radiologic findings are present among some patients with 2019-nCoV infection. "


    "These findings echo the latest reports, including the outbreak of a family cluster,4 transmission from an asymptomatic patient,6 and the three-phase outbreak patterns.8 Our study cannot preclude the presence of patients who have been termed “super-spreaders.”"

    (The entire article can be found republished in the New England Journal of Medicine.)

    Trump was downplaying the Coronavirus in late February after 15 people in California had tested positive for COVID-19. On February 26, 2020, Trump claimed that the risk of infection for Americans was very low. (Click here: YouTube)

    Over 10,000 positives later, Trump's lapdog Hannity put together a narrative that Trump's earlier downplays were the result of misinformation from a Chinese Cover-up.

    However, by February 26, 2020, anybody with half-a-brain could "read the tea leaves" from the February 09, 2020 study that the risk of infection to more Americans was very high. Yet, by February 26, 2020, Dummy Trump was still claiming that the risk was very low and leaving the baton with empty-shell Mike Pence to keep an eye on things.

    If this does not go down in history as one of the great examples of presidential incompetence, nothing the fuck does.

  2. #2
    Alonzo's Avatar
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    WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT *FURIOUSLY WIPES EYES* I must be hallucinating (Da Rona, perhaps???). When K4M is forced to halt his Trump apologist tour, these really are the end times.

  3. #3
    Alonzo's Avatar
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    They're all complicit.

  4. #4
    Kill4Me's Avatar
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    The newly-released woodward tapes show you what a fckin' genius I am. I called this long before all these motherfuckers in the media did...Biden needed to be out hammering Trump from day one on this, not waiting until after the Woodward tapes were released. I was right on fuckin Target. BULLSEYE...just like I was a hundred percent accurate on all the typings of members here over the years, cracked the VI Templates for every socionics type and subtype (which has given rise to various pinterest imitators like sociothiefs), wrecked the enneagram-tritype-scam, wrecked the so-called quadra values, and put together a 2000+ only valid breakdown for every type wing and stack in enneagram. Of course those of lesser rank need to wait for somebody to catch the Fauvres on tape talkin' about what bullshit Tritype is...right. lol

    This will form the entire fckin attack on Trump right up until the election...saw it long before...Trump probably did too thats' why he's been so adamant about shifting the focus onto lowlife punks. Dementia Joe the Creepy Molester now has to make up for lost ground when he could have struck first with my line of attack and been pounding away on it day after day. Fckin' dementia Joe Si-Creative Vegged out...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    The following retrospective study was published on February 09, 2020 after "data on 1,099 patients with laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV ARD" had been extracted "from 552 hospitals in 31 provinces/provincial municipalities through January 29th, 2020."

    Clinical characteristics of 2019 novel coronavirus infection in China | medRxiv

    The study published on February 09, 2020 found clearly, as follows:

    "Conclusions: The 2019-nCoV epidemic spreads rapidly by human-to-human transmission. Normal radiologic findings are present among some patients with 2019-nCoV infection. "


    "These findings echo the latest reports, including the outbreak of a family cluster,4 transmission from an asymptomatic patient,6 and the three-phase outbreak patterns.8 Our study cannot preclude the presence of patients who have been termed “super-spreaders.”"

    (The entire article can be found republished in the New England Journal of Medicine.)

    Trump was downplaying the Coronavirus in late February after 15 people in California had tested positive for COVID-19. On February 26, 2020, Trump claimed that the risk of infection for Americans was very low. (Click here: YouTube)

    Over 10,000 positives later, Trump's lapdog Hannity put together a narrative that Trump's earlier downplays were the result of misinformation from a Chinese Cover-up.

    However, by February 26, 2020, anybody with half-a-brain could "read the tea leaves" from the February 09, 2020 study that the risk of infection to more Americans was very high. Yet, by February 26, 2020, Dummy Trump was still claiming that the risk was very low and leaving the baton with empty-shell Mike Pence to keep an eye on things.

    If this does not go down in history as one of the great examples of presidential incompetence, nothing the fuck does.

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