Generally speaking, psychopathy is thought to be linked to weak Fi or something, and people generally consider SLEs and LIEs to stereotypically have more psychopathic tendencies.

However, based on this career statistic I've found, psychopaths are the least likely people to be found in careers which are archetypically high in Si. Therapists (and some teachers) are the only people who aren't regularly involved with introverted sensing. I didn't include charity worker, because the majority of charities operate on Si principles (correct me if I'm mistaken). Even predominately logical careers like doctor, and craftsperson score low in psychopathy (I'm guessing that the majority of them are delta STs)

The opposite correlation is slightly weaker for the other side, but it is obvious that a whole lot of the careers feature people with weak Si. There are a lot of EIE careers, and some that feature LIEs and a few ILEs. Like I said, the correlation is slightly weaker, and I can see LSIs, and SEEs working in some of them.

Of course, not every EIE is a psychopath (some careers on the right are also dominated by EIEs to a smaller degree), and weak Si does not always translates to de-emphasizing Si. It is also possible that psychopaths cannot be properly typed do to certain biological factors. However, there seem to be something about psychopathy that de-values Si, and feeling (particularly Fi) may not be as relevant as previous thought.