Females make up the vast majority of Fi-PoLR types (even if you haven't observed that the vast majority of SLE-Ti and ILE-Ti are females, it's common knowledge that females are much less likely to be the first in a relationship to say i love you, they're much less quick to fall in love than males and they also are much more likely to initiate divorce) and because the vast majority of IEE are males and close to 50% of EII are females.

The only part where it's kind of tricky is with the ESI and especially subtypes (the majority of Fi subtype is male, the majority of Se subtype is female, but Fi subtype males are much less altruistic and people-oriented and more restrictive and meaner on average than Se subtype males, for the Se subtype that's reversed at least for the altruism/inability to say no parts although Fi subtype females are still angrier and less considerate of people when they don't want to hear complaining, yelling, and negative comments than Se subtype females although they're more sensitive to when other people tease, joke on someone, tell the blunt truth, etc.; another thing is, is that the Fi subtype males, even though they're meaner, tends to also feel more guilt and sorrow for someone else but they also take much less action to help someone, Se subtype males don't need to feel extremely sorry for someone to help them, just like how Beta STs frequently go out of their way to help people, while not having much affective empathy; Fi subtype males are some of the least willing of all the types to give money, to violate authoritarian regulations to help someone, to give emotional support, to allow someone the right to do something, to change their principles for someone, to not frequently bitch, all while they often support tax-funded welfare for security and because they can't bring themselves to give their own money).

So what's the deal with the common stereotype of females are more affective empaths than males? It's kind of like how it's commonly said males' sports teams should be separate from females just because males of the same are stronger, but there's a lot overlap (it's not more than 67/33) yet females have better coordination and are more aware of their surroundings (which also has to do with the old myth that males are more street smart than females, when it's the opposite--females know how to survive better in dangerous and scarce resource conditions than males and that would also be predicted by socionics, especially when taking subtypes into account, most ESI-Fi and ILE-Ne are male while most of the opposite subtype is female and the opposite subtypes are more resourceful, better with weapons, more aware of what's going around them, makes better decisions and more quickly, so actually females are better with weapons, machines, and tools than males)

Obviously, I'm heavily biased against my own subtype, generally biased against my own valued functions (I think Ti is more useful than Te, me attending to Si/asthetics/comfort/experiencing many good sensations all the time/never having bad sensations has always been at least as important for me than me showing my balls and I feel self-conscious about "protecting" people anyway, I don't like others' Fi although I don't like Fe either, and I favor Ti egos except LII over Te egos, it seems natural for Ijs favor Eps, which is one of a million reasons I don't look to socionics for intertype relations; however, I prefer women to be volitional as long as they're not infrining upon my rights), and the Delta quadra, to the point where i worry that I'll have a soul that will only be allowed near Deltas and Gammas subtyped towards Delta and/or being under the dictatorship of some EIE.