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Thread: LIE-Ni contrasted with LIE-Te

  1. #1

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    Default LIE-Ni contrasted with LIE-Te

    Victor Gulenko's "sub"type descriptions seem very off for the LIE subtypes, but here is what I've observant:

    Much more aware of their surroundings
    Less likely to run into things
    More internally emotional, they are often 4s in the enneagram.
    More spontaneous, almost completely doesn't. As random and unpredictable as the ILE-Ti, maybe even moreso.
    More adaptable.
    One of the most original of all the types, their works are very original.
    Don't place quite as much emphasis on sounding out their words as the Te subtype.
    Better with Ti and Si than LIE-Te.
    Better with analogies
    Better at taking action in the physical world
    Better coordination
    Less tactful
    Less empathy than the other subtype
    Resembles Beta quadra members more.
    Better asthetic taste, dresses better.
    More likely to be feminist (it's a stronger value for them than it is for the other subtype), less likely to be rapists
    More common among people of Japanese, Anglo-Irish, Ashkenazi Jewish, French Basque, and Afrikaner direct maternal line descent.
    Like the ESI-Fi the Te subtype can resemble Delta quadra members at times.

    Anyway, I used to think of LIE-Ni sometimes as ILE-Ti (e.g., Jim Cameron). I hadn't paid attention to my "duals". I put that in quotation marks because a huge omission from the Aushra's original theory was the subtypes. Apparently and most unfortunately, LIE-Ni really don't like ESI-Fi much, because I prefer the Ni subtype over the Te subtype (although being the Fi subtype means I'm colder/shyer, more bitter, less discerning, less adaptable, and am more thin-skinned, more easily offended, am slower to adapt to brutal truths despite being brutally honest myself although not as much as when I was younger). A lot of it has to do with me being more attracted to Ni subtype because of their higher energy levels, their observations are much more original and accurate and they're simply smarter and even though Si is, by theory, unvalued for me, I place great importance on it and there are times when it feels like a reverse Si-PoLR hit against me. I may be a member of the gamma quadra, but i can't be productive if I'm not comfortable. My mom can eventually get everything done regardless of her internal state but maybe me being unable to has something to do with the Autism spectrum disorder, although I don't really behave like an Aspie anymore. Instead, I think of myself more as a shy, too frequently cold, emotionally unstable asshole. But both subtypes dislike farting so maybe it's not such a great loss after all.

    I had a bias towards thinking that ILE-Ti were vastly intellectually superior to LIE, but I hadn't looked into LIE-Ni much. I think they're intellectually superior to the Te subtype but not much difference in average IQ between the Ni subtype and ILE-Ti. Their solutions seem approximately as good while ILE-Ti are more likely to go by a theory or the book than LIE are (but ILE-Ti aren't as bad as some SLE-Ti are when it comes to abusing the book; Beta quadra members often totally abuse research, they're the most by the book of all the quadras and the ones who don't look into the tiniest details can get really shitty; ILE-Ti notice and value and look into small differences and look into all the details of why they're like that, they aren't over-skeptical, they listen better, value Si more than Se so their solutions are more refined and so for all those reasons they're much better researchers than SLE-Ti are; SLE-Ti just can never be revolutionary like the ILE-Ti can)

    In spite of all that, I haven't changed my favored romantic partners from ILE-Ti, SLE-Ti and LSI-Se to any gamma quadra types. A lot of that has to do with the LIE not liking farting although the ILE-Ti and LSI-Se are more accepting and understanding of being farted on as the most pleasurable sexual fetish.

    EDIT: I meant that I wanted to be farted on by sexy people. I didn't mean that I derived sexual gratification from farting on people.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 08-02-2020 at 08:34 AM.

  2. #2
    Tzuyu's Avatar
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    A lot of that has to do with the LIE not liking farting although the ILE-Ti and LSI-Se are more accepting and understanding of being farted on as the most pleasurable sexual fetish.

  3. #3

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    humans get a mental reward for farting in part because the humans that didn't get that reward when they farted the gas out were not functioning well. they died off (or never existed).

    so it's not weird that you developed enjoying something like farting.

    that you happened to get sexually aroused when farting and focused on that instead of on other sexual arousals you have, means you habituated yourself to the idea of the act of putting infectious bacteria on people. It's healthy for people to dislike that.

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    humans can decrease habituation to less healthy fetish. and/or people can clean off your farts. just get consent

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    humans can decrease habituation to less healthy fetish. and/or people can clean off your farts. just get consent
    Sorry, I meant that I wanted to be farted on. Thank you.

  6. #6
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    Have to agree with some of the critism here, a lot of them are not really in alignment with my experience and theory.

    Lie-Ni tend to be less competent in the physical but more empathetic.
    They are closer to beta though and can be easily mistaken for EIE especially when emotionally intense (stacking).
    Also in my experience SI and Ti are worse for Ni sub-type than Te sub-type.
    I hate to be this blunt but i don't thing your list is very useful, also the 'more likely to be a feminist' thing should translate in 'more likely to think about society and be interested in social causes' which in my experience seems to be true but swings in both directions of the political spectrum.

    This list seems to be a better start to work out the differences of the two sub-types imho:

    Also a (gamma) Te lead probably is very unlikely to be a feminist, because feminist in general ignore empirical data in favor of Power structures (delta) and poorly thought out Ti constructs (alpha and beta).
    But here i am drifting away from the core topic, i just did not want to let this kind of views stand as a synonymous for something positive because they nether tend to correlate with good thinking nor with high ethical qualities, more often with how misinformed and gullible by propaganda you are and how easy you are coerced by societal pressures.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    Victor Gulenko's "sub"type descriptions seem very off for the LIE subtypes, but here is what I've observant:

    Much more aware of their surroundings
    Less likely to run into things
    More internally emotional, they are often 4s in the enneagram.
    More spontaneous, almost completely doesn't. As random and unpredictable as the ILE-Ti, maybe even moreso.
    More adaptable.
    One of the most original of all the types, their works are very original.
    Don't place quite as much emphasis on sounding out their words as the Te subtype.
    Better with Ti and Si than LIE-Te.
    Better with analogies
    Better at taking action in the physical world
    Better coordination
    Less tactful
    Less empathy than the other subtype
    Resembles Beta quadra members more.
    Better asthetic taste, dresses better.
    More likely to be feminist (it's a stronger value for them than it is for the other subtype), less likely to be rapists
    More common among people of Japanese, Anglo-Irish, Ashkenazi Jewish, French Basque, and Afrikaner direct maternal line descent.
    Like the ESI-Fi the Te subtype can resemble Delta quadra members at times.

    Anyway, I used to think of LIE-Ni sometimes as ILE-Ti (e.g., Jim Cameron). I hadn't paid attention to my "duals". I put that in quotation marks because a huge omission from the Aushra's original theory was the subtypes. Apparently and most unfortunately, LIE-Ni really don't like ESI-Fi much, because I prefer the Ni subtype over the Te subtype (although being the Fi subtype means I'm colder/shyer, more bitter, less discerning, less adaptable, and am more thin-skinned, more easily offended, am slower to adapt to brutal truths despite being brutally honest myself although not as much as when I was younger). A lot of it has to do with me being more attracted to Ni subtype because of their higher energy levels, their observations are much more original and accurate and they're simply smarter and even though Si is, by theory, unvalued for me, I place great importance on it and there are times when it feels like a reverse Si-PoLR hit against me. I may be a member of the gamma quadra, but i can't be productive if I'm not comfortable. My mom can eventually get everything done regardless of her internal state but maybe me being unable to has something to do with the Autism spectrum disorder, although I don't really behave like an Aspie anymore. Instead, I think of myself more as a shy, too frequently cold, emotionally unstable asshole. But both subtypes dislike farting so maybe it's not such a great loss after all.

    I had a bias towards thinking that ILE-Ti were vastly intellectually superior to LIE, but I hadn't looked into LIE-Ni much. I think they're intellectually superior to the Te subtype but not much difference in average IQ between the Ni subtype and ILE-Ti. Their solutions seem approximately as good while ILE-Ti are more likely to go by a theory or the book than LIE are (but ILE-Ti aren't as bad as some SLE-Ti are when it comes to abusing the book; Beta quadra members often totally abuse research, they're the most by the book of all the quadras and the ones who don't look into the tiniest details can get really shitty; ILE-Ti notice and value and look into small differences and look into all the details of why they're like that, they aren't over-skeptical, they listen better, value Si more than Se so their solutions are more refined and so for all those reasons they're much better researchers than SLE-Ti are; SLE-Ti just can never be revolutionary like the ILE-Ti can)

    In spite of all that, I haven't changed my favored romantic partners from ILE-Ti, SLE-Ti and LSI-Se to any gamma quadra types. A lot of that has to do with the LIE not liking farting although the ILE-Ti and LSI-Se are more accepting and understanding of being farted on as the most pleasurable sexual fetish.

    EDIT: I meant that I wanted to be farted on by sexy people. I didn't mean that I derived sexual gratification from farting on people.
    Your idea of LIE-Te being less smart than LIE-Ni is completely contrary to the theory.

    Te is very adept at gathering information (specifically information that can be used practically in the future). So that would mean the Te subtype would be even better at gathering information than Ni subtype. Although, Ni subtype would have a better imagination and sense of time.

    One reason you probably came up with your false idea is probably how the different subtypes come off to you. It is said that LIE-Te resembles LSE and LIE-Ni resembles ILI. ILI is a stereotypically smart type, so maybe you got your idea from that. Although, in practice, LIEs and LSEs probably have more knowledge than ILIs.

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    Based on Adam and lavos here, I'd say Te-LIE is more humorous while Ni-LIE is more chill. Te-LIE seems a little oblivious somehow. No offense to Adam.

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    I made too many mistakes, as when i first started studying socionics, i had the EIE and LIE subtypes somewhat mixed up, going back and forth.

    LIE-Ni seems to have more imagination and to go into philosophy and theory more and they seem a lot more focused on traditional morality (e.g., angrier when someone lies, cheats, murders, is what they would consider excessively playful). LIE-Te is less reserved, more out in the real world, seems less serious and more emotionally stable, and better with complex systems. LIE-Te seems to be able to meet people on the street and organize them better. LIE are not very common, at least not in mainstream white populations... when I said mainstream I meant like not jewish, not prussian junker descended, not anglo-irish descended. I have a lot more experience with ILE-Ti, but my experience with LIE has been good, most of them have been Ni subtypes and I'd guess that's the more common subtype. EIE-Ni is actually more flexible, who and what they want changes more... especially who.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    LIE-Te is Harrison Ford, and LIE-Ni is Mickey Rourke. Check which you like more.
    Then, the angel asked her what her name was. She said: "I have none"

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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    LIE-Te is Harrison Ford, and LIE-Ni is Mickey Rourke. Check which you like more.
    harrison ford isnt SLI ? WSS says SLI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by anotherperson View Post
    harrison ford isnt SLI ? WSS says SLI.
    Yeah, he probably is SLI. I was picking up on LIE-Te energy due to him being sx/sp.

    But yeah, here is another LIE-Te example; Idris Elba.
    Then, the angel asked her what her name was. She said: "I have none"

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    I'm confused about what I said back and forth. I know that LIE-Ni have more imagination, but they have more energy and better logic too (their Te is less inert, so their logic is actually more flexible), not as likely to support bureaucracy; the base function subtypes are always more imbalanced and LIE-Ni resemble EIE-Ni more than ILI. All of the creative function subtypes have more energy than their base function counterparts. For example, an SLE-Se isn't more energetic than SLE-Ti, just because it's an Se sub doesn't mean that it actually works better for them, because it's still an inert; being the Ti subtype frees up the inertness of the Se; being LSI-Se frees up their Ti, makes their logic more flexible; EIE-Ni are more emotional than EIE-Fe and pay more attention to and try to manipulate peoples' moods than EIE-Fe... EIE-Fe focus on the objective issues more.

    LIE-Ni are more forgiving, but their logic is more flexible... LIE-Te are more logically and ethically rigid.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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