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Victor Gulenko's "sub"type descriptions seem very off for the LIE subtypes, but here is what I've observant:
Much more aware of their surroundings
Less likely to run into things
More internally emotional, they are often 4s in the enneagram.
More spontaneous, almost completely doesn't. As random and unpredictable as the ILE-Ti, maybe even moreso.
More adaptable.
One of the most original of all the types, their works are very original.
Don't place quite as much emphasis on sounding out their words as the Te subtype.
Better with Ti and Si than LIE-Te.
Better with analogies
Better at taking action in the physical world
Better coordination
Less tactful
Less empathy than the other subtype
Resembles Beta quadra members more.
Better asthetic taste, dresses better.
More likely to be feminist (it's a stronger value for them than it is for the other subtype), less likely to be rapists
More common among people of Japanese, Anglo-Irish, Ashkenazi Jewish, French Basque, and Afrikaner direct maternal line descent.
Like the ESI-Fi the Te subtype can resemble Delta quadra members at times.
Anyway, I used to think of LIE-Ni sometimes as ILE-Ti (e.g., Jim Cameron). I hadn't paid attention to my "duals". I put that in quotation marks because a huge omission from the Aushra's original theory was the subtypes. Apparently and most unfortunately, LIE-Ni really don't like ESI-Fi much, because I prefer the Ni subtype over the Te subtype (although being the Fi subtype means I'm colder/shyer, more bitter, less discerning, less adaptable, and am more thin-skinned, more easily offended, am slower to adapt to brutal truths despite being brutally honest myself although not as much as when I was younger). A lot of it has to do with me being more attracted to Ni subtype because of their higher energy levels, their observations are much more original and accurate and they're simply smarter and even though Si is, by theory, unvalued for me, I place great importance on it and there are times when it feels like a reverse Si-PoLR hit against me. I may be a member of the gamma quadra, but i can't be productive if I'm not comfortable. My mom can eventually get everything done regardless of her internal state but maybe me being unable to has something to do with the Autism spectrum disorder, although I don't really behave like an Aspie anymore. Instead, I think of myself more as a shy, too frequently cold, emotionally unstable asshole. But both subtypes dislike farting so maybe it's not such a great loss after all.
I had a bias towards thinking that ILE-Ti were vastly intellectually superior to LIE, but I hadn't looked into LIE-Ni much. I think they're intellectually superior to the Te subtype but not much difference in average IQ between the Ni subtype and ILE-Ti. Their solutions seem approximately as good while ILE-Ti are more likely to go by a theory or the book than LIE are (but ILE-Ti aren't as bad as some SLE-Ti are when it comes to abusing the book; Beta quadra members often totally abuse research, they're the most by the book of all the quadras and the ones who don't look into the tiniest details can get really shitty; ILE-Ti notice and value and look into small differences and look into all the details of why they're like that, they aren't over-skeptical, they listen better, value Si more than Se so their solutions are more refined and so for all those reasons they're much better researchers than SLE-Ti are; SLE-Ti just can never be revolutionary like the ILE-Ti can)
In spite of all that, I haven't changed my favored romantic partners from ILE-Ti, SLE-Ti and LSI-Se to any gamma quadra types. A lot of that has to do with the LIE not liking farting although the ILE-Ti and LSI-Se are more accepting and understanding of being farted on as the most pleasurable sexual fetish.
EDIT: I meant that I wanted to be farted on by sexy people. I didn't mean that I derived sexual gratification from farting on people.