Quote Originally Posted by andreasdevig View Post
Not everyone belongs to your idea of masculinity. People are different. We're all individuals. I, for one, am one of those spiritually effeminate EIIs. I have Se PoLR and all of that. If someone physically attacked me, there would be no happy ending to that. Believe me. I would not be cooler with that person. I would hold a grudge forever, and never be abled to forgive or forget.

It's their body. They have the right to have it remain unharmed. Even if they're assholes, I do believe they have the right to speak their mind without getting beaten up. I do believe in freedom of speech. We can't just punch people just because we don't like what words come out of their mouth.

Maybe you picked it up somewhere else. It makes sense to me that if you treat someone with violence, then you're teaching them to use violence also. It's hard to pick up any positive lessons from a world full of negative people. You need a positive role model. You need to be exposed to positivity, wise people, etc. in order to grow as a person, in my opinion. If you're only exposed to negativity, violent people, etc. then there is no way to grow out of it, because you're not exposed to anything else.
I love reading what my EII brethen say, you're all the cute wholesome ones.