Hello there, I realized that I have a hard time recognizing IEI-Fe types. I think maybe it's because they blend in a lot due to creative Fe, and I can't really seem to recognize them on sight. I don't think I can distinguish them from IEEs, SEIs, or maybe ILEs if they happen to be male. I literally type anyone I don't know as IEI-Fe, and this is becoming a problem.

Based on my present knowledge, I see them as bring very soft, friendly, and maybe a bit mischievous due to underdeveloped Se. They can be a bit dramatic sometimes, but they look very cute lmao.

Also, does anyone else get this strange feeling whenever they see some IEIs (more common among Ni subtypes)? I feel like they kind of see through me, and are plotting to ruin my life, or overpower me, or something, all while pretending everything's perfectly fine. I don't feel that way towards all IEIs but that is also one of the indicators I look for.