There is this theory of socionics it's basically MBTI with inter-type intearctions.
Basically people are divided into 4 quadras: alpha beta gamma delta
alpha hate gamma
beta hate delta
and vice verca
They have this really cool guy called ILI who fits me really well and I really want to be him because he got Introverted Intuition and Extroverted Thinking which basically means mystical insights with getting shit done-ness which is probably the most badass thing there is.
There are also Extroverted Intuition which is just possibliity for possiblity sake, which is fucking GAY of course and introverted feeling is nice just people relation being on good standing and extroverted feeling the homo shit of making nice compliments and sucking up and creating a nice GAY atmoshpere
I don't want to be gay And extroverted feeling