Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
i have 15 or 16 of the 24 traits (and all 8 of them in the first category), but i am very sensitive to rejection in emotional and sexual relations so that's one of like a million reasons why i just never ask anyone out (i'm not super fond of my duals, and that has to do with my strong if officially unvalued Si, but it's like i value Si anyway as i've always cared about my bodily sensations, aesthetics, and wanted nothing ugly, and all good aesthetics, beautiful things for good sensations and i worry that i won't have only beautiful things always in the future; and LIE don't like farting it's something I picked up on before I started reading about socionics while I love it when people fart depending on how it smells of course, yet ILE-Ti usually love farting and they're my conflictor; a female ILE-Ti I had tried to befriend, to court, but she hated me and had great smelling farts, my cousin ILE-Ti, a male, had terrible smelling farts, but frequent good smelling farts from whatever girlfriend i am to have are necessary to the relationship, no relationship is worthwhile w/o all of those). I don't know if it's related to my ASD, but I've always had the traits of an HSP and strong but seemingly valued Si... I think HSP are just part of temperament and some (sub)types are more prone to them than others.
Interesting response my dude. I have to say I relate to the LIE on this one though. I know I'm a bit uptight on some things. Yeah I was thinking of ASD with some of these traits. I had a friend with ASD once and we were talking about how social anxiety, which can relate to HSP also on some of the traits, had some crossover with ASD, even though in reality social anxiety was more of a hyper-awareness of others whereas with ASD there was more a lack of awareness. Social anxiety could lead to things that look ASD'ish due to their lack of any social exposure (and therefore not knowing how to act properly in certain situations) and ASD could lead to social anxiety traits due to frequently getting in trouble for their inappropriate behavior. Kind of switched topics there.

So are you saying you are ESI with a valued demonstrative IE?