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Thread: Have you observed that Te/Fi valuing types have less self-control over their emotions?

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  1. #1
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taffy View Post
    Anyways, I do think it's valid to explore the emotional ranges and differences between Te/Fi types and Ti/Fe types. This is a forum for typology, after all. But I do hold the belief that poor emotional self control is a sign of unhealthy human behavior, regardless of type or function or quadra.
    You have a point when it comes to the emotional control part, one doesn't need to lose control to be assertive, however the only valid reason I see to not assert one's boundaries and remove immoral people is if I gain something by deception, which is a rare situation where I might weigh up the cost of tolerating the other person for some other benefit, such as him/her being useful to me in some way. If this isn't the case I will remove either myself or the other person from the relationship. If I need to be forceful and domineering to achieve this, so be it.

    Example, gf cheats on me. By the next day I'd have her stuff packed and she'd be on the street, full cut off / get the fuck out mode, no big scene, complete relationship break with no way back ever. At the point we are done. If she pulls a scene I'll ignore and avoid, if she gets pushy I'll assertively and aggressively tell her to leave or else I'll take legal measures.

    One doesn't need to cause an emotional scene to manifest strong emotions.

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taffy View Post
    None of that was what I meant, dunno if I came off wrong or if I didn't communicate well.

    I didn't touch on boundaries but since you keep mentioning them... Boundaries are very important in shaping healthy relationships, friendships, and views... I agree that they must be defined and asserted since they are vital. I don't think I mentioned anywhere "give up your boundaries and fully submit yourself to the evil scum of the earth". I was simply talking about a grander scale problem of typology communities which is how people take a facet of unhealthy human behavior that most everyone will do at some point in their lives and go "What type/function/quadra does this?". Though I'll admit it's still quite a trivial problem compared to other problems of the world in the first place.

    If one had an emotional outburst over a girlfriend cheating on them, it would be understandable to say the least. Someone cheating on another is an ultimate betrayal of trust. I would most likely get emotional too and many other people would, in all fairness.

    I agree a lot of emotional states are internal and can be deeply hidden, yes.
    Oh now I get it, its about the type 9 thing. e_e it was tongue in cheek, why I put "" there. Idk if you really are 9 or not.

    Anyway, the way one identifies a 9 is rather simple, do they avoid conflict internal or external at any cost in order to spare themselves loss and separation?
    Ennagram types are not as much personality types as they are coping mechanisms (personal defects) that are so ingrained that they have become a constant feature of said individual. One isn't born a 9 or a 6, one is made into one by life circumstances. Conflict avoidance is the cornerstone of the 9's coping mechanism regardless what irrelevant convoluted type descriptions the Enneagram institute comes up with to describe it.

    Unless the 9 is really healthy, they won't assert themselves or god forbid cause a scene, they will just withdraw and avoid both their internal feelings and the external situation.

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taffy View Post
    I literally have no idea what you are talking about at this point, wasn't the Enneagram 9 post made 5 or so posts ago? Cringe. Yes I know Enneagram is about "childhood loss", however they're still called personality types by the community because that's a simpler term when casually talking about them.

    You're constantly rambling about things that are way off topic and you sound crazier than me at this point, which I have to applaud you for.
    e_e you keep replying and ranting, so I eventually assumed what I wrote upset you. Initially I didn't pick up on this, thus the later response addressing my "typism". Anyway, you are no type 9 lol. Probably a good idea / beneficial to reevaluate that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Taffy View Post
    Yeah dude, it's a forum. I'm going to post my long winded analysis if I want to, and I was trying to cover all the bases of your fairly off topic points so it wouldn't seem like I was ignoring anything that you put effort into. I never called you out on "typism" either, plus I never mentioned the term since I'm not fond of it for various reasons.
    Yup, see totally not 9w8.

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