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Thread: Have you observed that Te/Fi valuing types have less self-control over their emotions?

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    Ti/Fe: I am trying to seem nice and affable when really I am internally cold. When Ti/Fe loses control of their emotions I find it is easier to "not take it seriously" (i.e., they are emotional, but it is more a product of the situation rather than how they really feel)

    Fi/Te: I am trying to seem rational and detached when really I am an emotional mess. When Fi/Te loses control of their emotions it is a downward spiral. Rationality goes out the window and you can just tell there is no way of rationalizing them out of it.

  2. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by mightylizard View Post
    Ti/Fe: I am trying to seem nice and affable when really I am internally cold. When Ti/Fe loses control of their emotions I find it is easier to "not take it seriously" (i.e., they are emotional, but it is more a product of the situation rather than how they really feel)

    Fi/Te: I am trying to seem rational and detached when really I am an emotional mess. When Fi/Te loses control of their emotions it is a downward spiral. Rationality goes out the window and you can just tell there is no way of rationalizing them out of it.
    It isn't this simple lol.

    (For the rest: I type Ti ego, LSI specifically)

    I would say if I show/release my emotions they are real just fine. But there is ofc that dramatic context too especially if an Fe ego does it. It almost always entertains me on the side from Fe types. If it turns dead serious then no I don't enjoy it anymore. And that happens with Fe types too, just not too often. I take the drama seriously in a sense too tho' like it says somewhere in an article about how EIE is capable of expressing emotions in a way you just never forget it.

    Then, "I am trying to seem nice and affable when really I am internally cold", This is true of me part of the time and not true another part of the other time and I think it's the same with Te egos as with me. Really I think this applies on the whole more to Logical types than to Ethical types, regardless of Ti or Te. I find Fe egos way burn hotter or get more wound up about emotions than I do a lot of the time, so they are hardly internally cold ..... And so on.

    And I've been plenty rational and detached when I was an emotional mess inside, but so much inside that it would be invisible even to myself, all buried somewhere deep in the subconscious. And yes losing control of certain such emotions would be a downward spiral until I managed to stop it. Again this would be under extreme circumstances only. But in less extreme circumstances too, I would still be NOT receptive to "be rationalised out of it", bc I just have to release the emotion before I will talk rationally.

    It really isn't about Ti/Fe vs Fi/Te, it's about how emotions work, has nothing to do with Socionics beyond a point, everyone has emotions, feelings the same regardless of sociotype, maybe with different emphases and whatever depending on the individual, but it's still the same selection of emotions and feelings otherwise.

    So where losing control of such emotions is "just drama" it means the emotions were not that repressed for that terribly long or not traumatic and unintegrated emotions. And when it is more than "just drama" - tbh calling it that doesn't give it justice enough - releasing the drama emotions helps clear your head and get it all out in the open and help resolve things eventually - then it's those extra bad emotions. Regardless of Fi/Fe valuing. That simple.

    Where you feel like there is no way of rationalising anyone out of it... it depends more on such things, and not on sociotype. I have been able to tell Te types (mainly Te lead or strong enough Te creative) to cut it and go back to being rational. I have also been unable to tell them that in one case because then it touched too deep for the Te ego (Te lead even, so it was like this despite his otherwise strong rationality). I have also been able to tell Ti types to cut it, or have failed, and that again was dependent on the actual issue emotionally. I have been able to use Fe empathy on Te lead to calm them later. I have been able to do Fi sympathy on Ti ego and so on. No, they were not mistyped.

    Also. Trauma leads to disintegrated emotions and anyone can get trauma, doesn't depend on sociotype.

    So I love reading your theories on emotions but I would not link them to sociotype too strictly. These thoughts can be valid and can stand on their own without involving socionics in it. Feel free to write more on them, I'm always interested

    Where I see it as sociotype is, what the person is more ready to take up overall... So giving Fi to the Te lead is magic like giving Fe to Ti lead, lol. I've seen it happen ... too bad I can't give Fi so easily to Te (when I date Te types this is the drawback from my side).
    Last edited by grumpyvic81; 05-21-2020 at 09:19 PM.

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