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Thread: Another typing test (based on your writing)

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    Default Another typing test (based on your writing)

    Write down the first thoughts that come to your mind after reading each one of the following words in a form of structured sentences (the more you write down the better). Then compare the words you have used to the ones listed in each category (Ni, Se, Ti, Ne, Fi, Fe, Te, Si) below. The two categories that fit your vocabulary the most indicate your Ego block.

    1. Happiness

    2. Human Progress

    3. Life Success

    4. Human Intelligence

    5. Sober Realism

    6. Meaningful Life

    7. Truth

    8. Independence

    9. True Love

    Extraverted Intuition Ne
    Related words
    * in general, basically, for the most part, more or less, pretty much
    * general, overall, basic, main, core, fundamental, overview
    * guess, suppose, imagine, reckon, conjecture, venture, hazard
    * possibility, potential, likelihood, opportunity, chance, luck, fortune
    * important, key, critical, crucial
    * origin, crux, root, source
    * initially, recently, any moment now, at the moment, until, since, later, once again, sometimes, occasionally, frequently, often, all the time, every time
    * sudden, abrupt, unpredictable
    * option, alternative, choice, crossroads, juncture
    * coincidence, concurrence
    * come together, fall into place (''of events'')
    Real examples of Ne-related statements:
    * get to the root of
    * you basically imply that...
    * What I really meant was more that...
    * Here's another idea.
    * I have a prospect/opportunity for you.
    * Here is another option...
    * Just some random thoughts...
    * in the long run it makes more sense to...
    * ... and discovered lots of parallels with other things
    * Within a week or so...
    * that's the main commercial activity I've been involved in here recently since...
    * it seems that things are coming together to allow me to do this
    * Any ideas where we can...?
    * ... has real potential
    * You seem to have found a great niche
    * Imagine that!
    * Something really interesting is...
    * Now just imagine for a second that...
    * Suppose we go there and...
    * I happen to have just spoken to him.
    * Now is the critical moment.
    * If I had gotten there earlier, I would have had time to figure things out first.
    * One thing I have noticed is that...
    * It has become clear to me lately that...
    * I'm starting to realize...
    * I'm pretty good at figuring out...
    * So hypothetically...
    * Well I think in that situation I would have responded in such-and-such a way.
    * I just had one of those breaking-through-a-layer-of-the-matrix twilight-zone like experiences (creative Ne)
    Features of Ne speech
    Ne-ego types have a tendency to use the conditional tense frequently, ex: "would be", "what might happen," etc.

    Introverted Intuition Ni
    Related words
    * anticipate, expect, envision, await, sense, foresee
    * causation, influence, consequence
    * reflect, mirror, signal, indicate, point to (''all figurative'')
    * clear, muddy, muddled, foggy, hazy, murky, blurry, fuzzy, faint (''all figurative'')
    * bode, foreshadow, predict, promise, dream, echo (''figurative''), calamity
    * disturbing, troublesome, troubling, worrisome, troubling, foreboding, sinister, ominous, fateful
    * calm, serene, tranquil, idyllic
    * mysterious, cryptic, deep, shallow, obscure
    * recollect, remember, retrieve, recall, call up, hark back to
    * indefinite, vague, uncertain, unclear, nebulous, unknowable
    * mire, quagmire, morass (''all figurative'')
    * contemplate, think over, mull over, ponder, chew over, muse, reflect, ruminate, meditate
    * transitory, ephemeral, fleeting, passing, short-lived, transient
    Real examples of Ni-related statements
    * Another week has vanished into the netherness of "history".
    * My past is a blur.
    * This is highly unlikely.
    * I guess it's a matter of interpretation...
    * It depends on perspective one takes ...
    * The thing I still find unclear is...
    * my thoughts are all tangled
    * in the spirit of ...
    * perhaps we shall meet in person again... indeed time will tell...
    * I recently got the clearest vision I ever had in my life
    * It was the culmination of the ineffable poignancy of my youth.
    * this might seem to suggest that ...
    * wait a little, she's taking her time thinking it over
    * It flows smoothly between them rather than switching suddenly from one to the other across a gap.
    * All there is light. We see not yet just because we are blinded by its holy flame. But thats all there is to come. (Fe-Ni, Ni-creative)
    * Actually its not real confession, but more in a way of my belief that the universe through people wants to again find its most glorified position of finding love and oneness through the lack of it. (Fe-Ni, Ni-creative)
    Features of Ni speech
    Ni types naturally look beyond what happens on the surface to the underlying dynamics and thus omit many specifics in conversation. To Si-ego types this may give an impression that they don't know what they are talking about or are being intentionally vague which evokes suspicion. Ni-ego types may have difficulty putting their thought processes into exact words. Since these are dynamic types, their imagery is not static but evolving due to their progressive thought process. When you hear to them tell a story, it is similar to watching a video i.e. one easily sees how one thing leads to another (if-this-then-that).

    Ni types may talk in terms of probabilities and likelihoods when referring to past situations and information. When talking about future course of events, instead of using conditional tense ("what might happen") they will more frequently use affirmative future tense ("this will happen").

    Extraverted Sensing Se
    Related words
    * people's appearance, looks: beautiful, gorgeous, ugly, fat, skinny, ripped, blonde, red-head, tall, short
    * physical properties of objects: shape, size, mass, weight, dimensions, length, width, height, depth, big, huge, tiny, small, enormous, large, round, square, bent, straight, flat, stretched out, wide, high, low, narrow, thin
    * physical modifications: throw, take, pull out, push, stuff, open, let out, hang, pick up, set, squeeze, crush, pick, shake, grab, snap up, bend, shove, stick, jab, yank, whack, fling, thrash, bang, bump, slice, cut, break, crush, beat
    * rip into, size up, take down, bring down, tear down, build up, tackle, hold up, withstand, take, handle
    * lock on, target
    * flinch, vacillate, crack, collapse, cave in, give in, crumble
    * protect, fight, strengthen, weaken, intrude, defend, put up with, resist
    * restrain, control, submit, subdue (''all figurative as well as literal'')
    * pop up, flash by, disappear, look around, immediately noticed
    * shiny, flash, sparkle, twinkle, light up, glitter, glare
    * this high, this low, this much, this little (''while showing with your hands'')
    * inside, around, behind, far away, across, in the middle, backwards, at a slant, from the side, nearby, right in front of
    * that one, this one, this thing, that one over there, here, there, from here, over here
    * solid, limp, weak, strong, active, relaxed, restrained, energetic, mobilized, ready
    Real examples of Se-related statements
    * don't throw words around
    * amorphous butts
    * Shove that into your mind.
    * Get a life!
    * my restless desire to just graduate is getting the best of me
    * on the ball
    * People just want to see me crumble.
    * When life throws you a curve ball, you've got to handle it.
    * Just sit down!
    * Oh shut up, man! (''in jest'')
    * I have to take a lot of crap.
    * Don't cry over spilled milk.
    * They cornered me
    * No matter what, I'll be on top.
    * fold under pressure
    * clean up your act
    * We need to keep our eyes on the ball.
    * How dare you!
    * She looks strong enough.
    * you had a pretty controlled reaction to it
    * you don't have a life off the screen!
    * anything you come up with is as far from reality as you are from a vagina
    Features of Se speech
    Statements of Se leading or creative types often reflect what currently *is* rather than how events are evolving (unlike Ni-ego types) since all Se-ego types are static. On forums, Se types may suddenly switch to writing in large font sizes in order to make an impact.

    Introverted Sensing
    Related words
    * sensation, impression
    * sense, feel (not emotionally, but physiologically or 'in one's gut')
    * get into, adapt, adjust, make oneself at home
    * to stomach, to stand, to tolerate
    * people's physical characteristics in terms of their physical condition
    * digest, swallow (''figurative as well as literal''), chew, cough, sneeze, sweat, blow nose, wheeze, pee, poop, freeze, fatten up, put on weight, shower, rinse off
    * aroma, smell, taste, aftertaste, twinge
    * sour, sweet, salty, rotten, bitter, putrid, fresh, crisp, juicy (''figurative as well as literal'')
    * smooth, rough, sharp, dull, glossy, sleek, slick (''figurative as well as literal'')
    * dry, parched, baked, moist, wet, damp, hot, boiling, sweltering, steamy, muggy, toasty, warm, lukewarm, cold, freezing, frigid, cool, refreshing, chilly
    * touch, hold, clutch, grip, grasp, tickle, wiggle, pet, caress, stroke, squeeze, scratch, rub
    * pain, ache, burning, itch, chafe, chafing, soreness, warmth, rumbling
    * bliss, cloud nine, rest, relaxation
    * uncomfortable, restless, fidgety
    * comfortable, cozy, intimate, snug, soothing, homely
    * enjoy, satisfy, sate, humor, indulge
    * be hungry, be in the mood for, try, snack, have a bite, have enough, get full, eat, feed, feast, overeat, pig out
    * get dirty, soil, clean up, mess up, care for, wash, clean off, cleanse
    * dirt, mess, stain, wear and tear, filth, grime, grease
    * sticky, gluey, gummy, pasty, runny, stringy, grimey, greasy
    * pliable, flexible, elastic, malleable, supple, firm, hard, solid, stiff, steady
    * reliable, tangible, stable
    Real examples of Si-related statements
    * It turned into this squishy mass.
    * She looks yummy.
    * You look the same as you always did.
    * It's blazing hot!
    * a flood of spring sunlight
    * The heat is about to kill me, but I'm getting used to it.
    * ... which you'll get tired of quickly
    * get settled {''or'' get settled in}
    * at least I feel comfortable in it
    * Once life settles into an even rhythm I hope to...
    * just enjoying life
    * drenched in sweat
    * The right side of my head is kind of tender.
    * I was weak, sweating, and shaking
    * pukey green color
    * my body still thinks I need to sleep.
    * Music today is like a big bowl of soup.
    * I cannot stomach it.
    Features of Si-speech
    A preference for mentioning details and specifics: instead of saying "a newspaper" a Si-ego type will specify, "my copy of the May 18 edition of the Atlanta Times that I picked up last Tuesday from Lucky's supermarket". Si-egos are dynamic types and will express how something has happened rather than how something is. Their speech can have a flow-like quality to it where they are listing a sequence of events supplying plentiful sensory details and specifics to their stories as they remember them.

    Extraverted Logic
    Related words
    * external sense of doing something: efficiency, effectiveness, reward, productivity
    * movement, motion, speed, acceleration, displacement, rotation, process
    * production, work, end product
    * diligence, industriousness, industry, conscientiousness
    * shrewd, sharp, proficient, capable, sensible, adept, venturous, confident, resourceful
    * confused, unreliable, impractical, presumptuous, irreverent, contemptible
    * direct, objective, dry statements lacking in personal qualifiers
    * justified, unjustified, verify, support, refute, confirm, debunk
    * reliable, confirmed, observed, unreliable, unconfirmed, hypothetical, unverified
    Real examples of Te-related statements
    * It provides both usefulness and a way to double-check...
    * What are you trying to accomplish?
    * You are just talking out of thin air.
    * you might get more value for your efforts doing the following ...
    * This sounds like a questionable venture. It does not justify the extra time/expenses.
    * You'll be able to lift it easier if you move your hands further apart.
    * To say that there is consensus is wildly misrepresentative.
    * Get a clue.
    * You are clearly losing exact definition regarding your own narrative, therefore I'll let you off the hook. Consider it a freebie.
    * A man who both claims he doesn't follow any model of socionics and who is also unwilling to specify the model he is using is not worthy as a typology commentator because he is not willing to open himself up to peer review and to reach common conclusions and methods.
    Features of Te-speech
    All Te-ego types are dynamic, thus they will interconnect events one after another in speech. Thus their speech will have a flow-like quality to it. Content may be lacking in personal elements.

    Introverted Logic
    Related words
    * logical statements of static estimation: "this is true" "this is not valid" "this is incorrect"
    * therefore, consequently, thus, hence
    * correlation, similarity, distinction, compatibility
    * denote, define, mean, signify, designate, refer to, constitute, correspond to, pertain to
    * satisfy (''i.e. a requirement''), comply with, match, cohesion
    * establish (a rule or principle)
    * counterpart, analogue, equivalent
    * characteristic of, of a ____ nature
    * according to, corresponding to, in view of, in terms of, apart from, given ___, equivalent to, tantamount to
    * consider, call, deem, regard, associate ____ with
    Real examples of Ti-related statements
    * this is inconsistent
    * correlates rather poorly/well
    * This idea is incoherent.
    * You are contradicting yourself...
    * Now on that point, I'm going to have to take issue.
    * I think this definition is more accurate...
    * I can't hate her for this specific reason...
    * Why did he do this? What was his reasoning?
    * I need a reason to do anything.
    * Do you understand what I'm trying to say?
    * Only when absolutely necessary.
    * Is it or isn't it?
    * What does that refer to?
    * What did you mean by this?
    Features of Ti-speech
    In debates and discussions, types that value Ti may inquire about definitions and criteria of their conversation partner. Since Ti is subjective, these types have a sense that other individuals may be using different operational sets of definitions, criteria, laws or premises.

    Extraverted ethics
    Related words
    * personal qualifiers (moods, character traits) as could be observed by person's external behavior and manners with emphasis on qualifiers and actions that are externally harmonious: considerate, charismatic, pleasant, graceful, tactful, unrestrained, uninhibited, well-behaved, patient, understanding, easy-going, responsible, sincere, dishonest, quarrelsome, spiteful, egotistic, risible, sad, happy, moody, morose, brooding, sullen, shy, quiet, demure, vivacious, enthusiastic, excited, energized
    * congruity, external harmony in relations
    * bedevil, befuddle, discombobulate, dazzle, tantalize, torment
    * howl, wail, bawl, roar
    * honk, blare, beep, toot
    Real Examples of Fe-related statements
    * I'm sorry that your situation with John went so poorly
    * I was shocked and overjoyed to hear of it!
    * It bothers me when people choose ignorance, especially when it hurts others (Fe-Ti)
    * God, why is everyone so focused on it!
    * You aren't being helpful to our new recruits.
    * He deserves anything she could say about him.
    * I don't want to criticize her [in person] because I'm afraid of hurting her feelings.
    * I *really* love that couch! (Fe-Si)
    * He's usually really easy to cheer up.
    * You were very rude towards the bus driver.
    Features of Fe-speech
    Use of illustrative adverbs and superlatives (e.g. ''absolutely amazing!'').

    Introverted ethics
    Related words
    * personal qualifiers that are implicit, implied within the context of external behavior, actions, and manners
    * sentiment
    * relate to, sympathize with
    * support (''i.e. supporting something'')
    * community
    * share
    * to bring (people) together
    * to open up (''figurative'')
    Real Examples of Fi-related statements
    * This bugs me.
    * I just don't care for...
    * I am truly grateful for...
    * This kid gave his heart to us, he gave his heart to University of Florida (Fi-creative)
    * It is just exciting to be around things that old (Fi-Si)
    * I felt bad about the situation
    * I just wanted to say how touched I was that...
    * I have a lasting gift from you which some of my friends do not have: the knowledge that you are there when I need you, and the knowledge that you really care.
    * I must have the most considerate son. How well he knows me!
    * I did not realize how terribly alone and lonely she must have been.
    * I sent that old monster off yesterday. (Fi-Ne referring to an appliance)
    * What a terrible thought!
    * Do you feel differently now?
    * I feel so gloomy and depressed
    * I am so much looking forward to spending some time with you.
    * Wishing you were here...


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    whats my type if I barely wrote a few structured sentences to any of that

    ps. "* restrain, control, submit, subdue (''all figurative as well as literal'')"

    Thought that was Ti>Se

  3. #3
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    1. Happiness (community, duty, togetherness, heart)

    2. Human Progress (togetherness, duty, community, heart)

    3. Life Success (balance, duty)

    4. Human Intelligence (acceptance)

    5. Sober Realism (yes)

    6. Meaningful Life (dedication to others)

    7. Truth (shallow, digging)

    8. Independence (mind)

    9. True Love (beyond all)

    I score Fi

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    okay I'll share the little too, someone else can type it for me

    1. Happiness

    That non-concrete goal that if you chase in such a vague form, you'll end up nowhere.
    Or it's just "joy", or even more simply, fun and enjoyment.
    Strong satisfaction with life, basically

    2. Human Progress

    Uh, society gets further over the centuries and achieves more that no one even imagined before
    Better life standards, better technologies etc
    It's also ethical and intellectual and political progress etc etc

    3. Life Success

    Eh whatever you define it as
    Well ok, achieving your goals and having good meaningful deep lasting relationships.
    Nontrivial goals and challenges too

    4. Human Intelligence

    The neocortex in your brain gives it to you.

    5. Sober Realism

    Being a stoic you mean?
    It's important basics but boring if you only have that 100% of the time

    6. Meaningful Life

    Following your visions

    7. Truth

    Even when it's VERY unpleasant, you're willing to face the truth.

    8. Independence

    Opposite of dependence
    No emotional dependence ... not needing anyone
    Also just autonomy

    9. True Love

    Uh however you define it. It has to be grounded in reality though or otherwise it's just bullshit imaginations and you'll just hurt others chasing bullshit illusions

    Sorry I just can't write more about these topics.

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    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    I don't see this as being a very helpful exercise, given that people can have word associations that aren't very indicative of their deeper thought processes (e.g. I thought of the word "penis" when I read "Happiness," purely because when you sound it out...). But I did it anyway.

    1. Happiness
    Emotion, sunlight, friendship, entertainment

    2. Human Progress
    Future, history, technology, singularity

    3. Life Success
    Strife, achievement, goal, ephemeral

    4. Human Intelligence
    Brain signals, pretentious, superior, insight

    5. Sober Realism
    Boring, concrete, straightforward, unimaginative

    6. Meaningful Life
    Existentialism, death, effort, temporary

    7. Truth
    Logic, epistemology, falsehood, postmodernism

    8. Independence
    Strength, individualism, help, nation

    9. True Love
    Happy, unrequited, rare, romance

  6. #6
    Software Induced Blossoming of Multiverses SquidlessBrain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    I don't see this as being a very helpful exercise, given that people can have word associations that aren't very indicative of their deeper thought processes (e.g. I thought of the word "penis" when I read "Happiness," purely because when you sound it out...). But I did it anyway.

    Emotion, sunlight, friendship, entertainment

    Future, history, technology, singularity

    Strife, achievement, goal, ephemeral

    Brain signals, pretentious, superior, insight

    Boring, concrete, straightforward, unimaginative

    Existentialism, death, effort, temporary

    Logic, epistemology, falsehood, postmodernism

    Strength, individualism, help, nation

    Happy, unrequited, rare, romance
    Hard to grasp, but I would say Beta quadra

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    okay I'll share the little too, someone else can type it for me

    1. Happiness

    That non-concrete goal that if you chase in such a vague form, you'll end up nowhere.
    Or it's just "joy", or even more simply, fun and enjoyment.
    Strong satisfaction with life, basically

    2. Human Progress

    Uh, society gets further over the centuries and achieves more that no one even imagined before
    Better life standards, better technologies etc
    It's also ethical and intellectual and political progress etc etc

    3. Life Success

    Eh whatever you define it as
    Well ok, achieving your goals and having good meaningful deep lasting relationships.
    Nontrivial goals and challenges too

    4. Human Intelligence

    The neocortex in your brain gives it to you.

    5. Sober Realism

    Being a stoic you mean?
    It's important basics but boring if you only have that 100% of the time

    6. Meaningful Life

    Following your visions

    7. Truth

    Even when it's VERY unpleasant, you're willing to face the truth.

    8. Independence

    Opposite of dependence
    No emotional dependence ... not needing anyone
    Also just autonomy

    9. True Love

    Uh however you define it. It has to be grounded in reality though or otherwise it's just bullshit imaginations and you'll just hurt others chasing bullshit illusions

    Sorry I just can't write more about these topics.
    Ne basically

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    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    Ne basically
    Oh I did use the word "basically".

    But then the test is useless yup

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    Happy, unrequited, rare, romance
    How does unrequited love have to do with true love?

    ps. Because this test is useless so feel free to go off topic lol

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    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    How does unrequited love have to do with true love?

    ps. Because this test is useless so feel free to go off topic lol
    Well, true love can be unrequited, can't it?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    Well, true love can be unrequited, can't it?
    Im just curious how you got it associated so quickly with true love

    Bc unrequited love just makes me think of illusions, overidealisation of the other person etc., anything but reality

    And true love wouldn't be true love if it was based in an illusion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    Oh I did use the word "basically".

    But then the test is useless yup
    I'm saying your responses are Ne related basically.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    Im just curious how you got it associated so quickly with true love

    Bc unrequited love just makes me think of illusions, overidealisation of the other person etc., anything but reality

    And true love wouldn't be true love if it was based in an illusion.
    In many cases true love is unrequited. It's when you show someone how much you love them despite their own disregard, until they realize how much they have been loved, and may be grateful or regret the loss of someone who truly loved them.

  14. #14
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    1. Happiness
    A general state of contentment and abundance. The feeling that everything is okay, that you have faith that things will turn out well or that you'll be able to handle anything. Exists in the present moment only. Makes me think of summer evenings with friends where there's no where to be.

    2. Human Progress
    The general achievement and improvement of the human race. The belief that it's worth doing difficult things, not just for the sake of yourself and your own fulfillment, but for the betterment and furthering of human kind. I can think of good and bad sides to this (or short term leaps vs long term survival). Putting human progress above ethics and the environment etc can make for huge leaps. The Manhattan Project is a feat of human progress. I think real human progress comes from community and prolonging the survival of the human race though. Human progress is often associated with things we do that actually are self destructive and stifle the progress of future generations (i.e. technology advances that resulted in climate change).

    3. Life Success
    Pushing yourself to be the best version of yourself. Authentic living. Identifying what your values are and aligning yourself with them. Identifying what your weaknesses are and integrating them. Becoming the hero of your own narrative: simultaneously the creator and main actor in your life. This level of agency is successful living because from there you can define your own ideals of success (i.e. it's nothing to do with status symbols and prestige).

    4. Human Intelligence
    Human ability to communicate, understand, debate, theorize, problem solve. Ability to come up against a challenge and creatively beat it. And a level of consciousness to be aware that we're doing these things. Awareness of our own intelligence. Awareness of our own stupidity.

    5. Sober Realism
    Taking off the rose tinted glasses and staring shit in the face. Cutting through bullshit and baggage (primarily your own). Facing fear. Accepting vulnerability. Seeing it as it is.

    6. Meaningful Life
    Similar to successful life because I defined a successful life as a meaningful life. One where you've authentically prescribed your own meaning and adopted a level of agency to be able to achieve it. Spent the time bettering yourself instead of chasing after dumb material shit. Finding time for reflection, joy, love, creativity.

    7. Truth
    The straight up facts or logical maxims. Everything else is relative. I often confuse telling the truth with being right. It's not about that. If you're telling the truth it's about admitting your bullshit, your fear, your vulnerability. Most personal arguments aren't about telling the truth, or even about being right, they are about two vulnerable egos clashing.

    8. Independence
    Freedom and agency. Confidence and resources to not rely on anyone else.

    9. True Love
    Choosing a partner who helps you grow. Their idea of a meaningful life overlaps with yours and you make a commitment to muddling through it together. Support each other in achieving it. (Kindly) guiding them back on track when they are faltering.

    tbh I don't know that I recognise any of the above writing styles in ^^ this piece of writing. Here I'm just sort of saying statements almost in a detached logical way? You can get a sense of my values here (human connection, personal development, agency and authenticity), which might point to a F type, Se/Ni valuing. This sort of exercise wasn't v good at getting out my voice though because I was just answering logically whereas in real life I think either Fe or Fi would describe me more.

    Or like, if you ask me what true love is, I give you a fairly detached definition. If you ask me about my relationship, I'd switch into F style speaking ("I feel it's really special. He makes me feel great. He challenges me and we have lots of fun. I enjoy the domesticity more than I thought I would.")
    "I take back like half of the exclamation points.....they make me look....eager to please. Which I AM....but I don't want anyone to KNOW that"
    - Carrie Fisher

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    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    In many cases true love is unrequited. It's when you show someone how much you love them despite their own disregard, until they realize how much they have been loved, and may be grateful or regret the loss of someone who truly loved them.
    That to me isn't true love

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    I'm saying your responses are Ne related basically.
    They aren't

  16. #16
    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    1. Happiness
    Warm fuzzy feelings, fulfillment, love, contentment, laughter

    2. Human Progress
    Technology, adaptation

    3. Life Success
    Adulthood, dominance, freedom/autonomy, independence, achieving and reaching towards goals

    4. Human Intelligence
    Not taking other humans too seriously. Protecting the environment we live in.

    5. Sober Realism

    6. Meaningful Life
    Finding love, seeking knowledge and understanding/protecting the world we live in

    7. Truth
    Wordless and intuitively known/felt

    8. Independence
    A fool’s errand in its absoluteness.

    9. True Love
    A fairlytale way of thinking, but not that rare actually.

  17. #17
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    Fleeting, like a hard drug. The only thing that never changes is change.

    Human Progress
    More time, means more time for genius and lucky invention.

    Life Success
    Must be earned by denying opportunity to others since resources are finite. Human desire is infinite, we're never satisfied once we reach a goal, we always want more.

    Human Intelligence

    Dependent on genetics and environment, one of the most important things in life that's beyond your control. Not something to be proud of. Wisdom is more important than intelligence once you hit a baseline.

    Sober Realism
    Sometimes useful, sometimes painful and detrimental.

    Meaningful Life
    Having a long term surplus of positive brain chemicals. There's no reason not to live your life in a well made matrix.

    Interpretation of fact.

    Most people wouldn't be content with total independence, there's a balance between independence and dependence. Humans are pack animals.

    True Love
    Something that makes you forget about the cold inhuman world which humans happen to live in.

    Not sure which type this is supposed to make me.

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    1. Happiness>Human Progress

    2. Human Progress> Life Success

    3. Life Success> Human Intelligence

    4. Human Intelligence>Sober Realism

    5. Sober Realism> Meaningful Life

    6. Meaningful Life> Truth

    7. Truth> Independence

    8. Independence> True Love

    9. True Love> Happiness

  19. #19
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    1. Happiness

    Good weather conditions, tasty food. People telling jokes.
    Unusual ideas and perspectives. Conversation about world view.

    2. Human Progress

    Get rid of dogmatism and prejudice, become less materialistic,
    don't ignore side effects of actions,
    replace dogmatism with true insight

    3. Life Success

    I guess I don't think much about success. Being rich isn't really important to me. I'm quite modest when it cames to poverty or owning stuff.

    4. Human Intelligence

    Can be used either for good or bad purposes. To my observation, a lot of people use thinking only when needed; most decisions are instinctive based.

    5. Sober Realism

    Common ground, reduce the subjective part of the own world view,
    don't ignore the environmental factors, e.g. limited resources

    6. Meaningful Life

    Discover some novelty, ideas that work in reality
    Share insight and knowledge with other poeple, discover missing objects or develop technical devices that other people needs.
    Understanding scientific phenomenon. Getting along with other people.

    7. Truth

    I thought everybody always told the truth when I was a naive child; now I know that's not the case.
    I see lying as a selfish motive to get the better of something.

    8. Independence

    I'm quite independent, I think; and I need to be that way.
    I'm critical towards most laws made or defined by other people, but I accept the laws of nature wholeheartedly.

    9. True Love

    Can't be enforced, it's more like a gift. I'm tempted to state it's the superlative of sympathy.

    Please decrypt this, Megatrop.

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    "Discover some novelty, ideas that work in reality
    Share insight and knowledge with other poeple, discover missing objects or develop technical devices that other people needs."

    "Can't be enforced, it's more like a gift. I'm tempted to state it's the superlative of sympathy."

    Seem Si over Ne but Ne valuing yeh, and Te and Fi

    Same themes for the rest

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