Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
For people who believe in purgatory, then maybe they would answer God didn't want to do that and purgatory was a system God wanted to create. I don't know why the Roman Catholic Church wouldn't have at least one answer to that. And people like me who don't believe in God would just ask... why did God create Jesus to die on the cross if he could've just saved people without creating Jesus. And many Christians would have one or more answers to that, but that doesn't mean that any of their answers are the right answer.

The Bible and the Quran are loaded with inconsistencies; they are not all scientific. People who believe in God and try to understand are inconsistent by going along with some inconsistencies while not going along with other inconsistencies.
Bolded. The thing is people have free will to do as they please, this is the ego or knowledge of good and evil if you wish. Faith is giving up this free will of the ego for the divine will, the will of god. Jesebus was there to show people the way to divine will, he had to show people faith in the face of cruelty, that god will rebuild its house(body of a faithful) in three days (ressurection).
I can go on saying the purgatory would be people's attempt at purifying more than something god made, it's the ego and divine will fighting in a person, when they give up the freedom of good and evil, they reunite in god's will, achieving paradise. The purgatory is god's creation in the way god is in all of us and shoulders all sins.
I'm no christian but I like making "sense" of that stuff, so forgive this comment, I'm not trying to convince anyone just flexin' the spiritual muscles because I find it fun.