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Thread: I may have scared a dual. How to behave when you find an identical to someone you know

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    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Default I may have scared a dual. How to behave when you find an identical to someone you know

    So I stumbled upon an identical of one of my girl friends, and I scared her because it seemed that I already knew her (in a sense). I even got right the two options she was considering for college, and I lied to her about how I could know her even if we hadn't seen each other before. So she left me without explanation. So what did I do wrong? Wasn't she supposed to like me knowing so much about her?

  2. #2
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    So I stumbled upon an identical of one of my girl friends, and I scared her because it seemed that I already knew her (in a sense). I even got right the two options she was considering for college, and I lied to her about how I could know her even if we hadn't seen each other before. So she left me without explanation. So what did I do wrong? Wasn't she supposed to like me knowing so much about her?

    Every woman wants to be stalked.

    So you've tested Socionics and you found that it works.

    I happen to believe that there are basically 16, maybe 32 people in the world. If you allow for enneagram variations and instinctual variants, you might be up to 125 or so. This includes only the mentally healthy, though. If you include the people who are each crazy in their own way, then all bets are off. Fortunately, the crazies are limited to about 20% of the population.

    Couple that with the fact that very few people know anyone better than 90% of their personality, along with the fact that you really can get along with almost anyone if you are willing to compromise, and you'll find that there are a lot of people whom you could be happy with.

    However, for the purposes of successful dating, it is best to treat a woman as if she is unique. As if she is the only example of HER in the known Universe. No one else comes close. Every other woman you've ever met was a crazy witch (Don't play this up too much. All those women had you in common, and this might occur to her.) and all your previous GF's either moved to another continent or died from their horribly bad habits.

    @Megatrope, I actually have told women what I believe they are like, or do like, based on Socionics. They will admit that I'm right, and then they will stay far, far away from me.

    My present plan is to tell them nothing about who they are or how compatible I think we would be. Rather, I'll offer to walk side-by-side with them for a while, and see if they want to walk side-by-side with me, too.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 04-19-2020 at 10:09 PM.

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    Many ppl sense liessssssss and it makes them feel distrusssssst. ?

    Strange interactions in which someone acts like they know you and also don't know you and you detect lying set off a bunch of red flags and the RUNNNN impulse.

    Eta... I mean there can be the "psychic sense" that one already knows someone but it tends to be more spontaneous and can't really be simulated.
    Last edited by marooned; 04-24-2021 at 09:10 PM.

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    since she doesn't know you know socionics perhaps she was put off by how you could have come to the information that seemed highly personalized (even if you just tried to brush it off as "good guess")

    In which case it would be a better idea to tell her about socionics and that that's the framework you were working with
    Tell her that by looking at a very few data points, you can predict about 80% of who she is and what she'll do, because there is nothing special about her. Nothing at all.


    It would be better to just tell her you were a good guesser.

    On the other hand, as a woman begins to know me better, I'll slowly start introducing her to my crazy personality theories. I've even gone so far as to tell an ESI that she should get to know me and my sociotype better, because if I get hit by a car, she'll be more easily able to find my replacement.

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    ouronis's Avatar
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    Try not lying next time

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    Whenever I have pointed out the behaviour of staff (of various types) in performance review meetings and what I thought that they were attempting, most were very uncomfortable with being exposed. IEEs can appear rather invasive in an overly familiar and or flippant way while SLIs tend to be somewhat suspicious of the motives of others, and closely guard their space so IEEs need to treat it with deference. However, an IEE running from tenuous SLI advances is the norm.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    I like how socionics has superpowers now.

  8. #8
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    I haven't found much of a problem using socionics with people. You just need to get close enough to them so that once you've typed them or attempted to, you can explain it and see if it works. If they find it uncomfortable/boring/annoying, you can just keep it in the background when thinking about them and simply give advice on what they should do in situations according to socionics.

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