A new small article on vulnerable function. How and why did it arise? In this group, as well as in other groups of the community, emphasis is placed on the value functions of quadras. The values ​​of the functions of the Superego block of model A and, in particular, the vulnerable function are considered one-sided and negative, as if the vulnerable function has no value for a person and he does not want to work on it. I decided to clarify the situation. I will be glad to hear your opinion, dear colleagues:
The negative attitude towards the vulnerable function (VF) comes from the concept of quadras and the idea of valued and non-valued functions. If you try to look at the VF from a different perspective, you will see and interpret this in a more positive and objective way.
This is a function of your mental / conscious block of model A. You cannot ignore it, because the Superego block is aimed at ensuring that a person complies with the norms accepted in the community. It feels like you have to do something about it, otherwise it will really hurt if people evaluate you, for example, as an unethical or stupid, uneducated person. A negative community assessment is what makes people consciously work on improving the functions of their Superego block, including the VF.
But it is also a function of unconscious irrational fear, which appears for no reason. This is not only a desire to be liked by others and to be no worse than others. Without even knowing socionics, a person feels where his fear come from and tries to protect himself by improving the functions of the Superego block. Since these are conscious functions, a person is aware of his weaknesses, what is he needs to develop in himself and in which direction to move.
It’s a completely different matter with the functions of the Superid block, which are located in the weakest block of Model A in the Superid block. This block in model A has always been associated in Socionics with the collective unconscious according to Carl Jung’s theory. The functions of this unit constitute a problem only in crisis situations and often occur unexpectedly for a person, because the work of these functions is the worst realised.
A person does not even have the thought to improve himself and develop these functions. By the way, this applies to all the functions of the vital block of model A, because they are much worse realised, and less used than the functions of the mental block.
People do not see the need to develop the functions of the Superids block, but they are glad to accept real help when it most needed. Learning process using the weakest and least understood functions is very difficult. People forget experience and information. This is a victim position for any person. Nevertheless, in cases of necessity, interest, and frequent use of these functions, we train them as well. Depends on desire and interest. But more often, knowing his weak spot and weak ability to process information using these functions, a person defiantly refuses to change himself: Yes, I am like this, was always like that, I will die like that.
A person needs to be accepted himself the way he is: everyone has its faults which he cannot control consciously. This is very important in building personal relationships. If the partner is not ready to accept your inappropriate, inadequate reactions and deal with your behaviour in a very understanding and accepting way, he will not be able to get along with you. For example, inappropriate behaviour in suggestive Fe is best tolerated by program ethics types: some can successfully manipulate the weak function of a partner while using their strong Fe, while others can successfully ignore the inappropriate manifestation of Fe by being tolerant and loyal Fi.
As for vulnerable function, people have a conscious need to work on the development of their weak spot. Something what is given as a natural gift to one person as a programme function requires putting a lot of effort for another. It is not rare that during diagnostics we see misunderstanding of strength and weakness related to programme and vulnerable functions. For example, people of the type Yesenin (IEI) often see themselves as logicians because they think a lot. People of the type Dreiser (ESI) go an extra mile in searching for the find and in choosing the best option.
People are driven to work on their fear, on something that give them peace of mind and a degree of confidence they need. They want to be sure that they have done everything possible to protect themselves, improve their position in society and even succeed. Therefore, it is completely natural to hear from people that they know and understand the issue and they are not worse than others, but even better. They look and feel amused how effortless others use their vulnerable function –
something that is in their eyes is extremely important and need a more careful approach.
What else is important to know about vulenrable function? For this function, we often observe a rigid polarity of the reaction: people either work very hard using VF for their own sake to keep fear under control or … they refuse to work almost immediately. It depends on what the other function it is paired with, whether it is of personal interest or an urgent need. If it works in tandem with program functions or creative, then the work goes easier and is of a particular interest. If this is a work on the Superego block, in conjunction with an also weak role function, then the work requires more effort and tension, possibly less interest and more conscious need. Nevertheless, the more experience and knowledge one has gained in working with the functions of their Superego block, the more skill, habit is developed and, therefore, less rejection.
According to my concept, the vulnerable function and activation function in conjunction form a vulnerable channel, through which information passes from one function to another. In the same way other functions are distributed across the channels: Program channel – program and restrictive functions, creative channel – creative and restrictive functions and role channel of functions – role and suggestive. Why did I connect the functions of different vertices into channels? To emphasize the interconnected and interdependent work of these functions. If a person has a vulnerable function of extroverted intuition then the activation function will not be felt as healthy either way. Fear extends to both functions, but is better recognised by the conscious vulnerable function.
Through a creative and role channel, a person creates new information, because these functions are productive in socionics theory. It’s easier to work with information by using the creative channel of stronger functions. A person confidently shares it with the world. Using the functions of vulnerable channel, a person gains experience and knowledge, draws conclusions and produces informations and works primarily for himself, not having the particular desire to share the product with the world. But this does not mean that a person cannot create something new and unique which he could share with others. The production of new information using vulnerable function may be reserved to others due to the fact that a person is less confident in his ability to use it or is unsure how others will evaluate his work in this informational aspect.
We have enough facts from history though when creative work activated by the vulnerable function led people to success and the creation of unique projects, for example, the theory of inter-type relations of Ausra Augustinavichiute, the constitution of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Posted by: Olga Tangemann