Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
Here is a dual couple. The guy knew about Socionics before marrying her.

Now guess their types! It shouldn't be too hard. Hint: They also have compatible DCNH.

Damn, they talk way too much about food! It is irritating. They're definitely Si/Ne valuing. She seems to be a feeler. He's definitely a sensor. Also, I find strange that both of them seem to have the same energy levels, which is surprising for me, because I would never think they're duals based on their interactions.
I would say he's ST and therefore she would be NF. She seems more introverted than him. So LSE (He) - EII (She)?

Btw, this is exactly the kind of information I look for: dual couples interacting in a video. Thanks for sharing! If you have more examples like this one, please share with me!