Duality has never really applied to me.

I'm not sure what my type is (it's either ESI-Fi or LSI-Ti), but throughout my life I've generally had huge preferences for ILE-Ti then SLE-Ti, but I still wouldn't feel all that comfortable with an SLE-Ti. No EIE or LIE woman has ever really captured my mind anywhere near like so many ILE-Ti and SLE-Ti women have. However, ILE-Ti and SLE-Ti really never want to spend time with me. A huge part of it is that I'm just too masculine (I'm mainly a talker who takes very little physical action, I'm very poorly coordinated, I'm not sequential in expression, I'm slow to process information accurately) and feminine women prefer feminine men (ILE-Ti women tend to like men who are like themselves; people who are more into physical action rather than talking, who interact well physically with the environment, who are visual thinkers, competent with machines and tools, good in nature, interacting with the physical world, and who are good with insult and black humor).

I would kill to have a brain that was great visuo-spatially (great spatial and object and visual detail awareness and size discrimination) and who could deductively reason and could think sequentially and had great fine motor coordination rather than with having more understanding of verbal concepts and how society as a whole works. My vocabulary was too large when I was younger, although due to poor coordination I didn't express myself very well in conversation. I tend to dominate conversations since I don't process what other people say well on the fly.