
when I was super sick a couple years ago what worked best for me was one clove of garlic grinded down to a paste, and 1 tablespoon of organic honey mixed together in a hot tea. (it has to be the expensive, organic 'real' raw honey tho and of course real garlic not processed or anything)

That was my turning point as before then everything I tried didn't really work and I had the cold for like 4 goddamn months and it was really scary and was really started to bother me.

I mean it worked as a type of 'cure' for the super bad virus I had at the time but I don't really recommend doing this if ur not sick but I guess, maybe it has some preventive stuff too. And I mean don't over-do it or anything. Life is all about moderation blah blah. The right amount of sunshine is great for you , too much causes cancer... etc. Garlic and honey aren't miracle cures or anything but they have natural antimicroable and antibacterial properties that are good against viruses and immune system boost.

I'm sure some Te valuer will create a news headline entitled 'covid-19 patient takes garlic and honey and still dies anyway' to emotionally torture people - but well obviously, to clarify I wasn't talking about covid but the flu I had which was not covid but was still horrible.