I'm an SEE in pharmacy, and my first two years are intensive chemistry courses. There's definitely a big chunk of NTs in my classes who dominate answering questions and just generally getting the hang of the material right there and then in the lecture hall. So far, though, despite it not 'clickling' for me the way it seems to for the NTs, the only challenge I've had to really deal with was the fact that there's just a lot more material to go through compared to high school, but that seems like something most everyone faces, despite which field of study they choose. My point is, I agree with FP ^. If chemistry is what you see yourself doing, if you like the challenge it poses (because that's one of my reasons for picking pharmacy lol), if you think or even know that you'd be good at it, go for it. There's no use picking a "safe" option, socionically speaking, because such a thing does not exist -- it has not been proven, just correlated. But I also couldn't do engineering... Nope. No way. So there is truth to it.