ILE-Ti, LSI-Se, and EIE-Ni probably have the most frustration of all the types with people who have NVLD and the ILE-Ti would be especially frustrated with people who have William's Syndrome (although they generally tolerate people with Down's Syndrome probably for the opposite reason they can't tolerate people with NVLD and WS). They're usually pretty tolerant, but people who don't pick up on non-verbal cues probably frustrate ILE-Ti more than any other kind of people. ILE-Ti (and LSI-Se) are often late talkers, not saying anything until it makes perfect sense, ILE-Ti's nonverbal reasoning ability is greater than any other type's and they don't like to give explanations much and they never or almost never offer them. The ILE-Ne is actually not super uncommon among people w/ NVLD, but the ILE-Ti is a type that could never have it (as are LSI-Se and EIE-Ni).

Just food for thought and I enjoy putting this out there.