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Thread: 1w2 gruffness, 8w7 gentleness, and 6 gentle and gruff and as they relate to ILE-Ti and LIE.

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    Default 1w2 gruffness, 8w7 gentleness, and 6 gentle and gruff and as they relate to ILE-Ti and LIE.

    The enneagram institute's descriptions seem terrible in that they mention how self-controlled the 1 is, but 1s aren't self-controlled in emotional expression or anger like 8s are and history is full of 1s and 2s who murdered their spouses or beat their children uncontrollably. 8s are always in control of their emotions, just not going after what makes them happy or gives them control or relief and they're not listed as gentle when they are more gentle than most types and they aren't fragile inside or hurt like the description on the enneagram institute website says; they don't snap and hit a child, yet 1s and 2s do. 8s also, in some cases, are not authoritarian as leaders; type 8w7 Trump sx/so is far less authoritarian in policy (especially war), far more cautious, far more gentle, far less blunt, far more supportive of due process, reciprocal justice, and respectful of international boundaries and human rights and presuming of innocence and far more objective, than 1w2 so/sp Hillary Clinton would've been. Trump requires more loyalty towards himself, but he's a lot more fair, rational, and restrained and indecisive (which is good) than Hillary Clinton would've been. As narcissistic as he seems to some people, he's totally misunderstood (he's joking, and his rape accusers were lying, Kobe Bryant's accuser wasn't). He and/or his image is also both the victim and beneficiary of so many people jumping onto social bandwagons (popular movements). He knows the difference between extreme right and extreme wrong and is more likely to never go with extreme wrong like Hillary Clinton did. Which brings you back to 8w7 sx/so having higher self-control than 1w2 because the 8w7 sx/so can more easily say no and refuse to defend guilty people than the 1w2 can, the 1w2 technically isn't self-controlled but rather other-controlled. Also, Trump has married women who were not very emotional and who were independent and who could stand up to him (or others), so he actually didn't subscribe to gender norms.

    Also, I think the ILE-Ti is the poster child for 8 sx/so, while 8 doesn't really fit LIEs; LIEs are anxious and needy and emotional but don't realize their anxiety. 8s are more self-aware than most other types, especially 1s; ILE-Ti are highly self-aware. 8s really aren't that blunt or that loud (they're not angry, they just want control and they know how to get it so it's unlikely for them to be rapists), that's more of a 1w2, 3, and 6 thing in my experience (1w2, 2, and 3 and so/sp more likely to be rapists than 6 and 8 and sx/so).

  2. #2
    Heaven and Hell Samson's Avatar
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    Yeah..... that's a no from me.

    Is this a troll thread or..?

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    Alonzo's Avatar
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    *looks at OP's username* *remembers a poignant quote >"When people show you who they are, believe them" - Maya Angelou.* *exits thread*

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    is this opposite day

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    lol yeah Trump being 'gentle' wtf? Yeah, and I'm totally heterosexual and I understand complicated military strategies as well as Muddy does while in the foxhole.

    I mean if you support Trump just support him for who he really is- but don't try to gaslight others that he is the complete opposite of who he really is just in hopes to get more moderates on your team.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    Yeah..... that's a no from me.
    Sorry, but why? Please deconstruct each part of my post you disagree with and please tell me what you agree with (if anything).

    Is this a troll thread or..?[/QUOTE]
    No. It was intended to provoke intelligent thought and to show me where I might be wrong, but mainly to provoke intelligent thought.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 02-04-2020 at 08:41 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    *looks at OP's username* *remembers a poignant quote >"When people show you who they are, believe them" - Maya Angelou.* *exits thread*
    lol. i'm disturbed for sure but a lot of people seem more disturbed than i am. you'd be surprised. i mean, if you think i'm bizarre or what i say is bizarre, then you don't know, don't understand, or haven't met many people, or at least not many of the right people.

    but i've always wanted to be different. sucks to me that my style was never good though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hag View Post

    is this opposite day
    No it's not. Sorry. Did you meant you don't think ILE-Ti are 8 very often? If you don't think they're 8 very often, then why?

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    lol yeah Trump being 'gentle' wtf?
    He's not super gentle (but compared to Sanders and the way many Democrats have been behaving he is). Though he's goofy which is good. He's not gruff fortunately, he used to be pretty calm.

    Yeah, and I'm totally heterosexual and I understand complicated military strategies as well as Muddy does while in the foxhole.
    OK. I scored 2 on the Kinsey scale, which said I'm predominantly homosexual but more than incidentally homosexual. It was very thought provoking and sexy and made my chest feel so good thinking about for years after my friend (SLE-Ti) farted on my head as it did when when he farted when were in the small car his father was trying to sell. It smelled so good, his legs were so lean, strong, long, and slim, and the way he looked when he opened them and demanded I go as I high as i did and the tactile sensation i felt of the muscles in his legs and and the auditory stimulation and sexual arousal and thought-provoking and pleasant adrenaline rush of him expanding and contracting his butthole. I had an erection after he lifted me off the couch and drop me on the floor, I had thought he was going to get angry but since he didn't even say anything, I guess he didn't notice my erection. I've never told him about it how it made me so horny thinking about it and masturbating about it many, many times since January 2001. So many other things that happened made me horny, but that was just one thing. And of course I want more, but I think ILE-Ti women, the very best looking ones, find me repulsive to their bodies and I don't blame them. If they wanted me to pay them, then it would seem to indicate that they found it a chore, while I'd maybe pay them, I still want to be comforting to them, for my own sense of self-worth and for their own happiness. I'm not really all that into intimacy, and I don't want to fall into that trap of dating, and I hope no one ever lures me into it.
    I mean if you support Trump just support him for who he really is- but don't try to gaslight others that he is the complete opposite of who he really is just in hopes to get more moderates on your team.
    I don't really support him, and I'm an extremist, not a moderate. We'd be just as well off with no government at all, than with centralization of political power. Being moderate, favoring moderate, has gotten us into a lot of trouble. As long as you can wait through the crash and no body gets government help while it's happening, then when the bad smoke clears, everything is great.

    I'm scared to death of medicare for all. For the SJWs, it won't even create more equality (restricting nurses and the patent system certainly can create inequality though), because people who can afford the best health care won't be using government services. It will just be mediocrity and the middle class and poor will pay for it anyway (as Sanders said, angrily, in a video that he would raise payroll taxes on the middle class or the poor I forgot which).

    A problem is insurance and the way the tax code favors it. People didn't always use insurance. Another problem is the patent system and some FDA regulations which give the pharmaceutical industry a monopoly and increases the cost of health care while decreasing quality and progress. Things would be so much better if we didn't have a patent system (and never any replacement of it by the federal or higher government) and if we didn't have licensing requirements and if we had voluntary euthanasia and a tax code that either allowed personal deductions for all medical expenses or much lower rates and no specialized deductions at all and no special taxes (e.g., taxes on cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, medical equipment etc). Poor people who smoke cigarettes just spend more money on cigarette taxes then they have less money to budget for health care. Things would be best if political power were radically decentralized and that may happen again one day, as long as people can wait for it. Problem is, people can't separate their love or hatred of country or the world or their envy, or love "of their people" from their strong desires for centralization of political power (or aggressive action)... I'm not perfect at that either, but I hope I don't run for office. I really don't see myself as belonging nor anyone else belonging to me nor anyone else being "my own", I don't consider myself white so I don't really like marking "white/caucasian" when asked to (I have my own conceptualization of what/who is what race, I am a scientific racist, but my understanding/perception of races is my own). Sorry and thank you.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 02-04-2020 at 09:33 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    OK. I scored 2 on the Kinsey scale, which said I'm predominantly homosexual but more than incidentally homosexual. It was very thought provoking and sexy and made my chest feel so good thinking about for years after my friend (SLE-Ti) farted on my head as it did when when he farted when were in the small car his father was trying to sell. It smelled so good, his legs were so lean, strong, long, and slim, and the way he looked when he opened them and demanded I go as I high as i did and the tactile sensation i felt of the muscles in his legs and and the auditory stimulation and sexual arousal and thought-provoking and pleasant adrenaline rush of him expanding and contracting his butthole. I had an erection after he lifted me off the couch and drop me on the floor, I had thought he was going to get angry but since he didn't even say anything, I guess he didn't notice my erection. I've never told him about it how it made me so horny thinking about it and masturbating about it many, many times since January 2001. So many other things that happened made me horny, but that was just one thing. And of course I want more, but I think ILE-Ti women, the very best looking ones, find me repulsive to their bodies and I don't blame them. If they wanted me to pay them, then it would seem to indicate that they found it a chore, while I'd maybe pay them, I still want to be comforting to them, for my own sense of self-worth and for their own happiness. I'm not really all that into intimacy, and I don't want to fall into that trap of dating, and I hope no one ever lures me into it.
    LOL @sbbds get into this shit flavored air.
    Last edited by Alonzo; 02-04-2020 at 11:14 AM. Reason: greater accuracy

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    &papu silke's Avatar
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    I'm going to be closing off this thread for it being a troll one, with one of the forum members getting another account to troll others, which has worked based on Alonzo's response.

    If you want to discuss political attitudes and and enneagram types @HERO, there is no need for this.

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