Quote Originally Posted by SocietyOTLittleFlower View Post
At least the Wuhan Flu is not vCJD. It was the only pandemic where the disease has a 100.00% fatality rate. We were fortunate only 100-200 people died, but Chronic Wasting Disease in deer which is caused by the same pathogen is highly infectious. I would talk more but let's not give would-be terrorists ideas.

The USA stopped requiring beef farmers to report downer cows so this disease might have a second breakout.
I agree that we're going to have another outbreak of mad cow disease due to all the factory farming but we've also basically cured the version of mad cow disease mice have. I hope we can stop rampant factory farming before then so it won't be too big of an outbreak. So many people are going vegan or only eating local beef already, though I think going vegan is not a solution when the problem is factory farming and not that eating animals or animal products angers the vegan gods or whatever.