What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
I am in the last year of high school, after graduating I don't know what I will do. I could study something in college (my parents want that), I thought about studying philosophy a while ago but today I am not sure, I think I would not feel comfortable, especially because of the study of modern authors (who i considere too academic and complicated). When I was a child I dream about being a fireman /policeman, and I could be, but I would have to exercise and quit smoking and i dont want do that.
What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
My day is quite boring. I read a few chapters of a book, although I am very confused; I usually eat a lot throughout the day, bread or a fruit, I smoke a few cigarettes per week. I imagine many dialogues; from the past to fix some decisions, I prepare conversations that I know will happen, or simply fanciful dialogues. I see memes, and I go to this forum to know my type haha.
My main hobby is reading; I like the books of stories (Borges, Gogol, Cortazar), but I still read some novels by classical authors. I also wrote stories, before I wrote one in a week, but I have not written for a while, I have published a couple but I still don't have much confidence. I think I write for others, I want to provoke something in the reader and yet I am ashamed to present my writings. I wrote poems but I don't give them to anyone. I enjoy writing poems more than stories, but I prefer the result of a story, the problem is that I feel lazy to start writing in prose, now I have a storyline ready but I postpone it.
What are your values, and why?
I will always have kindness and empathy as my maxims, although I don't always follow them. The interaction between people would be better, but maybe boring.
Describe your relationships with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
I guess my relationship is good. I don't talk much with my family, casual talk when we're in the same room. I dislike a little the concern that my parents have but I suppose it is common. With friends my relationship is quite different but almost as superficial. We tell funny stories, jokes, we bother each other. A few tell me their problems and I do the same but I don't care. I don't dislike almost anything about them, our sense of humor is the same (acidic). Sometimes I explain something to my friends, if they don't understand it at first, I usually become aggressive, I even insult them. With strangers it doesn't happen much to me, I try to be friendlier and contain myself.
What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
I don't know what I'm looking for in a friend, someone to talk about common interests I suppose but I don't know if that is the case, actually my friends have very different interests from mine.
I'm not looking for a romantic relationship, I think it would even bother me to be in one for the stability and pampering, etc. I've dated girls (note: I've never taken the initiative to start talking to one, they talk to me first and then I end up inviting them to hang out or something) but when I notice that they want a relationship I stop talking. Then when I see that in a while they go out with someone else it hurts a little, but I don't know why, it even returns my interest.
What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
A few months ago I overcame annoying a partner, I will not go into details, but he do not yell or anything, but I know that I bother him a lot, he felt shame. I had a good time feeling really bad about it.
What are your strengths? What do people like about you? What do you like about yourself?
I think a strength of mine would be my relatively good memory for some things; I don't study for exams, but paying attention in class I can ... absorb the information, this works for me only in some subjects like History or English, where things make sense; With mathematical equations, chemistry or biology, I get a little lost, but I can still retain something. I remember a little the dates, I can know the birthday month of someone close if he told me before, but I forget the day if there is no way to relate it to something (I know a friend's birthday because it is also a holiday, that of a relative because it’s the first day of the year). I can interpret texts and essays quite quickly too, but if they have a lot of data, details and are very structured, I get a little lost; Socionics, everything is so organized that it is difficult to understand the functions, they seem too similar to me, and demotivates a little how structured it is, it gives me laziness.
What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
My biggest weakness is the concern I give to things. I think long before doing something and even after I think if I really did the right thing, sometimes I think I become a little paranoid; If I go out and see a car parked outside, I immediately believe that it could be a thief or a kidnapper, and ... I still do nothing! If I go back and there is nothing at home I will have been right and anyway It wouldn't be that bad either. I am currently quite shy, in classes I do not respond even if I think I know the answer. I criticize a lot, yes, but everything in my mind, never strangers, rarely my family, my friends always but everything is a joke. In addition to this I am undecided and I have no great conviction regarding my beliefs. I hate this indecision, I can finally believe something and then: what if ...? Then everything collapses; It happens to me very often when I am trying to discover my type by reading descriptions, sometimes I think ILI, but I have a very opposite characteristic, then LII, IEI, SLI, etc etc; I read the descriptions of the functions and they are too similar among them to me, I read the quadras and temperaments and I think i am all! I'm a little obsessed with socionics for this.
In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
I always believe that what I do on my own may be wrong, so I need someone to verify it, for someone to approve it, I need validation in several ways.
What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?
Repetitive tasks that require a lot of time, you do them again and again and it seems that it never ends, I dislike it. I enjoy walking for no reason, I narrate what I see and reflect a little.
What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future, and why?
I am not very ambitious and I do not have many goals that I want to realize in mind, I imagine many things but I know that I will not become them. Sometimes I think about becoming a good writer, but if I take into account the work and the steps that I must take to be one, I am demotivated and I think I am not capable.
If you won the lottery and didn't have to work anymore, what would you do?
It would be too boring to have a lot of money, I think without much certainty that I would give an amount of that money to someone (a family member, friend, charity, etc.), not so much for altruism but for getting rid of it. I could keep a little to travel and write without worries but I think I would get bored at the end.
What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
I think you can joke absolutely about anything, sometimes some people don't like it, I don't usually joke like that with strangers or with family. I do not like the exaggerated signs of love, pampering and things like that, I have no problem at first but after a while they bother me.
What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)?
I clean the dust once a week from my room, I always remember it but sometimes it makes me lazy and I don't. I dont decorate my room much, I dont really have posters or anything, it's easier that way. I wash the dishes in the week, I don't like it, I hate that they dirty dishes unnecessarily but I don't complain, I think I should do something at least, I feel relatively bad if I don't.
In what situations or times in your life did you feel most fulfilled, and why?
I've thought about this for a while, I don't remember feeling satisfied recently, maybe as a child, I don't know. Sometimes I get feelings of happiness, of wanting to share, etc. but they collide with reality so fast that I feel the same again.
How do you behave around strangers?
Around many strangers I feel observed, judged by something I do. Sometimes I sit on the bus and another person sits next to me, at that moment I say to myself "act like a normal person", as if I were doing something weird before.
How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
If he is a friend, I insult him but I never fight physically, if the insults are serious, I get a little anxious. I never had big problems with relatives who came to insults or blows, when I was a child i fight with my brother if it bothered me but that was a long time, today I think I would calm him down. If a stranger insults me or seeks a fight with me, I think I would ignore it, I would not like to fight because I know I would lose haha.
Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
I feel the rut, it bores sometimes, but I don't feel trapped in it. Maybe the routine doesn't bother me, it just depends on what it is composed of.
Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
I am not interested in starting a business, a few years ago I thought about opening a cafe in the future but I discarded the idea, it seemed to me that I would get bored.
How do you dress or manage your appearance?
I care enough. If it's school time I bathe every day in the morning. If I go to a site the same. I dress with simple colors; blue, black, light blue, dark purple and green, I always wear baseball cap, I don't like my long hair but I want to let it grow longer, I don't like wearing shorts or t-shirts because people would see my thin members.
What were you like as a child? How have you changed since then?
I was quite active and energetic but i didn't play many sports, something capricious and I guess curious, my mom tell me that o asked about anything; I think I have been a bit outgoing, enough to take the initiative and express myself without fear, I guess many children are like that. I had friends, but I preferred to play with toys and stuffed animals. I liked to draw, I think I drew until I was 12 years old, it wasn't good and I don't know why I stopped doing it. After that I played a lot on a computer, I think I became less active there, I kept talking with friends, even in classes but it was still uncomfortable, at least for others. I think I'm still a little curious, less expressive with strangers, now I keep inside me the desires and whims, I try to give another image, more acceptable, polite, quiet and cool haha.
As a child I cried and felt alone if I was not with my parents, I missed them, I imagined they were leaving me. Today, I guess I would miss them too, I don't know well, after a while alone I just want company but when I get it it's not what I expected, i prefer to be alone, but I always want to share something with a friend, an anecdote, a joke, things like that, I've always liked to talk about me.
Do you like kids? Why or why not?
No, I have cousins and nephews who are very active and energetic (people say they look like me as a child) and I can't stand them, they ask a lot, they demand a lot, not polite, etc. I can't stand them but I don't tell them anything, they’re kids after all; I like children who play on their own and don't talk much. I could not be a teacher.
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How do you feel about attention? Do you seek it out?
Sometimes I seek attention, but when I get it I don't like the result, I would have expected another reaction, it is uncomfortable. In my opinion, I would like to be recognized, but I don't try to be, and if it happens in public, I feel uncomfortable because I think I don't deserve it.
How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
I don't have big responsibilities. I try to postpone school work and housework. If someone need help, I know I should help him, but I don't always do it. Sometimes someone cries, I know I should comfort him or something, but I don't want to, I can't stand that excessive emotion. I guess everyone should have that sense of duty.
If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what approach would you take, and why?
The education, I wish he could learn much more than what I learned. Play an instrument, read in young ages, sports, whatever. I missed my education, if I raised a child I would not like the same thing to happen.
What is your biggest accomplishment?
One of my stories was published in a compilation book, I was very happy.
What was (or is) your high school experience like?
Fairly good. But miss many opportunities in many areas, for shyness, shame, etc.
What is something you regret?
Many things. I should have been more considerate of some people, I should have told a girl I liked her, stuff like that. I regret almost every decision I have taken.
Who do you admire, and why?
I admire some writers; for the creativity of one, the feelings of another and the good life of the next; Jorge Luis Borges, Fernando Pessoa and Albert Camus, those come to my mind now.
What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
Definitely the socionics’s archetypes have been on my mind in recent months, something motivates me to define but at the same time I can not decide, it anguishes me, it is stupid to become so obsessed but I cannot leave it.
What are your spiritual or religious beliefs and why do you hold them?
I don’t have spiritual beliefs.
What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
I don't care much about politics, even having a social crisis in my country. I consider myself center, leaning slightly to the left. But today I see a lot of people being in very extreme positions, denying absolutely everything that comes from their opposite, it bothers me a little, they think they know what changes to make so safely.
What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
I can not agree, I am looking for a job that gives me enough freedom to work alone but in turn I want to be with colleagues in a break to talk, I would think of an office but I would get too depressed that environment, very repetitive, I do not know.
What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
History. I didn't have to take many notes, the teacher explained quite well and sometimes told stories or jokes, he had almost no exams, short essays were made. Philosophy was similar, but we were motivated to speak and give our opinion, I have an opinion but I am ashamed to give it in public, it could also be wrong.
What is one common misconception that people have about life? Explain why it is wrong.
I don’t know.
Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
I went to a farm, rustic and almost without people in the surroundings. I think I like to see the mountain range, it doesn't produce much but I like it.
Talk about a significant event from your life.
I dont have very significant events. But, when i was a child (10-11 years old) once something happened at school that, I think, made me change even a little; I was in Art and I needed help from a teacher, she helped someone else, I called her and bothered her (I guess), then she told me in front of everyone (I don't remember the exact words) that I wasn't as important as I thought, that others needed equal attention and to wait; something like that, then everyone applauded him and I felt bad, but she was right.
How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
We usually get together in groups of common ideas, up to a point it is fine, but then the groups marry their beliefs, defend them to death, the mass is dangerous.
What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?
It depends, if I read a book and I don't like it too much I stop reading it, I didn't get the pleasure but it doesn't bother me, even the feeling of annoyance can be better. It's a problem to get what I want, I get bored easily, but I also don't get it because it hurts a little, i wont try hard either.
Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
In high school, my friends (with whom I do projects) generally leave me the leadership, they think I organize well. I'm used to it now and sometimes I want to be a leader in some cases, I feel comfortable organizing the group, I think the project will be done well. But leading larger groups, where interaction and organization must be greater, is too much for me. I will always prefer to be the leader of a group that does not require much organization, where participants are independent enough not to need much supervision.
How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
I have to say it. Sometimes I hear people talk about things that they don't have idea about but they try to look like experts on that or they defend themselves with a lot of conviction, it makes me a little angry but I don't do anything, I hide my opinion if they are strangers, acquaintances or family. With very close people or friends I have no problem.
What is one unusual trait or ability you possess? What makes you special?
Nothing, there have been and will still be people like haha. A feature that my friends usually emphasize: I move my hands a lot when talking, it helps me to express myself.
What is your sense of humor like? Do you joke around a lot?
I think you can joke about absolutely everything. From cancer and wars to the bad situation of a friend or her own. I usually joke in this way among very close friends, with relatives or strangers I can't, although I can accidentally do it. I like to joke in the school, of others, of myself, etc.
Your friend bursts into tears. What do you do? How does it make you feel?
Uncomfortable. I know I should cheer him up or comfort him but I don't want to, I can't stand that exagerated feeling exposure. I think I would hug him or something, maybe a few cliche words of encouragement, I don't really know, i don’t want that.
What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
It's no big deal but it made me feel quite happy; After traveling by train to join family members I had to wander for a few hours in a city that I didn't know. I walked a lot and ended up in a small bookstore, there were very few books, I bought two for three dollars, very cheap, I talked a little with the owner, very little, he recommended some books that I did not buy because they were very expensive; I left and kept walking, I felt happy and didn't know why. Then I got together with my relatives and that spirit went away when they argued for nonsense.
What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
Mmm, nothing.
What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
I do not believe that life has a purpose or meaning, we are here by chance and involuntarily, we like the place for some reason, but they take us out of here again by force. The best we can do in this case is to help each other, because we are all in the same hole.
What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?
In the surroundings of the farm to which I go on vacation there are several legends and tales of witches. It is also indigenous territory. I find it interesting, the atmosphere is very rustic and remote, the imagination runs.
Do you like surprises?
An unnecessary change of plans displeases me but I endure it and end up accepting it. I remember reading that a type doesn't like surprise calls or guests. I think it depends on my case. If I'm busy with something bothers me a little bit but I answer, if I'm not doing anything I answer the call anyways (same depends on who it is). Then, if I am invited to leave a party, I rarely accept by commitment, I usually give an excuse, but if I am very tired I just say no. I prefer to be called only to talk. I attend to the guests, but I can't stand them much, I prefer someone else to come so that I can go somewhere else.
I apologyze for my english. I’ve been trying to define my type for three months.