Prehistoric religion: focused on individual and group survival and nothing else. Created when human language was created and errors in communication led to hallucinations of non-present individuals, feelings of external control as possession, and formulas which worked higher than chance for non-understood reasons as magic and divination in nearly non-reflective individuals.
Archais religion: focused on relational harmony and winning conflicts with other groups, introduces some kind of real afterlife which people could desire rather than a vague "spirit realm" which was to be avoided at all costs because the point was staying alive. Created when resources could be preserved more than momentarily so people could reflect and focus on relationships.
Modern religion: focuses on an eternal afterlife as well as fulfilling arbitrary goals not related to physical sustenance, as well as ideals like forgiveness, mercy, love, charity, and soft-sounding ideals compared to paganism or tribal religion. Created when resources were potentially indefinite and people gained the ability to imagine infinity, zero, infinitesimals, continuity, constancy, etc.

There is now a new problem: identity politics. People didn't used to think of religion as something you shopped around for and wore like clothes, but simply a fact based on which community you were a part of, which could be changed but probably rarely. Now even when most people choose to keep their religion they describe even that in consumerist identity terms.

I posted this here rather than writing an essay and publishing it somewhere more official for one reason only: if you believe in socionics, enneagram, etc. I want you to either analyze the gods in terms of your system, or conclusively say it's not type-related. Your soul is at stake, even if you consider your soul to be the functions of your brain. Alternatively, spend less time thinking about a system which you don't even believe.