(My version will probably slightly vary from @BandD's but I will try to keep it as consistent as possible while also being consistent with my view of the world. If anyone has any really good reasons for a revision, please suggest them to me. I won't revise characters to suit your whims, but I will revise for the sake of truth, so getting me to revise anything you find horrid should be not hard as long as you really mean it.)
@BandD: A shaman who gets his powers from being gay. He flies around healing people with rainbows and has wisdom about how no one is good and everyone is good, and fights with celebrities over the fate of the Earth. @mu4: A fallen paladin/demon hunter. He fell and switched to hunting demons once he left his native China for the capitalist imperialist West. He is also part dragon of course. A cause of World War, gains rulership over a Kingdom of the Dragon. @Subteigh: A jack-of-all-trades "Red" Mage and rogue who steals books and artifacts in the name of acquiring all knowledge. @Grendel: A Divine Soul sorcerer. Lamashtu is is mommy and he hangs out with Slaanesh no matter how much it hurts. @coeruleum: A Wild Magic Sorcerer/Elder God warlock who was born with preternatural gifts on the frontier in a twist of fate and, out of a desire for knowledge and power, led into an inhuman pact. Hopeless romantic and an participant in causing World War. @DarkAngelFireWizard666: A dark wizard/druid. In a world where nature is evil, a druid is a dark wizard. Scholar, metalhead, prankster, bent on finding good even in what is considered dark. @bouncingoffclouds: A druid/rogue/ranger who rides animals, shoots bows and spells, and is the kind guardian of the forest. @End: The holy paladin inquisitor who smites "witches" wherever he can. Deus Vult! Another particpant in causing World War. @Investigator: Cleric scholar, paranormal detective, often accompanies @End. @Aylen: Psychic witch/Celestial warlock who is seeking to transcend the mortal plane and share her knowledge to find her soul group. Tries to prevent World War. @hag Classical witch, once read Dostoevsky but now prefers books of curses, some of which are inspired by Dostoyevsky. Ran off like Rimbaud to join the coven, now works alone sinking into deeper and darker depths of cursing members of productive society. @Beautiful sky Berserker in the name of family, morality, and love. Given special gifts by the God of Fi to fight for her values no matter what. Unlikely ally with @Subteigh trying to end the World War. @flames: Alien fey sorcerer/rogue. He can do many drugs because he's not human. Androgynous. Proficient in crime, escapades, and glamour in both senses of the word. @sbbds: Monk/fighter "Brawler." Defender of everything and nothing. Searcher for of man-pets and androgynous love escapades. @myresearch: Psionic mage on a quest to understand everything and everyone in the name of science which is also magic, all the same. @Sir Isaac Newton: Angel Divine Soul Sorcerer/Mage/alchemist. Also has incarnations as Jane Austen and Spartacus. Probably ends up dating @Subteigh and/or @coeruleum in the most minimally-awkward possible scenario. Invents gravity and the color indigo to the detriment of all living beings. @MegaDoodoo: Warlock of Mephistopheles, also summons Beelzebub occasionally. Insists on being a completely good warlock despite the demonic pact because he's a jokester and intends good and totally did his research before making the pact. @Alonzo: Tigerman warlord barbarian business mogul. Rules over a kingdom of animal people, trolls, orcs, and other bestial sentient beings who engage in piracy and legal business of various kinds. Helps start World War, in which he rules the Kingdom of the Tiger. @Muddy Soldier-knight and self-sufficient fisherman of all our dreams. Knows how to make advanced technology in his own home in case of war or the apocalypse and knows how to use it in battle as well as peacetime, and is an expert in artifacts along with @Subteigh and @myresearch.