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Thread: Jack Spicer

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  1. #1

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    Default Jack Spicer

    Admittedly I'm not all that big into kid shows, but I absolutely love this character

    Below are a few clips of him, if anybody could view them and tell me what they think his type is I'd appreciate it. These clips are all very short (less then 30 seconds) so they shouldn't take long to load.

    Afraid of the Dark

    Jack's robo harem

    Jack Being a Pussy

    And for those who can't view movies on UTube there's a wikipedia link on him:[/url]

  2. #2

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    found a short description of him:

    The stereotypical evil goth supervillain mastermind wannabe is one of the things that Jack aspires to. He is vain about his intelligence and has a penchant for lengthy taunts and theatrics. He has even told Wuya several times to be quiet while he gloats. Despite his professed evil nature, he cannot fit this stereotype, try as he might: he seems to be fundamentally good-hearted — helping Xiaolin monks who are in danger and so forth. Jack is inept at villainy; is afraid of the dark; lives in his parents' basement; has a fear of clowns and of being flushed down the toilet; goes all to pieces if he's away from his mother for more than a day; is easily bossed around by his little cousin Megan; and is constantly referred to as a whiny momma's boy. He screams in a feminine tone when frightened, which happens constantly.

    His methods of evil are, obviously, purely to his own benefit, to possibly gain as much respect as the robots he creates give him. It has been implied that his evil nature is an attempt to compensate for his own insecurities.

    I can't seem to find any good pictures of him online which is odd considering his huge fanbase.

  3. #3

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    KEBA!!! *glomps back* It's nice to see you here I only came to this place because you had mentioned it so many times and it got me interested in socionics. I was sad to see you weren't posting anymore but I'm glad you've decided to come back.

    Those are some lovely screenshots of Jacky, I know this pattern however. Shortly you'll be making some warped fanarts of him

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