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Thread: How to untangle: what is type 6, what is self Pres, and what is social?

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    Default How to untangle: what is type 6, what is self Pres, and what is social?

    As you may guess from my title, I'm having a hard time differentiating what is a type 6 core trait and what is sp, and so. I can clearly see how sx is manifested (at least when it is first) and how it is clearly different and even at odds with the 6 core traits. But sp and so traits just seem very 6 in general. I can't see what is definitively a 6 trait and what is sp or so. Especially so instinct. Duty bound, wants acceptance, feels secure if they are accepted in a group. Worry about what others think of them. Conformists. Like to have a rule book. Did I just give a standard 6 description or a social 6 description? Perhaps that means those two are my main stacks, but many I know would disagree with that.
    Any of you have any insights?

  2. #2
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    I'm an so-last 6 and occasionally feel separate from the way 6 is described in conversation. Not an enneagram expert, but might be able to provide insight based on my own traits. (If my type were taken for granted, which is a big if, and I understand that.) As for the traits you listed- they don't seem like things people generally wanna claim for themselves but largely seem a little universal ie conformism applies to most people prima facie, maybe unintentionally though lol. That said, while I can say, uh, sure, I guess I care what other people think, but I don't actively spend time worrying about it and stuff. The things I most relate to that you stated are being duty bound and liking to have a rule book- those are the two traits that I think might be a little more applicable to me than they are in general. Sp/sx btw

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    I'm an so-last 6 and occasionally feel separate from the way 6 is described in conversation. Not an enneagram expert, but might be able to provide insight based on my own traits. (If my type were taken for granted, which is a big if, and I understand that.) As for the traits you listed- they don't seem like things people generally wanna claim for themselves but largely seem a little universal ie conformism applies to most people prima facie, maybe unintentionally though lol. That said, while I can say, uh, sure, I guess I care what other people think, but I don't actively spend time worrying about it and stuff. The things I most relate to that you stated are being duty bound and liking to have a rule book- those are the two traits that I think might be a little more applicable to me than they are in general. Sp/sx btw
    Thanks this gives me something to think about. I definitely actively spend time worrying about how others view me, and where I stand. This is the main reason I avoid interacting with people, it's just too stressful. And then afterwards I can't stop thinking about that interaction. And dissecting it.

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