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Thread: Base vs Creative subtype: Which is better?

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    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    EIE or ESI 6w5sx/sp
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    ESI-Se have it easier than ESI-Fi, the Se type has much higher average IQ and is at least slightly more mentally stable overall and is able to enjoy life (and working and playing with people) a lot more and is more at ease around people though there are some outliers.

    ILE-Ti have much higher average IQ than ILE-Ne; the logical subtype's PoLR gets "hit" way more, but they have more ways around it and out of other troubles that the intuitive subtype can't as easily get out of; in fact, ILE-Ti seem to have better Ne than ILE-Ne, ILE-Ti works are a lot more revolutionary and original on average. There is quite a bit of individual variance between ILE-Ti though in terms of how outgoing and loud they are and how much happiness they express; some have completely monotone voices and aren't sociable (Mark Zuckerberg from a while back, Ben Stein), others smile, laugh, go to many traditional social events (weddings, funerals, sporting events), go into or create Fe atmospheres, and get excited AF (and show it). ILE-Ti females are slightly more likely to be upbeat than ILE-Ti males. ILE-Ti can also be pretty maternal/care-giving/domestic, the most so of all the Ne ego (sub) types, followed quite distantly by IEE-Fi. But they're one of the types least likely to smile in photos by themselves; so sexy.

    IEE-Fi are way happier than IEE-Ne and don't seem to have any more trouble with Ti than the intuitive subtype does, probably even less despite having boosted Fi.

    Seems to me like the creative subtypes have it easier than the base subtypes because the former seem more relaxed overall, the base subtypes are more hotheaded overall. An exception would be IEI-Ni vs IEI-Fe; the Ni subtype is more laid-back and happier.

    It also seems to me like males are much more likely to be the base subtype of most types than females (IEI is an exception). Males are generally less satisfied with life and less relaxed, less casual, and less emotionally stable, more anxious and angry than females; the overall difference may be small but it's there.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 12-27-2019 at 11:12 PM.

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