Thank you very much for your time. This is very insightful indeed. I think I resemble you in many ways. Thanks again for sharing.It happens very quickly. Some kind of association with what I see before me then triggers a reaction and maybe, you could say, a snap judgment. Oftentimes I will 'catch' myself doing that and try to see it for what it is, a judgment. Now that I think about it, I think I only enter that awareness when the judgment is a negative one -- the best word to describe the feeling is one of repulsion, maybe this brings in my e4-ness as well.
These are passing interactions with strangers at the small grocery co-op that I am thinking of. Why, probably has something to do with my beliefs, I'm not entirely sure. I think I can feel a lot of self-consciousness when around strangers in a small place (e.g. grocery store). I sort of wish that I were invisible in such a space to save myself the embarrassment of being seen out in public in not a fashionable outfit and having to interact with the checkout people, attempt to make conversation, they may say 'what?' because I was mumbling.
I think there are people I am curious about and those I am less curious about. Maybe for the latter group, I feel like I know enough about them based on what I pick up before me, and/or don't think that there is strong potential for us to develop any kind of relationship. Whereas in the first group, people who have some sort of charm and seem appealing to me, I'm kind of interested in getting to know more. Not that there are that many opportunities to actually form relationships with people when you are out and about! When I find someone interesting, I am at ease striking up a little convo. Not everyone is receptive to it, though. I hope this helps…
Also: I think that I like people who come off as friendly and down-to-earth. I don't like when people give off a highly stylized/curated vibe or seem esoteric* or hard to reach/get through to.
*i don't think the word 'esoteric' is usually applied towards people - more like interests or subject matter; i'm using it anyway here, with the knowledge of its likely grammatical incorrectness; this is an informal space.