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Thread: Nationalism

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  1. #10
    End's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    Nationalism is not related to any functions whatsoever.

    It's just another way to show people "I"m better than you" in short because of something you had absolutely no choice or control over.

    It's like the good looking person who looks down and mocks those less attractive. Like yeah, your nation might be stronger but you're acting like a piece of shit about it, not like you chose to be from there, or what you look like or like you yourself contributed anything to the overall greatness of Italy when you lived your life in America. Otherwise we would all pick the best one right? Something like nationalism is just a small way to think. In case it wasn't obvious enough already, nationalism has lead to 2 world wars.
    That last part is BS. Nationalism didn't cause the first (and by extension the second) World War. Globalism/Imperialism (but I repeat myself) did. Entangling alliances my dude, look up who was "allied" to whom at the time and that dumpster fire exploding into an epic world consuming firestorm becomes a tragically foregone conclusion once one bad thing (that sociopathic asshat rulers think they can use to to further their ends) happens. Bismark saw it coming, and the Kaiser was stupid enough to ignore his rather rational warning.

    Here's a video that explains it in about the same tone as I feel I'd explain it.

    Last edited by End; 11-23-2019 at 06:29 AM.

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