Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
I highly doubt the facts you're pulling up. Basically, what you're saying are stereotypes like "all rapists are Se-doms" or "all autists are Ni-doms". High, conscious Ne manifests as high awareness of Ne aspects, doesn't mean Ne-doms are controlled by them(might be different for EIE and LIE, since it's unconscious for them). It's not because someone appears scattered and as having bad motor skills that they are Ne-doms. Any type can be schizophrenic, stop your pseudo-science. Actually, you are trying, with some surface level observation, to ascertain the whole psyche of someone, using the "medical gaze". Michel Foucault wrote about that in the The birth of the clinic:

"Foucault coined the term "medical gaze" to denote the dehumanizing medical separation of the patient's body from the patient's person (identity). Through thorough examination (gazing) of a body, a doctor deduces symptom, illness, and cause, therefore achieving unparalleled understanding of the patient—hence, the doctor's medical gaze was believed to penetrate surface illusions, in near-mystical discovery of hidden truth." (from wikipedia)

There is a line between between disease and unhealthy/low cognitive development. Unhealthy Ne-doms may disregard Si and ignore Ni completely and appear all over the place, naively idealistic, and excentric but they'll will never take their hallucinations for reality.
Here we go >

Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
Socionics may not measure extreme deviances but it's not difficult to extrapolate likely conclusions if we take the functions/information elements far enough. For example, IME, I don't believe I've encountered someone with diagnosed Schizophrenia (delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, abnormal motor behavior) who wasn't an Ne lead or didn't have high D, usually valued Ne, which is all about piercing multiple veils of reality, recognizing ever emergent possibilities and permutations of objects, drawing parallels and associations between seemingly unrelated things, etc.... It shouldn't be difficult to see how Ne gone awry could manifest itself as a distorted perception of reality. Just like any extreme logical type with a 1D ethical function (which can manifest as a biologically induced form of "empathy blindness") could easily be a psychopath (which exists along a spectrum). What makes a disorder a disorder is a disruption of normal physical or mental functions.
Which part of the highlighted did you not understand? Unlike you, I speak with nuance and subtlety (see the blue) where as you say ridiculous shit like "unhealthy Ne-doms...will never take their hallucinations for reality." That's a far more unreasonable premise than anything I've said. I'm explicitly speaking of how abnormal, distorted functions might manifest based on their capabilities under normal circumstances. Perhaps your hyper sensitivity is clouding your ability to imagine and make rather obvious associations.