Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
I try not to dislike or hate anybody- even people who really, really deserve it because tbh that is how many bullies/assholes/Teh Evil Ones™️ operate. They thrive on upsetting you and getting you to dislike them you so much you hate and fight with them. And people tend to make poor strategic decisions when they do things based on emotions. I'm of course sensitive being a NF type, but I'm also wary about being triggered about stuff the world says 'I should be' triggered over.

I can't say I hate a type. It's too generic or something? To me its like saying you hate Fire type pokemon or something. Which you say 'well that makes sense because you are Ice type' but human beings really aren't like this. It's more complicated.

I guess I hate people that try to limit my freedom for personal vendattas or self-righteous reasons, but they won't really tell me exactly why they are so upset with me because it would hurt their Te career so much. It's obviously personal (but they are hiding behind professionalism- part of my Te polr perhaps but I dislike people not being STRAIGHT with me as it were), but they are hiding it because they know if they told me they'd think I'd get the upper hand more than they already think I do or something. It's like trying to get me involved in some fight or battle I don't want to participate in due to their own weird issues. I don't like people who obviously just want power and try to use me as a scapegoat or pawn to do it.

I feel like I already naturally am powerful, so I don't need to always go out looking for it. I clash with the opposite type of people. People who think power is about controlling & subjugating others because they can't really find peace within themselves. However this dynamic isn't that type related to me.
This is the most IEI shit I’ve ever read.