No, I also don't trust the test results. People sometimes define things differently hence they may answer the test according to their self definitions. People sometimes give a certain value to some adjectives, descriptions due to nurture, values of society or their personal thoughts/impressions/values. Therefore, they may feel closer ot distant to some types or IEs this can also caused by illusory superiority effect or dunning kruger effect. People sometimes get under the spell of barnum effect and they can't go out. People sometimes get personally attached to some types, and detattaching from it creates an illusion of identity loss. People sometimes don't know themselves and even if they do, they try to type themselves without understanding socionics. People may think that they have different types/IEs at different periods of their life. People may experience some life changing events to change how they define themselves in life. Overall, people may fail to objectively type themselves and everyone can be wrong.

Briefly, I don't trust people's self-typings and I may think that people typed themselves correctly. One doesn't rule out the other. Hence, I also don't assume that people type themselves wrongly. Besides, I also don't think that people are telling the truth when they describe themselves in real life. Again, I don't necessarily assume that they are lying even if I have concrete proof that they are wrong.