Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
Well, I'll be damned, @Vis. You're right.

I'll see if she can do some engineering work, or if she is good with a circular saw.

That's a joke, but you absolutely are right. I could see how she'd look at a trip to some museum as a waste of time, but I really don't want to ask her to do home improvements just yet.
I know an ESI-Se who loves camping. I know an ESI-Fi who hates camping. I think this one is the "hates camping" kind of ESI.

What to do, what to do? Now I have to think of something.....

Anyway, thanks.
"That's cool, what computer system?" I would just use the Te opportunity she already shared as one that's in her life to try to build a connection from there. While keeping it casual, respecting her competence at her job, sharing any tips that come to mind or any similar experience with what she's working with. That's what I would suggest. Conversing about something Te-related that could benefit her life in the near term.

Also, maybe her job isn't as focused on the computer system itself as I first thought it might be. I don't know and don't need to know her profession, but I would still build off of that system as an opening.