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Thread: ESI/LIE Conversations

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    While I was sorting paperwork today (see above post), I was talking to the ESI-Se about Socionics while she was selling my old furniture on Facebook Marketplace.

    She hates to hear me talk about Socionics, because it interferes with her prejudice that every person can be any special kind of snowflake that they choose to be, and that nothing is predetermined. However, I'm kind of an asshole and I keep talking about it, although less than I used to when she first started working with me. Fortunately, she seems to forget nothing; she's a typical ESI. Lol.

    So I've told her that our Quadra is all about money and contracts, and I'm all about cold hard facts and my ability to be ethical is fairly coarse-grained, in the sense that I'm fine with making laser weapons which will destroy humanity as long as I can make a profit from them. She is wonderful in the sense that she hasn't hit me with a shovel yet. I'm helped by the fact that she can see for herself how well we get along, so I think she's sold on the idea that there are some people out there, not necessarily types, who simply don't fight. She also is able to see the strained interaction that I have with my SLI son, and wanted to know how I felt about that. I told her that I liked and respected him, but the Supervision relationship that he and I have is one of the worst ITRs and it takes work and skill to stay on the sunny side of the street.

    It also helps that I've hired other people for this project, and I know all their types and I tell her how their types will interact with both me, her, and with each other. She's beginning to see this stuff. But she's a CP e6, so she Doubts.

    Sometimes, I can see the wheels turning in her head, when she is thinking about her past GFs.

    She is a "Working" Dual with a different subtype than mine, and I've told her that I have a "Living" Dual, with the same subtype as mine. I can tell that she is intensely interested in this other subtype, and in seeing me interact with her, although she tries to hide this interest.

    Today, a woman came to pick up a shelving unit that the ESI-Se posted for sale. The woman walked in the door, then said she had to do something with her car, and bounced out again. When she was out of earshot, I told the ESI-Se that the woman was an ESI-Fi, and the ESI-Se immediately stuck like glue to watch us interact.

    The ESI-Fi came in again and I showed her the shelving unit, and she was enchanted. I said, "Do you like it? Really?"

    "Yes! My husband and I just moved here and this will be perfect for our place. Why do you ask?"

    Before I could answer, the ESI-Se said, "It belonged to his ex-wife and we're making a clean sweep." But that wasn't really the reason that I asked her if she liked it.

    I said, "My ex picked this out, and while she normally had terrific taste, I never liked this."

    "Well", said the woman. "In that case, I'll drop my offer to $20."

    I laughed. "No way. You agreed to buy it at the asking price and you never go back on a contract."

    She laughed. "You're right. I never break a contract."

    She continued, looking at the ESI-Se, "Should we put this on your credit card or do you prefer cash? Because Cash is King."

    The ESI-Se said, "The credit card works", and they completed the transaction and I loaded the shelving unit into her SUV.

    As she was getting into the car, I asked her, for the benefit of the ESI-Se, "What does your husband do?"

    The ESI-Fi hesitated for just a moment, since this question was outside what was strictly necessary for a mercantile transaction, but she decided that I was OK and answered, "He's a nuclear engineer."
    I said, "Yay, Thinkers." She looked thoughtful, smiled, and then off she went.

    I looked at the ESI-Se. She started to laugh with amazement. "You did that on purpose. To show me that she was my type. And her husband was your type."

    "Yep. Notice she said, Cash is King, she never goes back on a contract, and she's married to a nuclear engineer. Pretty much classic."

    The ESI-Se thought about this for a while. "How did you know she was my type? We look completely different."

    I said, "It was something in her face. I can see it, but I can't explain it. But with practice, you can do it, too. And you'll need to, because my type is pretty rare."
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 07-11-2021 at 02:32 AM.

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