This times 1000. "Stratiyevskaya said it very well:

"Going out on a long journey or venturing on a risky venture, the LIE must feel assured that his "rear flank" is covered and that he has a "warm home" to return to - a place where someone is waiting for him and where he needs to return. For LIE it is very important to realize that he is very needed and dear to somebody, that his life is very valuable and significant, that there is somebody out there who loves him, who cares and waits for him. If there is nobody like this, the risks that the LIE takes on diminish in their value - his life and his work become meaningless. In accordance with the system of values ​​of the third quadra and of his dual dyad, the LIE risks himself for the success and well-being of his "team."

His "team" is a specific group of people with whom he is associated by strong tries and reliable relations. For the sake of friendship, love, respect and peace of these people the LIE is ready to take on any load, both physical and psychological, to endure thought any tests, to go for any risks and sacrifices - but it all makes sense only if this is needed by somebody."

As she stated, I can go out and do things in the real world without much in the way of human support, but I have to know that someone is available who cares about me."