So basically, in the Bobiverse (lol), they can scan the brain of a person, effectively destroying their brain, but transcoding their brain into procedural software. This software can be run without inputs and given various inputs, controls, and modifications. All the while the subject is aware, while its going on. But they know how the brain functions in order to do this.

So blind people can paint objects with perspective, despite never having seen anything with their eyes. So the understanding of perspective was already encoded into the brain. And the brain has a unique structure all on its own, independent from input. Think of it as being in a sensory deprivation tank, but you raise someone up from birth like that, metaphorically speaking, in order to study its structure. And they don't really know what's going on and wouldn't feel pain because the brain has no pain receptors. I mean wouldn't it still be aware though? And wouldn't a software version of that also be just as aware? Is there a difference? Is one somehow more ethical than the other? Are we just meatbags when it's all said and done?