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Thread: SLI/ISTp Suggestive Ne vs LSI/ISTj Ne PoLR

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    Default SLI/ISTp Suggestive Ne vs LSI/ISTj Ne PoLR

    I guess this is another PoLR question, but I always see people mixing it up. From what I've been reading, Ne suggestive seems to be about not being the best at Ne yourself, but admiring it in others, and Ne PoLR seems to be about rarely if ever using it. But then it confuses me when people say that Ne PoLR is about worrying about the future. I know that Ne inferior in mbti is about worry, but that is different here. Doe the worry occur often or on super rare occasions? Do SLI's ever have this worrying component?

  2. #2

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    Ne PoLR is about refuting alternatives, almost to the point of being hardheaded and stubborn, blinding yourself to distractions and exceptions to rules, being confident in absolute statements that don't account for exceptions.

  3. #3
    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    Lord Pixel is spot on. As an IEE myself, I can say that many IEEs, confronted with a problem to solve, can come up with out-of-the-box solutions. Not always the most efficient or effective way, but contrary to many other people who simply give up, an IEE is more inclined to go for it. But even in those cases where IEEs come up with a better, more effective and more efficient solution, this might not go down well with especially LSIs, because for LSIs it is not the result that matters, but the way things are done, and there is always only one proper way, which happens to be their way.

    In this respect SLIs and LSEs are a lot better to work with for an IEE. Last two days I was working in a company restaurant making baguettes which had to be wrapped in paper bag, then sealed with a sticker. The LSE chef put the baguette in a bag, than put it down to remove a sticker from a sheet, then picked up the bag again to apply the sticker.

    I did it different: I took a sheet of stickers, removed 8 stickers for my 8 baguettes and attached them to the side of worktop. Then I started to pack the baguettes, and while still having a bag in my hand, I grabbed a sticker with my other hand and closed the bag with the sticker. Its not earth shattering, but it is a bit more faster and more convenient to work that way, a few less acts to perform on each baguette. Yesterday I saw this LSE chef had adopted my procedure!

    Such a thing is inconceivable with LSIs, they will keep doing things their way despite having been shown a better way, or until someone orders them to do it a new way. Perhaps in some rare cases they might adopt a new way, but never when shown the ropes by an IEE, if that IEE is still in sight.

    I've seen it so many times that I do not even bother anymore suggesting anything to Beta-STs.
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

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    The sacrifice seeing things from multiple angles to try and see things very clearly, but from only one viewpoint. It is frustrating to Ne users, but to them it's strengthening and essentially purifying their viewpoint, only problem is they run into issues when they are so sure of something that is actually wrong.

    I think the difference lies in the confidence LSI has that Ne doesn't exist, and the insecurity SLI has with Ne existing and they have no control over it. SLI can sometimes be like, Ne! Oh no we have to kill it before it kills us. LSI is like, Ne doesn't exist, and they get stuck insisting it doesn't.

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    Rebelondeck's Avatar
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    Ne indicates the type of information that would be considered when viewing the future; it does not represent an outcome like pessimism, worry or stubbornness. All types can exhibit these qualities; they just express them differently. LSIs seem to have a clearer command of Ne-information because they'll employ a restricted subset of it in their own day-to-day processing. SLIs tend to be much more narrowly focused on the present and immediate situations so would likely not employ Ne processes unless they subconsciously realize that they're not coping or that stress has overwhelmed them. Ips are often blind to consequences of their actions whereas Ijs are often blind to what's around them, so worry of the future may be more of an Ij thing while Ips often get paranoid about what's happening around them.....

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Ok, thank you for the insightful comments.

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    Out of the box thinking isn't a Ne thing. Its just thinking out of the box.

    When you started telling your story about all the stickers, my eyes started to glaze over. Sounds like more "make-work" work. A lifestyle process to accomplish the same thing in a more efficient amount of time.

    Se types make up for loss in efficiency by simply working faster, literally.

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    N-types have a top-down data perspective whereas S-types typically view things from the bottom up; a N-type's first instinct is to see a forest while S-types would likely focus first on the trees but this doesn't mean that one would not see the other's perspective. All information is comprised of N and S components and information can only exist with both aspects present; for example facts (S-perspective) are useless unless they're related (N-perspective) to other facts and relationships without facts are equally useless. The only difference between N- and S-types is how they structure (view) the exact same information (people, things and situations) for rationalization.......

    a.k.a. I/O

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