Adopt distributist policies. Recognise the importance of family as a unit and Christian values (note: values, not faith) in our constitution. Abolish Swedish public service media entirely. Keep the taxes high, but only spend them on direct welfare - not social engineering or public art projects. Stop immigration entirely temporarily until we have more control of the current situation. Once that is done, focus primarily on international aid followed by moderate immigration policies favouring integration and some degree of cultural assimilation. Work to eliminate imported Islamic patriarchal structures. Allow midwives to opt out of performing abortions for personal morality reasons, also inform women that abortion is not the only option. Make drastic improvements to the welfare and care of our elderly, handicapped, sick, weak and otherwise unable. Work towards allowing universities total freedom from state, religious and business intervention. Encourage free speech, open and uncensored debate. Work towards net neutrality and everyone's right to privacy. Leave EU. Some form of (non-violent) environmental revolution is definitely called for too.