Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
What's the reasoning behind this? Equating these two typologies suggests a lack of understanding of both. Regardless, this info is not useful without any explanation.
It's useful because it can explain the cause of many mistypes. When you type/VI someone, you are picking up on different elements/energies of the person at the same time, Say for example you type an IEE-Ne 7w6 sp/sp. That means you are picking the IEE-Ne vibe, the 7w6 vibe (which is akin to EIE-Ni) and the sp/sx vibe (which is akin to LSE-Si). This equivalence helps differentiate the different elements so that you dont end up typing this person EIE-Ni or LSE-Si.

As an example here on the forum, we have queentiger who probably is IEI-Fe 3w4 sx/sp. So she is getting typed EIE from the 3w4 element, and now she is typing herself LIE from the Sx/sp element.

Another example is Jordan Peterson, who is even getting typed LIE despite that he is most likely a SEI-Si, and that would be because he is 1w2 (which corrresponds to LIE). People are seeing Te (also due to the so/sp SLI-Te element) which is in fact alpha -Ti like olimpia's.

You see, there are different elements that take part when typing someone and this helps to differentiate them. It's also cool af IMO because it shows that both socionics and enneagram might have a similar origin.